Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Welp, that comment aged like a fine blood wine! Not that I doubted it, but I guess this confirms that the uniforms will be the season 3 & onward design, since Ensign Ro didn't join the cast until season 5.
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
If anything, I'd expect a small shuttle build with an exclusive minifig or two to be the GWP for a big Enterprise set. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see some regular sets, but the hayday of Star Trek toys passed thirty years ago so I'm just expecting big display pieces now. Maybe we'll get some art sets if Lego continue with the licence beyond a single set, and some mid-scale ships would be great, but I'm not holding out hope for Lego playsets (like the bridge, transporter room and shuttlecraft which I had for my TNG action figures back in the day).
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm hoping that Lego might borrow some ideas from their Captain's America's shield set, a three-dimensional dish shape you wouldn't think you could make from rectangular Lego bricks. No clue if they could make the oval shape of the Enterprise-D's saucer, but I think it would be a better approach than Blue Brixx's design using slopes & wedge bricks.
Wizarding World 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
They gave us the Hogwarts Students blister pack back in 2020 with Harry, Draco, Cho and Hannah Abbott to represent the four houses, but further packs in that vein got replaced by the "Hogwarts Moments" fold-out sets and then later the house banners as a means of giving us various students instead. Another blister pack, or a set with four figures and a small build like the Star Wars battle packs, is long overdue for the HP line. I'm just worried that any such set would need a new "gimmick" (like the magical trunk or the folding sets) to attract more casual fans which would push up the price.
DC Superheroes 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Forgive me for clutching at straws here, but is there any chance that "No Superman set(s) in summer" only covers the June release window, and we might get something in August? If we're still getting info on the August Batcave, is it too much to hope that a Superman set might still be possible?
Dream Lego Licensed Themes
Brickset recently reported that BlueBrixx no longer has the Star Trek license, and suggested that Lego might be interested in getting the IP as part of its 18+ range. Some big display models of the hero ships would be awesome, especially the original Enterprise, although my dream would be the space station Deep Space Nine with scaled versions of the Defiant, Enterprise-D & Voyager that could be posed either docked or flying nearby. Some smaller ship sets would be great, since the franchise has had so many iconic vessels over the decades, but I fear that Lego and/or Disney wouldn't want anything competing with their midi scale Star Wars ship sets (which is a pity, since a Klingon Bird-of-Prey at that scale would look beautiful). Star Trek has never been a huge draw for merchandise sales, but Lego could definitely sell an occasional D2C display model and the like, so long as it doesn't step on the toes of Star Wars.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I'd love to see Platform 9 & 3/4 bookends; one with the Trio as first-years, and the other with them as adults (since Lego didn't include adult Ron and Hermione in the D2C Hogwarts Express for some inexplicable reason) to show their whole journey.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
When Jeremy Renner drove his snowplough to rescue his nephew from that snowdrift, did he run over a Lego designer's dog on the way or something?! Hawkeye's absence from the Marvel logo is baffling (and that's saying a lot, given the set's many glaring issues).
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Thunderbolts* has the problem that its marketing isn't revealing some of the main characters because it's too much of a spoiler for the whole movie. While comics fans know who "Bob" is, and that such a colourful character & their alter ego might make for an awesome Lego set, Marvel has decided to market the whole movie as a Suicide Squad-esque movie about a bunch of baddies with guns... which doesn't play very well with Lego's values. If the MCU was still generating huge profits for them, Lego might be willing to ignore their child-friendly values a bit (look at their Star Wars theme, for example), but since many MCU sets have been shelf-warmers in recent years, a set with a bunch of unfriendly mercenaries and no baddie to fight probably didn't seem worth the production costs for Lego.
Could Simpsons line of Minifigure series or Sets return?
A delightfully devillish idea, but I'd guess that they'd save Skinner for a Springfield Elementary set, since he'd make a better exclusive for such a set. Hopefully the Krusty Burger will sell well, and we'll get the school as a D2C later along with Seymour and Super-Nintendo Chalmers.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Next year’s CMF series 27 had leaked, and includes a long-haired cat. It’s not quite as stocky as Crookshanks, but it’s a closer fit than the usual cat piece Lego uses, so I’m hoping we’ll see it used in a future HP set.
Could Simpsons line of Minifigure series or Sets return?
The one I'd love to see is Moe Szyslak. It would probably have to be in a CMF, since Lego's reluctance to depict alcohol means we probably won't get a Moe's Tavern set, but hopefully we'll finally get Springfield's ugliest bartender.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Lego has made a small handful of HP sets without Harry himself in them; the recent Forbidden Forest and Potions classroom sets spring to mind, allowing other male characters to feature like Ron and Seamus. But yeah, DH Ron's continuing absence is starting to feel deliberate, only appearing in the MoM and Gringotts sets... in both of which he's transformed into another person! Poor Ron, always overlooked...
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Hopefully we'll get a few more X-Men '97 sets to tide us over next year, if only to pad out the roster of X-Mansion characters. They might be based on the '97 series now that enough time has passed that spoilers aren't an issue, or just generic comics-accurate X-Men sets featuring beloved characters (cough Wolverine)... just so long as it isn't just another X-Jet! If they wanted to help promote their X-Men sets, Lego could celebrate 25 years since the first X-Men movie with an anniversary set or two, but I'm not holding out hope for that one.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
All these Endgame sets, and still no proper Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nebula, Gamora or even War Machine in his finale armour. (No, the white Quantum Suits don't count IMO). I don't mind them throwing in a Chitauri or two for the good guys to attack, but I wish they'd plug a few more of these gaps if they're going to keep revisiting Endgame & the portals battle.
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