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Admiral BrickFin

Banned Outlaws
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About Admiral BrickFin

  • Birthday 10/20/1998

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    On board the H.M.S. Sea Eagle
  • Interests
    Lego of course


  • Country
    Rule Britannia!

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  1. I can't believe it..it's so huge!!! I'd love to see it finished, but don't rush it. Only one gripe though... DIE REDCOAT SCUM!!! ha ha
  2. Leave him alone Zorro, he's just joking. Also, I find your "adult forum" comment slightly irritating, as I am only 11 yet I don't post stuff like twesur and soljers all the time! (that was in a post I read, people were saying we shouldn't let children on this site, why? children like lego as much as adults. I see no problem with children as long as they're responsible like me.) Moan over! P.S. Don't mean to be rude. -Admiral BrickFin
  3. Hi everyone! I have recently aquired a 6271 Imperial flaship and, as most of you know, it lacks a figurehead! Please could anyone post their ideas in this topic. I'll upload my finished figurehead. P.S. If any of you need figurehead ideas, this shall be the official figureheady thingy forum!
  4. Any luck with the Avatars Cap'n Blackmoor?
  5. Wow... I wish I was that good! Critisisims(uh) the bow looks a bit high, apart from that lovely.
  6. Great design, cool cabin, awesome monkeys...etc The best MOC I've ever seen!
  7. I surely will not be leaving my MISB Renegade Runner like that! thanks for telling me about the quoting Mr Phes. -Admiral BrickFin
  8. Ahh, I share your gripe, I think it should just be one or the other, not different for differnt themes. There have been yellows longer than fleshies so I vote yellows! Down with the fleshies! -Admiral BrickFin Edit: Most of the themes with fleshies are film liecences to make them look more like the real characters.
  9. Well, what to think, do I want it or not? As long as the minifigures are up to standards, and the ships are cool, I am fine with it. But it does mark the end of classic pirates, but they have been around a long time, maybe too long...
  10. I'd never buy more than one MISB set as I (no offence Mr Phes!) think it's greedy, on the other hand, it's your choice. I would buy lots of opened ones though. True Mr Phes, but if the box was damaged or broken, it would no longer be MISB! P.S. How do you make it say who you are quoting?
  11. Good reveiw Svelte! You might just have tempted me to buy this...
  12. Wow..... that's awesome, find who did that and tell him to join us here! Can't wait to see his other MOCs.
  13. C'mon guys! I'll play if someone else does.
  14. Good on ya mate! The CC was my first set and I've done pretty much the same things. Still remember unwapping this for the first time on birthday, ahh sweet memories...
  15. Hmm... got to be the stripy sailor, they're very versitile as they fit in as either pirate or imperial, even merchants. My second most used is the Imperial soldier grunt, for obvious reasons. True blue!
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