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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Has anyone besides me seen the new Lego creator commercial featuring this set. I saw it at work today. I don't recall what channel was on. but it consisted of a child and his father building a motor home. different then 7639 camper, it was much larger with two people sitting in the front seat. one of the figures looked just like the on in this set. It also advertised a website. forgot to write it down. has anyone else seen this commercial. I can not find it anywhere on the internet to watch it again./.
  2. I just hope it wasn't Lego products.. I bet you someone will come up with a Lego conspiracy theory that claims that Chinese made Lego bricks coated with Lead Killed him... That would be sad... ;-( Best wishes to the family.. He was a great man.. ;-)
  3. I second it..
  4. September 14 2010 EU Court: LEGO Group not allowed to register brick as trademark On Tuesday, September 14, the LEGO Group lost an action at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg for the right to register the iconic eight-stud brick as a trademark. The court application was not for the right to manufacture and sell LEGO® bricks or other bricks but exclusively for the right to register a three-dimensional image of the red eight-stud brick as a trademark. In a response to the court ruling Peter Kjær, head of the LEGO Group’s Intellectual Property Section, says: “This was the court of final instance, and we have no option but to note the court’s ruling. The ruling has been given on the question of whether the brick is functional or not – and the court has concluded that it is functional. We have always disputed this – and continue to do so. In other court actions we have shown that bricks with virtually the same function can have other appearances,” he says, and continues: “To demonstrate that it is incorrect that a brick must look like ours, LEGO employees have produced 25-30 different designs of prototypes and moulds, approx. half of which can be built together with our bricks. In this way we’ve shown that bricks with more or less the same function can certainly be designed in other ways, and it has been demonstrated that the alternative bricks are neither more expensive nor more difficult to manufacture.” The ruling of the EU Court means that the LEGO Group is not permitted to claim exclusive right to the use of an eight-stud brick as a trademark. The LEGO Group’s desire to register the brick as a three-dimensional trademark is not for marketing reasons alone. “It is naturally a matter of concern to us that use of the brick by others can dilute the trademark. But the worst aspect is that consumers will be misled. Analyses show that 40-60% of shoppers believe they are buying a LEGO product when in fact they are purchasing a different product. Shoppers can see there is a different name on the box – but they believe it is a product line or company owned by us,” says Peter Kjær. Court application in brief: In 1996 the LEGO Group submitted an application for registration of the 2x4 brick as a three-dimensional trademark. The trademark was recognised not to be exclusively a functional device, and as a distinctive feature of LEGO toys it was registered with effect throughout the entire European Union in October 1999. Shortly afterwards, the Canadian toy manufacturer Mega Bloks, Inc. (now Mega Brands), which manufactures bricks similar in appearance to bricks from the LEGO Group, applied to have the registration annulled. The Canadian company claimed that registration of the block’s form was a contravention of trademark legislation. In 2004 the EU Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante, Spain, ruled the LEGO Group’s registration of the LEGO brick invalid. In 2006 the OHIM Board of Appeal upheld the prior ruling, and in 2008 it was also upheld by The Court of First Instance of the European Communities in Luxembourg. The Court of Final Instance in Luxembourg has now ruled that registration is invalid. For further information, please contact: Charlotte Simonsen, Head of Corporate Communications Tel. +45 7950 6579 lego link of this info
  5. Unless they decide to expand and not downsize. If they are smart they would seize the opportunity to expand their horizons. They could make a Zoo theme with a bunch of animals or a military theme and take on mega blocks/ brick arms.. I think they will continue to make their pieces in China. At a lower cost, but the quality is actually higher. Look at the amount of detail the new imperial soldiers have being printed on the front and back, compare to the older pirates imperial soldiers from the 90's. Lego has actually put more detail into their figures rather than take away, like other companies have in the past. Look at the old G.I. Joe's that Hasbro came out with in the 80's. the plastic was better then and the level of detail in the figures where a lot better. Now the toys look very generic.. I think Lego is on the right track.. They are instead adding more detail to their pieces, which costs more, but since it is being made cheaper they can keep their costs down. They need to continue this trend and will need to make a wider selection of themes and Accessories since this ruling makes it possible for smaller companies Like brick forge and brick arms to become major competitors for them. they will need to continue their quest for higher standards and lower prices if they want to stay competitive . How many brick forge and brick arms pieces do you own??
