Everything posted by JDL1967
[MOC] Airport Crash Tender
JDL1967 replied to Lucio Switch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOk thats great news. I am now building the tracktor truck. Great moc also. I am looking forward to the Crashtender instructions. I dont think the costs will be about €. 10,- like the tracktor truck. But evenso i am not an LDD creator, i still understand the amount of time it will take to make them. That told, i will pay the price it takes to buy the instructions for the Crashtender. Just because its a great MOC..!!
Part needed from set 60064
Hello, Here in the Netherlands we have a site cald Marktplaats ( the site is ownd by Ebay). There are a vieuw sellers with sel al lot of parts. Bellow i have a link for you. You can check it out if you want. The seller lives here in Limburg the Netherlands. Maybe you can send me a picture of the parts you want, and i can look on also if you want. LINK With regards JDL1967 ( Jesse )
Looking for Vintage town, and vintage train sets
Maybe is this something for you. It is a Dutch site ownd by Ebay. Good luck..!! and
Decool figures review, The trial of the enemy!
I am not into lego minifigs, city, heroes and so on, but in to technic. The decool bricks look perfecly the same as Lego. But..... it isint lego. If you look good, youll see that all the colors are a little bit more glossy than lego. The reason for that is "cheap plastics" lego buys his pallats from the Sabic company. The produce in strikt protocalls on helth, envoirment ans so on. I now for a fact that the plastics from China are not produced that way. What i like to no is, contains the plastic from "decool" no toxic componants? I work in the heavy chemical industrie, and have a vieuw collegs ho has worked in China in the plants ho produce plastics, and it issend what we are used to. So maybe we must think about that before we buy a set for are kids. I woudend be the first time that there are dangerous products from China in ower stores ho are later taken away. I will stick with lego, for the brand, te quilaty and ofcors the reminder to my youth. And as i look on marktplaats ( the Dutch Ebay) there are other brands ho sell bricks for sale. But the are vieuwt minor and also low in offerring.
Want: Lego POTC Black Pearl
Hello, Do you still want the Blackpearl? Or are you allready have one. Gr.
Looking for Vintage town, and vintage train sets
Maybe you can find wat you want on the Dutch sellingsite good luck with it...
[MOC] Airport Crash Tender
JDL1967 replied to Lucio Switch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHello Lucio, do you no when the instructions fot the frashtender will be ready, and what the cost will be for the instructions?
[MOC] Airport Crash Tender
JDL1967 replied to Lucio Switch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNo,no thats just the fun of it. To make it so, that you can hardley see it. I have seen one with the motor vertical in the front seat. That is the easy way. I am so far the the motor is placed and the front and rear backseat are placed back. Now i am waiting for a vieuw parts i Orderd to finish the vw t1 fully rc.. And than the next project lucio's crashtender..
[MOC] Airport Crash Tender
JDL1967 replied to Lucio Switch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingStill looking forward for the instructions of the crashtender. In the meanwhile working on the t1 to make it full RC. Normaly a little job, but not iff you want to keep it all so original as posible... It is not so easy...
[MOC] Airport Crash Tender
JDL1967 replied to Lucio Switch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingGreat build. Very nice MOC. Looking forward to the instructions. In now allready it will be a great MOC build.!!!
[MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling
- SL Gabon: Studless Madness
JDL1967 replied to Edwin Korstanje's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingZeer indrukwekkend zijn jouw modellen. Groots in detail en mooi om te zien. Petje af!!! Nu komt mijn vraag, ondanks dat het jouw creaties zijn, heb jij ook eventueel bouwinstructie´s met onderdelenlijst beschikbaar? En zo ja, zou ik er 1 kunnen kopen? Very impressif are your models. Great in detail and beautifull to see. Great job!! Now my question, regardless that it are your creatioins, do you have by any chance the buildinginstructionswith a partslist? And iff you do, can i buy one from you? Gr. Jesse- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIts an original lego thread from the set 42009. The lego nr. is 6043879. Maybe you can but it there. If not try Gr. I was thinking a way to fix the hook on the crane, and this option was the one. Gr. Jesser The front and the back. Front with axle to place the hook. The rear with my version of the rear lights.- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingFinaly i have finish the crane More pics at And i must add, with a liitle time and very small ty-rips there is an easy way to hide the cable's from the seats.. I also want to thank Alex for his help with the vieuw problems i had..- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingTnx i did it and it works!!- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingMy version of the cabin The contraweight is build in next to the battery-bos. Insted of steel balls i used 1 M8 bold and 7 M8 nuds. I make 3 of these sets and placed them in 3 battery compartments.- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIs there someone ho now how to upload pcis into this forum?- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingOk i will make some pics, and i wil try to send them by pm to yuo.TNX!!!Gr. Jesse- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThe cabin with the boom is ready, but with the under-carrier i still havend found the right cable connections. I call it a day and look at it AGAIN tomorrow after work. If there are any suggestions please tell me so i can finish they crane finally. I have gut power on all the motors, but the driving isend working on all axles and the studs wont come down and are making a cryding noise.- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHELP HELP!! Hello, I really need some help from the experts. I cant find any instructions how to place the cable's from the, motors, lights and receivers to the battery-box. before i put the cable in a nice order with ti-rips, i must sure that all the connections are made in the right configuration. It is the last phase of my build of the Grove GMK 6400 mobile crane. I hope that there is someone ho can and will help me with this because i cant see the tree's threw the Forrest so to speak. I hope that i get some help. Best Regards JDL1967- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI have almost finish the build of the crane. I have seen the pics of Vassel GREAT BUILD!! Also can have use of some of your pictures. Now i now how to connect al the cable's from the motors, lights ect. I have made a vieuw little changes. On the back the lights and the front I mounted an axle for the steel hook. Whem i am ready i will post some pics of my build of the Grove 6400 Crane. Gr. JDL 1967- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI ask my question again. is there someone that can tell me how to connect the motors in the MOC crane??? I cant find it in the instructions.- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI have a little problem with the build. can anyone tell me where i can find the instructions for how to put the cable's from the differend motors on the recievers?? I have the 199 page instructions, but i cant find in there..- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYou are free to make that choice. I was looking for the cheapest way, and all new bricks and acc. I now have all the parts for arround €.900,- the remaning parts cant be used for another build, or you can sell them..- [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
JDL1967 replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingFollow the 199 pages instructions, i have buyd 3 x 42009 and 2 x 42030 new in the box. On different site's I have find the remaning new parts I need. In the boxes from the 42030 you'll find all the electric parts you need together with te electric parts in the 42009 box you only need one switch en twoo extended cable's. I have spend about €. 900,- so that I build the crane. I must say it is a lot, but it is an awsome model. Thank to all the creators.. I must add that the price I have payed is in my country the Netherlands. prices maybe different in other country's. Buy the way this price is for the fully suspended version.. - SL Gabon: Studless Madness
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