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Monkey Joe

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    Lego, Heroclix


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  1. Did the person say what country and what store these were found?
  2. The Target code on the receipt
  3. Any one have the Target DPCI ?
  4. Barnes and Noble was the only store near me that got them in (none at Target, Kohls, Walmart, or Best Buy). BnN uses the security stickers so that threw off the weights. I bought 10 and got all but Clint, Goliath, Echo, and Wolverine. I got extras of both Moon Knights. Mr Knights were each different weights, I thought one was possibly a Clint Hawkeye. And both Moon Knights were also not the same weight, I thought one was a Wolverine. Maybe the stickers threw off the weights or maybe I needed to recalibrate…
  5. Anyone have the DPCI ???
  6. Chip and Dale are pre-90s. They aren’t in their Rescue Rangers outfits. Scrooge and the kids I’ll give you as Duck Tales versions, though. But yeah we really needed a Goofy and Pluto. Snow White or Robin Hood would have been fantastic.
  7. I don’t really go for the MCU stuff, but the Black Order look close enough to their comic counterparts that I may have to pick them up. Here’s hoping for a Squirrel Girl in 2018.
  8. Is the Giant-Man minifigure only a preorder bonus, or does he come with all Deluxe versions of the game? Not necessarily just the preorder.
  9. Squirrel Girl, Koi Boy, and Chipmunk Hunk!!! Yes!
  10. Well, she is featured in the new Marvel Heroes 2 Lego game, along with Koi Boy and Chipmunk Hunk, so here's hoping...
  11. No word on a Squirrel Girl?
  12. Hey man, I love Doreen just as much, if not more, as you do my friend. I just want her made, lol. I couldn't think of any other DC I'd want, and they did make a Shazam/Capt Marvel, so I figured why not guess Adam? :)
  13. I switched out his hands and hip joint with pieces from an extra C3P0, and his legs with legs from a city police pontoon pilot polybag figure (I forget the real set name but I think I got it at Target). Matches pretty well.
  14. Marvel: Squirrel Girl DC: Black Adam
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