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Everything posted by giggitygoo

  1. Think of this though for the BP, it will surely come with some form of villain as the sets each have to have some action, whether or not it follows the movie as the sets are mainly aimed for kids. So with that in mind we may have our hand son some awesome figures (if not a kraken )
  2. I'm guessing Vader will have a new face with the new lego eyes everyone has been getting, and it will probably be a bit more detailed
  3. I think you'll find that rooster on the roof is a weather vane
  4. Racism no but i serioussly think we dont have enough black lego people
  5. Close ups of the Pirates of the Carribean sets sadly no Black Pearl still nice to see everyone up close Click Here For Site
  6. Im hoping its the Lone Ranger as 1. Disney has revealed how successful theyve been with Lego, and this movie seem likely 2. Johnny Depp is in it so it would deffinately be one of the stand out movies 3. We havent seen Western for a LONG time and it would be lovely to see it return
  7. Did anyone else notice gold bars in the London set :) and im so glad that the building has improved from the preliminary structure Cant wait to see black Pearl :)
  8. All of the Baldrics are a modification of the bag piece, all are brown with a small slot which you can easily slide a sword in, you can see one up close in the Captains Cabin set picture
  9. REALLY?! :wub: but where did u hear that? Also Brickipedia only listed 12 minifigs where we were told that there were 15 Im guessing there are some frm the battle of hogwarts that we havent seen
  10. Im excited for Echo Base, I just hope its not a replica of 7666 (Which I own) If it is similar, hopefully it will look a lot better
  11. Well i guess you could say that its likely to be included as a room as it is a deathly hallows set. And I wonder what other rooms will be included, obviously it wont be the scale as the last hogwarts, but still Id imagine the archeteture would be similar and that it would sit well with previous castle. And I have to say it would be awesome with a nagini And you'd think that the Battle of Hogwarts would come with a few more "bad guys" than just a voldemort at least one other I think well just have to wait for the New York Toy Fair in February for clarification
  12. I know, Barbossa just doesnt seem right without a longer beard Oh well the sets are still epic
  13. Avatar's good but its not as good as Avatar 2 or 3, you get me? (Taaj, Come Fly with me ) No but that definately looks like mermaid man, wow im really excited for these sets
  14. Ive just asked Huw of Brickset if the Black Pearl was there and if he could tell us anything about it
  15. Hopefully we'll get some awesome new minifigs And some more fish would always be welcome
  16. Mbe its George Lucas in a Santa Costume
  17. IF there is a third ship then again, thinking of a Flying Dutchman But I highly doubt there will be a third ship this year and i cant say im 100% sure this theme will continue, unless it will be highly successful (which i have no doubt that it will be) Also, according to Huw from Brickset, each set has a unique Jack Sparrow, according to a woman at the London Toy Fair In the sets where he is wearing the same costume, im guessing he'll have a unique facial expression
  18. oh yeah, after looking at all the info it seems they will be lego system :sweet:
  19. Its Duplo, sadly :cry_sad:
  20. Cant wait for coverage of the Toy fair (and im getting a wee bit impatient) ahaha Then again the New York Toy Fair should be better as we will be able to get pictures
  21. After a closer look, the 2 pirates in the captains cabin are zombies (a similar figure is also in QAR) And I just have to say that these sets look Amazing! Cant wait to see the London Escape set
  22. I have looked it up and Professor Sprout does appear in the Deathly Hallows pt 2
  23. Interesting theory, however i think that most likely the only thing thats not right is the figures themselves
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snWJmSJkwv4 Glimpse from the London Toy Fair There are Harry Potter sets shown, but unfortunately i could not spot anything new
  25. Thats right i looked it up So yeah there wont be a black pearl in OST and the original Black Pearl they used in the films was modified YAY that means awesome minifigs that we know and love (hopefully) lol and i just hope, even though it is highly doubtful, that it will (fingers crossed) come with Davy Jones
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