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  1. FINALLY!!!! some harry potter reviews!!!! This looks like a pretty decent set. Im loving the the degree of detial lego are going to nowadays. just waiting for someone to reveiw that dang train now! thanks for the reveiw. harold.
  2. I agree, there was something about the station that I cant put my finger on, it just seems . but I never played with it in all honesty the trainwas the best part for me, but I wished i had picked up that fantastic motorized hogwrts express they released a couple of years ago, I kept putting it off until when i went to get it, gone! But with this new Hogwarts Express im on the ropes, i love it purely for the fact it takes me back. but it looks strage in a way i cant write down. But i'll wait for a review till I get to a conclusion. I WON'T MISS THIS ONE!!!
  3. Another masterpiece "savatheaggie". I'm really in love with you sava scenic railway tours, they're truley beautiful! also I'd just like to say love you other steam engine mocs, you work is very well done and ingenuetive (such as you trestle bridge) and needless to say I feel like your stalker now! keep it up! Harold
  4. Very cool,well done kris! I must admit that I am mythed about how you managed to make the boiler, but however you've done it you've managed to make a fantastic copy! Harold
  5. Thanks for the great article! I remeber being in love with the first wave of harry potter sets way back "in the day" the first hogwarts express blew my mind, even thougth it was lacking in some places I thought it was the best set i had ever been given. especially when the flying car came out too *recounts the days of pretending to be the womping willow* good times. I think after the POA range it started to go downhill but thankfully managed to be reborn in time for the last chapter. I cant say i agree with you super chris i think the faces look good, much better than the goofy looking ron from yesteryear. Harold
  6. Hey all! i'd like to register as a train fan!, altougth I dont own any trains as of yet. But I'm considering buying the emerald night as its such a fantastic model. I must say that im a big fan of SavaTheAggie's work and I intend to get a few train MOC's on the board very soon Harold
  7. Hello All!, After spending a while browsing your forum (which was reckomended to me by a freinds parent). I decided it might be a good laugh to join in, and so here I am!. Whilst trying to balence out the time I usally spend on a hobby, unfortunatly LEGO comes last. the time is usally taken up by playing guitar or playing tabletop wargames, but i picked up a few sets recently as a bit of luxery ( the castle impulses and a few city sets) ive found my love rekindled and ive dug all my LEGO from out of the loft (or attic ) and started to rebuild most of my old sets and have a beer or two, good times were had. so here I am. ready to take my hobby to the next level! I tend to go for LEGO's own brand sets, (city, castle, pirates etc.) but i occasinally dabble in the liscend section any other questions, feel free to ask me! Hoping to get off to a good start, Harold. p.s can anyone recomend a few good topics for me to start in?
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