  6. When you say Clone brands do you mean Brick Arms and Brick Forge, these companies are more expensive than TLG..
  7. I heard that the Elf may not be an Elf.. I talked with someone from Lego and they told me that it looks more like a Ranger with a Long shield and hair. they could not verify or deny that it was an Elf. In the sheet that they saw.. You get to see the figures but it is very small and hard to tell what exactly what it is. it just asks you how much you want to order with a picture. I know Lego reads this and I know they really would like to set the story straight about what it is.. But they can not or they can lose their jobs and get sued. They signed a non-disclosure agreement for things like this and if they are caught they can lose their job.
  8. Well said, You seem like a reasonable guy with a good cause. I am glad you answered this call and put an end to this line of questioning. I was starting to wonder how long it was going to take for you to answer. I bet it's not everyday you decide to comment on a review. I like it when we get a little glimpse into what the creators were thinking. I wouldn't mind talking to you. but not on a forum of your design.. Sorry.. I like public places better. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks your prices are steep. Maybe you could make a less expensive line using a different material or do something different to bring down the prices. Maybe you could offer two different price points for the same product.. One higher and one lower to see how the sales go for the new cheaper version. I know I would love to own your products, at your prices. maybe 1 or 2.. But if you made them cheaper some how.. I would be willing to buy a lot more than $10 worth. probably like $100.. It's easier to Justify a lower costing product to the spouse or parent than it is a higher costing one where you only get a couple. But if you had a deal using a lower cost method, it will help us who are economically challenged. There is a Recession going on right now if you haven't noticed.. People don't have money.. Maybe the people I am thinking about and the people you are thinking about, aren't the same people.. brick world and Brick fest are just a hand full of people.. I just heard about them last year and I have been collecting Legos almost 25 years. If I sold all my legos, I could buy a really nice house.. I am middle class with a family. If the family wasn't a part of my life, then I could afford your product. But until the economy picks up and the spouse finds a job.. I will just keep on looking at your new products.. thinking to myself, that only if we were out of this Recession, only if there were more jobs out there.. only if we had two incomes.. Only If...
  9. That is the problem.. They have small volume.. If they want to become a bigger company and make more money.. they need to think big.. If you shoot for a small company.. that is what you will have.. But if you have dreams.. They can come true.. they have a unique item. they could make a killing.. If they aren't going to do what needs to be done.. Lower their cost & Prices.. Then that can create new competition.. Maybe someone on here will think about making another company doing the same thing.. just stealing their ideas.. But making it cheaper.. With a different formula for their plastic.. This way they can avoid their copy rights.. right now they can charge what they want... but... That can change....
  10. I like the design, don't get me wrong. But there are a lot of people out there using legos for their work and I bet it is a lot cheaper and still pretty accurate. was made by Armothe who looks like they use a bit of brick forge with Lego parts. I like his Lego design of his Centaur better.. Plus I bet you it is a lot cheaper.. looks like some wooden pirate legs and a couple of pieces.. He came out with the piece in July 18, 2007.. If anything This guy should Sue Brick Forge for pretty much taking his idea and making money on it... If anything.. It seems like Brick Forge stole his idea.. Unless.. He works for them.. But who knows??? If he was selling his work (Real Legos) I would buy it for $5.. But for Non- Lego Going for almost the same cost... I think No... You also talk about how hard these things are to make.. Are you kidding me?? They are really simple.. all you need is a mold and hot plastic.. They offer that class in High School.. I can see if you bought the cow. (You own all your own equipment) I know the over head is high.. But that is the way it is in any business.. making a mold is not that hard. Finding cheap help is also easy. If you want to open up a Rosati's pizza the franchise rights cost about $30K and the cost of getting started is about $75k to $100k. You will not see any profits for at least the first 4 to 7 years if you can stay a float till then.. I know about businesses. I am a Business Major. You can't tell me that they aren't making money.. If they aren't... It's because their prices are way too high... If I were them, I would first look at pay roll and