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Everything posted by JDL1967

  1. It is almost 3 weeks ago. I will wait another week, and give him the benefit if the doubt. I already send him an email a vieuw days ago regarding the cost. I also want to say that i dont see it as a trade. This because i have give the technic parts away. I also have given a marvell minifig to a EB member in the states, and i recieve a mail that he recieved it and thank me for it. What i try to say is that not everyone is a bad person. If i dont have the money next weekend or the reason why, i will send a mail to the staff of EB. There are all kind if people on EB, and i am sure that so as in real life not everybody has the money for his or her hobby. Thats why i like the free stuff idea and have give bricks and parts away witch i have no use for.
  2. I thought about it, but thats not realy my style. I thougt i help someone ho can use the bricks and parts for his hobby, but that whas the wrong thought. Anyway its a lesson for the future. And maybe he reads this and wil pay. Thanks for youre reply, and i will think it over iff i will contact the staff.
  3. Free stuf, yeah is not free aftherall. I have send a batch of technic to a member it cost me €.20, for shippingcost witch hey would pay he sad. Wel it is more then 2 weeks ago, and you geuss it, still no money recieved. So i give someone about 2 kilo of free technic bricks, and it cost me 20 euro's at the and. NO MORE FREE STUFF TO GIVE AWAY FROM ME..!!! Bad people are found everywhere also on Eurobricks. Another lesson learnd.... :angry:
  4. I want to add that, if you have any questions ask them at the right people. So has Edwin Korstanje help me with a vieuw things. And i just simpely ask him.
  5. Maybe you can to try it with double beams on each side, and place some actuators in it.
  6. Everything is send to EB members..
  7. Tihs is my version of the Tracktor Truck from Lucio Switch. I have played a little bit with the colors of the cabin. I also have put in a windscreen and windows in the doors. With a windscreen you need wippers, so i plced them also. The windows are made of a plastic box. I used a box just to try out if it was possible. Now i wil go on a surch to find the right plastic with a little black tint. If i have find that, i will change the windows, for a mutch realistic and better look. I am not sure, but i think this is the first MOC with windows in it. I like it, it gifs the model just a little more the real look.
  8. The dutch forum, tnx but i post my question there allready. Now i just wait untill i get an answer. its just to find out what i can do with it. i think that i get an answer there.
  9. Ok where can i find the Sbrick forum? Its often that i see the Sbrick name go by here on Eurobricks. A lot of people are talking about it. Thats why i ask it here on eurobricks.
  10. Check also www.marktplaats.nl a Dutch site. Its owned by Ebay, but no fees or auction. Private people and also shops advertise here.
  11. I like to no what the possebilitys are with using the Sbrick. Is it only a reciever, ore can it be used for more? I would like to find some info recarding the functions of the Sbrick, so i no what i can do with it. When possible in Dutch.
  12. I like this one mutch more than tge origional LG Technic version. This one has mutch more details. Great build..
  13. If flyboy01 hasend respond on my mail tomorrow, your the next in line fir the technic parts. Technic parts Bionicle parts Car or train parts, i am not sure whant they are. There's a picture of the bionicle parts. Your the first. If you want them they are yours. You can send me a PM so i can find out what the shippingcost will be.
  14. Check the site www.marktplaats.nl ( Dutch Ebay )
  15. Awsome job. if i finishd the Tracktor Truck, The Crastender wil be the next build.
  16. Lucio Switch and some members ( sorry dont no exactly who ) are working on the instructions, not me!! I wish i could build instructions for the amazing crashtender MOC. At the moment i am building the Tracktor Truck designd by Lucio, also a great MOC.
  17. Ok a new way to build. But i will wait for the instructions. In the mean time i am working on the Tracktor truck with a new feature, witch will be the first in any technic MOC. And when i have the instructions for the crashtender i will aply that new item also on that MOC. And maybe just maybe TLG will pick it up, and we will see it in there future technic models.
  18. Great job!!! Do you build it with only use pictures? If so, thats is an amazing task to do so. Over 7000 pieces, i have to save to build it.
  19. I send you a PM I send you a PM
  20. Yeh instructions for the 42043 rc is hard to find. I have found some youtube movie's, but they are all in chines. But i keep on with my hunt for the rc instructiones.
  21. Hello folks, Has anyone instructions for the 42043 and the 42009 to make them FULL RC? And no where i can get them? I would like to make both models full rc on all functions, but i still havend found instructions to do so. I hope someone cannhelp me with it.
  22. Maybe you can chekout the Tracktor Truck from Lucio Switch. It is about the scale 1:10 but you can use that one as an example.
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