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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Pile-of-Bricks

  1. When i go to the review page i dont know how to write one. Can you tell me how to do a review and some hints to make my reviews better? Thanks, I definitely wanna be apart of this.
  2. Thanks for the help but i just cant get the pictures from my floder to eurobricks. When im on the review page how do i just start working on a new review.
  3. how do you write a review?
  4. im pretty new to eurobricks and i have a couple of the architecture sets that havent been reviewed yet so it would be great if someone could tell me how to do a review. thanks
  5. its definitely part of a arc-170 nose
  6. there is a ucs venator too! wow lego is really stepping up. I want a ucs lego tie fighter of some sort. Maybe a agressor.
  7. I think that the jsf looks like its worth getting how much is it
  8. what does the jsf stand for is it sweet. how much us it! i want it to whatever it is
  9. I think u get me wrong a tie ground targeting bomber is quite different than a normal one ull see when i release my model
  10. it doesnt matter just make sure that Jimbutcher sees it! It is better than the actual sets anyway. Just make sure that he sees it! kk? almost done with my ground targeting tie bomber
  11. Hey Jimbutcher I think I can answer your question! On Youtube there is this guy with the account name brickplumber and the first thing on his list of videos that comes up is a huge hoth battle with everthing from the battle except the wampa attack. It is absolutely breathtaking! You should go check it out. Lots of it is custom but it is in minifig scale and are better than the actual sets. Go his account name is "brickplumber". kk hope this helps! reply and tell me whatcha think!
  12. Its ok you just need to add a few more details and itll be great!
  13. Anything that is clone or stormtrooper related in minifig scale is beast and yes, kinda cute.
  14. Hey Darth Jar Jar very nice opressor. Thats way better than anything i could build! One important piece you have that i dont is the ucs tie fighter glass piece. I have to use the standard one in all my models. Im going to be releasing a Tie gt starfighter( tie grand targeting starfighter) soon. Its not the best but its pretty good for me and im proud of it. Its not the hardest model of course but ill work my way up. For those of u who dont know its basically a tie groudn bombing unit that looks very much like a tie fighter but with an elongated back. When I put up my model please try to be supportive and keep in mind its my first! thx for the response! Ill be looking for the v-wing when it comes out! I die over imperial pilots!
  15. I really want to see some more lego tie fighters! There are like thirty different types! I would like to see a ucs tie opressor. I might just make my own sometime. Does anyone know of a lego ti fighter coming out soon?(any type)
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