What Lego-related thing did you do today?
Picked up my new PF cables at the post office from LEGO. Now to get into some serious SBrick testing.
Which set is the one you enjoyed building the most?
I'm into trains and Technic but I have to agree with the others that Medieval Market Village was my most enjoyable build. Second place goes to set 8455 Back-Hoe. The most fun watching a build was when I picked up 10214 Tower Bridge to torture my brother. It took him a full week to build.
- Hello from Ontario, Canada
- Hello from Ontario, Canada
- MOC: Wagon Tipper
Hello from Ontario, Canada
Greetings Eurobricks community. I'm obviously new to the forum however like most I've been lurking around for years now. My main interests are trains and technic and I hope to one day build something worthy of displaying at a future Brickfete LEGO convention here in Ontario, Canada. One day. For now I'll keep on building and perhaps with some friendly help here I can improve my models. Looking forward to good things, KentM
[Software] Lego Catalog and Breakdown Database
Hello Dragma, This is a very interesting tool you are working on and I am VERY interested in checking it out. My personal LEGO collection is over 100,000 pieces which is all organized and pulling parts for a nephew to build a set is really time consuming even though it's organized. I'm also building up a stock of brick to eventually become a Bricklink store. I'm interested in seeing how your software could help with that as well. I would be very interested in becoming a beta tester for you if possible. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Cheers, KentM
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