Capture the Flag
I dont agree with Vahkimetru its way cool dude! *y*
Mountain City
Dude I cant wait for Chapter 2 How many chapters are there going to be dude! X-D *alien* *y*
Have you pre-ordered the new Millennium Falcon yet?
Mabe Commander Xalax Maybe I hope so! *alien*
Mountain City
Its a good story dude I like it. *vader* *yoda* *alien*
Lego Star Wars Spring/Summer 07
I think the magnets look cool I would go to the store and get theme right now. *alien*
Pic Review: Golden Guardian
I think it looks WAY cool I want to get it! X-D
What's your BZP name?
Im hii (duh) *alien*
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars minifigures?
Mine is myself I made up out of legos. *y* *alien*
Pepper's House
Ya thats a cool house for Peper Roni Commander Xalax. *wacko* *skull* *alien* *knight* *y* *vader*
Official website up!
I agree with Commander Xalax thers nothing on the site.
Congratulations Mr. Phes!
Cangrates Mr phes. X-D *y*
Tag Discussions
Why the heck is everyone talking about rain on the first page? *wacko*
"The Tie Army Wants YOU"
Im not very sure what it is but I think its a display were all the cool tie fighters are. *y* *vader* *yoda* *alien*
Palitoy cardboard Death Star in Lego...
this topic is way cool *vader* *yoda* *alien* *y* :-D :-)
Capture the Flag
*alien* That sounds awesome man! :-D :-) *vader* *yoda* *skull*
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