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Professor Flitwick

Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Professor Flitwick

  1. Zepher, you seem very keen to test Thothwicks resolve!
  2. Turning his head from the obtuse Everyman, Thothwick shook Sameuls extended hands. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. As you've likely ascertained, I am Thothwick. Sorry to hear about your cargo, I do hope it's wasn't too valuable. You seem quite certain of it's safe return, I was under the impression thieves rarely relinquish their ill gotten goods."
  3. ["Ah, so the average Human literacy rate is exponentially higher than previous studies indicated. Blast."] Hoptet's hands remained on his waste, though his posture slouched, and his voice lowered. "Oh, my mistake."
  4. "[by Orang Pendek's fists! How am I to protect Byblos now? I suppose... hmm... it could work, but it's going to require all of my cunning and wits, and no small amount of luck... Orang Pendek, guide me!]" Placing his hats on his waste, Hoptet puffs out his chest, and boasts loudly to the Halls other patrons. "Ah! I see I on Quest! Much good!"
  5. Thothwick sat himself down beside Dyric, all the while staring at Everyman and keeping his voice deep, as to intimidate him. "Really, Mr. Rone? I do hope it was a pleasant chat. How have you been, Everyman?"
  6. Thothwick smiled at the news, but decided against revealing why. "Best to remain undercover. Don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing we're from Herocia!" "Wonderful news. How very noble of Emporer Victor to keep his promise, in spite of the criticism he faces. It seems your Kin has certainly made progress since I last visited." "Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your new position. Well, it's not in the nicest of districts, but I'm sure you'll do well." Thothwick looked around the tavern, and spotted Dyric conversing with some patrons. Careful not to get too distracted, Thothwick bid the pair a pleasant nights sleep, and moved over to Dyric. "Wonderful news! Dastan's progressing nicely. I wonder if she recognised me? Probably not, I probably spent the least amount of time with her than everyone else in my party..." "Hello again, Mr. Rone, Gentlemen. Are you having a pleas- Everyman?"
  7. "A pleasure to meet you, U'Voros, more so with the good news you bare. I do hope Emporer Philius is settling into his new position well?" Thothwick gave a slow, solitary nod. "'So the rumours go' indeed. Pray tell, my lady, have you been to Eubric's temple of Fabula Sibylla? I only ask because a young lady I used to know works there, and I'd rather like an update on how she's been. A unique individual called Sküld."
  8. OoC: Cheers Zepher, but don't feel the need to hold back the Quest on my account. Timezones are a tricky business, and if I weren't able to deal with them, I wouldn't be on a site featuring people from all over the Globe! Following the pale man's departure, Thothwick moves over to the U'Kin. "Hello. I apologies for interrupting your beverages, but I've always been such an admirer of Dastan, and I'm eager for news. Tell me, how is she these days?"
  9. Thothwick's eye widen and his eyebrows arc as he watches Karie stumble away drunkenly. "I see a lack in decorum is not just reserved for Atramor..." "Well, 10 coins sounds rather reasona- I'm sorry, sir, but why do you assume your days are at an end?"
  10. Most kids haven't even heard of Bricklink, and few of the ones who have heard of it probably don't use it. TLC isn't going to stop repeating villains or including henchmen because AFOLs have a set from five years ago/frequent Bricklink.
  11. Walking up to the bar, Thothwick talks to the Innkeeper. "I've travelled far, and am rather tired. Before I order a beverage, do you have any rooms available?"
  12. "Hmm... I think, at the risk of sounding patronising, Mr. Rone is right. You'd need not concern yourself with this individual. Just take no mind of this old man's worries." Suddenly, Thothwick stopped in his tracks. A realisation spread over his face, and he grinned. "'Old Man'? Bah! Listen to me! Ha! Being around so many young heroes does make one feel older than ones years!"
  13. "Neither Shadeaux nor Hinckwell are short of funds. Regardless of which side he's on, we'll be hard pressed to outbid them."
  14. "Curiosity isn't a sin, Karie, but we should exercise caution. As I stated earlier, these feuding families can be dangerous. Believe me, I know of where I speak, I was at the Founders Day Ball Master Rone referenced earlier." "Aha, yes, those confounded bombs..." Thothwick sighed, at let out a reluctant chuckle, and addressed Karie. "Ms. Nyx is a thoroughly charming lady, but she possess a certain proclivity for pyrotechnics that I imagine gets the better of her more she'd like. Speaking of which, Mater Rone, did you happen to catch Mr. Hinckwell talking about a wondering explosives expert? Sounds like someone you and I know. Believe me, Karie, we'll be in luck if we stay out of their way..."
