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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. This is ace! I love the colour gradation from day to night, the clever triangular mosaic and the way you've created a hamlet using just facades. Well done!
  2. Salatamalex replied to Bennemans's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Even better is the one hanging in the window. Lovely.
  3. I'm very lucky. I have no problems with family and friends (either lego theme or real) and my husband's other name is 'my lego facilitator'.
  4. I like the back story! All that extra weight does, indeed necessitate, boosters. Storing the sledge is a nice touch. Very nice.
  5. Salatamalex replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    An extension could mean a further purchase..... What a shame that would be! ;)
  6. Salatamalex replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    This review is spot on! Having built the set I'm slightly confused by the 'open to the elements' area at the top of the pool hall's interior and I think better use could have been made of the back yard thus making the barber shop and elements above it bigger. My favourite bits - the creation of the signs and the pool table.
  7. Salatamalex replied to GmaBlu's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    What a lovely idea. Amazing what you can do with lego, isn't it?
  8. Very nice, I love the tree. I'm off to see if I can make one to put in my Lego Christmas decorations box before I put it away. I'll have forgotten about it by next year. :)
  9. Best set - Parisian Restaurant Worst set - The instruction manual for the Sea Cow - It's now in bits! Best theme - Movie Worst theme - Simpsons Best mini fig - Lord Evil Worst mini fig - Simpsons Excited about - Detective's agency, adding a portaloo to my collection of trucks,
  10. That is amazing. I can only aspire to such brilliance... Oh and I need to invest in some of those winter sets too. Merry Christmas.
  11. Fairground mixer, been hanging my nose over it since I saw it in the Sheffield shop.
  12. With a display like that who needs Christmas decorations?
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