see how much they are paying their employees. If they are paying their family members huge amounts of money. (more than minimum wage) They should stop. Instead offer them a stake in the company and make part of the board of directors and give them stock in the company. This way they make more money in the long run, rather than a.s.a.p. Which could be one reason why the prices are so high. Then I would look at what other places you can cut costs.. Do you make your own plastic recipe or do you buy from somewhere close by or overseas? How much rent do you pay or do you own? Can you make this stuff in your garage or in another building on your property? Maybe it's time to buy a bigger house that has extra land where you could work out of.. the housing market is bad right now.. I bet you could find a good deal.. There are a lot of things these people can do.. They can also higher someone like me to figure out how they can bring their costs down to 1 dollar a piece compared to 4 dollars.. It's not that hard.. You people make it seem like each one is hand crafted.. If that was the case.. Open up a new Plant in Mexico, the labor would be a lot cheaper.. My point that I am trying to make is that they are charging way too much and I am not trying to hurt the company.. I wouldn't mind buying from them.. But they need to be smart.. They have lost way more people then they think they have.. They might say that their numbers look good now.. But I bet you if they dropped their prices for at least 1 year.. They would get a lot more people buying their products that would offset their costs. enough that they could and would actually make more money.. It's basic economics. Have you ever played the lemonade stand game in school when you were a kid? where it teaches you if you sell a glass for $4.00 you might only sell 5 glasses, but if you sell it for $1.00 you get somewhere like 50 sold.. $1.00 * 50= $50 compared to $5 * 5 = $25.. that's twice net profit.. If they can get their costs down to $0.40 a piece. instead of making $18 total profit they could be making $30 profit. All they need to do is bring down their costs and they can do it... Making the first million is always the hardest.. You need to bring down the cost of your product and sell it at a rate the market likes.. In my opinion I have had the opportunity to buy from Brick chick at least 2 times a year trying to sell these products and I will not buy at these high prices.. I know I am not alone.. Maybe most AFOL's will pay the price.. But if you want the parents and the kids to open up their pocket books.. you need to lower your costs so you can appeal to a wider audience, rather than try to market yourself like BMW.. You have to figure that Legos are usually for kids ages 7 to 14 years old.. which is probably about 90% of the market for Lego products. Only about 10% of the market is AFOL's. I know AFOL's spend way more money than the targeted age range when you measure it per person per dollar spent. But, we don't make up the majority of the market. You also have to figure in that most AFOL'S that make enough money to afford your product only live in certain countries.. I figured 10% market share for E.U., Canada, U.S.A. and maybe Australia. But what about Mexico, Russia, and China ?? If you want to become a major player in the Global economy and make more than just a million you have to think big.. You can't limit yourself to just 10% of a certain market. You need to appeal to the Global economy and LOWER your prices to expand outside your borders... Still don't agree with me??? if you ask.. I shall tell you...the right answer... at least in my opinion.. It's not like I don't work for a Fortune 500 company.. which I do..
  11. I am going to have to agree with Legoman, 4 dollars is a lot. especially when you think that the resale market is really bottomed out for all building bricks not lego brand. My family used to own an industrial business, we used to make millions becuase the profit margin was so small, but was based on volume. if you sell 1 million parts at 10 cents each unti profit, you will make a lot more money because a lot mor people can afford to buy more. Look at the U.S.A. jobs market.. Why has all the manufacturing jobs went to china? because they can make it cheaper!! Lower cost mean more sales which equalls higher profits.. You will turn more people away with such high prices.. Look at Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club, and Aldi. Ever wonder why they are doing so well compared to other stores like Nordstrom, Jewel, Alberstons, Meijer, dominicks, etc. Lower prices means more people can afford your products, which equals higher sales numbers, and more profits.. Everyone likes BMW's but who can afford to buy them.. for the cost invloved. I'd rather buy 2 or 3 cheaper cars for that price.. why should I buy one of your special guns for a dollar, when I can buy a real Lego gun on bricklink for less than half the price.. I can just pretend it looks like your gun..
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