  15. Thothwick wincked, and tapped his nose. "Hmpf.. Animosity towards the Witch? Interesting... But I shan't push them, for now..." "Uh, yes, I do believe I am ready to procede, providing none of you have no other lines of inquiry?"
  16. Shuddup, you've never come between me and Shadeaux rex it's called character development!
  17. "Er..." "Sod off, you parasite! May you be reincarnated a dung be- No! No... be polite, be courteous, perhaps even friendly... wean her off her dark arts. This could be a bold new direction for S.O.W! Rehabilitation!" Bowing slightly, Thothwick greeted Karie. "No, I don't believe we've met. I am Thothwick... How kind of you to look after your sisters pet." "There. That wasn't painful." "Ha, well, it's early days yet!" Thothwick leaned forward, and lowered his voice so only his Quest mates could hear him. "One can never be too sure just how far these feuding families could go!"
  18. Thothwicks eyeballs flickered to Karie rapidly, in what he sorely mistook as subtle glances. "My word, she even has a cat. Such a Cliché, it's like a story Old Nan would've told... oh, at last, a reasonable human being!" Thothwick waited for the Assassin to greet the Witch, before greeting him cautiously, hoping not reignite the animosity that developed on their previous Quest together. "Good morning, Mr. Rone. I hope the day finds you well." OoC: Zepher, I too visited the market place, and have updated my statistics page accordingly. Just noticed, with the other two players being in a different timezone, I shall be rather penalised when it comes to character interactions!
  19. Arriving slightly before the Assassin and Witch, Thothwick greeted his two Hinckwell hosts, nodding curtly to each of them. "Greetings, Lord Hinckwell, I have had the pleasure of acquainting myself with your good brother and his family. My condolences for your son, but I commend your strength in being able to set aside you grief. But, if I may - as I'm sure a man such as yourself would prefer - get down to business? May I inquire as to the name of the bandits hired by the Shadeaux? It is possible that they acquired this weapon through devious means. Bandits are not renowned for being upstanding members of the Eubric community. Indeed, even the ones hired by your good self appear to have scarpered."
  20. On the way to his Quest, Thothwick buys four Meads, five Grand Potions and one Ambrosia. He then stops at Anwyl's, and upgrades his Banana Sabre to WP: 13, spending 305 gold in total, leaving him with 144 gold in total.
  21. Thothwick and Hoptet hurried over to the Quest board, eager to see who would be protecting Byblos, having mistaken it for the announcement of Quest 85. "Ah, wrong quest, right hero. Uh-oh, look at hero number second!" "Oh joy." Thothwick replied dryly. "Let joy be unconfined. At least young Master Rone should prove good company." Thothwick fastened his armour, and prepared to leave the Hall. "Now take care, look out for Witch, and remember I take care after Byblos very well." "I have the utmost faith in you. Now, you remember, you may meet people who aren't as fluent in Humanish as you, but Byblos is fluent, so providing he is compos mentis, he should help you. You will in all likelihood not be staying in one of the more hygienic parts of Olegia, so be careful what you drink, and try to avoid foods the locals have touched with their bare hands. And remember - now this is important - after you've departed it will be the first time we've been more than a city away in a long time. So, try not to miss me too much, and remember that I love you." "I know, and I love you too. That doesn't need remindering." The two kissed each other, and Thothwick departed the Hall, leaving both Metasimians smiling.
  22. It's agreed then! Good luck slitting Thothwick's throat when he's away on a Quest!
  23. Is it consider 'legal' for me to have Thothwick cross out Arasmyth's name?
  24. There'd only be six heroes left!
  25. If there is a new Castle theme ever, it'll be like every other wave, and be of Medieval European-influence that follows this pattern: Small set with two figures, typically at a joust. Slightly large set involving a wagon, typically siege weapon or prison transport A small tower/fort for the good guys to defend, against one (or, if the 'creative' team behind the Castle sets are feeling particularly, two) bad guys, carrying some light siege weapon. A bad guys tower with a black/red colour scheme (larger than the previous fort, smaller than the next set) being defended by two or three bad guys against two good guys. If there is something good on TV, they'll throw in a dragon and call it a day. Good guys castle. Big. It'll be a square, with the front side having a drawbridge, the back side having a tower, in which there'll be a throne. The minifigs will be four good guys, the good king, the good princess, and two bad guys, one of the which is their leader. Some siege weaponry included. I hope I'm wrong (well, not really, I quite like LorT/Hobbit theme, but you take my meaning), but I've seen this pattern too many times to think it'll be anything else. Star Wars will keep recycling their ships, City will keep releasing Police and Fire squads, and Castle just keeps to this list.
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