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Everything posted by Neomars

  1. Was this before or after they deleted the picture? It's possible they have some other info from a source and the picture was a fake but the info is correct
  2. It's fake. http://orig03.deviantart.net/a092/f/2010/128/c/b/sewer_scene_by_silentjestre.jpg
  3. Here's the biggest picture I could find of the Rouge line up. http://thenerdrecites.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Screen-Shot-2016-03-29-at-00.38.11.png
  4. Bought all of the Super Hero sets besides the Doc Strange one within the last couple of weeks, mostly at Toys R Us (gotta nice $20 in rewards coming soon). My closest Target is the only one without the Strange set in stock sadly so I just ordered it off Shop@home using some VIP credit and PayPal money from selling extra figs. Excited to build everything this week!
  5. GA dang! This is my childhood. Hopefully if it sells well we could see classic sets with classic figures.
  6. Just ordered the Civil War set of Toys R Us online. They might also put up the rest of the sets for sale within the week. Also found the Tentacle Trap at the actual TRU Store along with the price tag for the Ghost Rider set but sadly it was not on the shelf.
  7. It's confirmed Dick Grayson. Yes it looks a lot like Carrie Kelly but that's probably part of the joke. From Gizmodo: http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-lego-batman-movies-robin-and-joker-arent-quite-what-1783986427 "Speaking of bad moves, one made by Bruce Wayne is how Robin—confirmed as the Dick Grayson version of the character—gets roped into the movie. This much, much younger version of the boy wonder only being part of Batman’s life because, as Wayne, he accidentally adopts him at a charity auction. Not wanting to be bogged down with a kid either as Wayne or Batman, he eventually has to relent when Dick gets his hands on a “Reggae Man” costume, which he adopts into the classic Robin costume to fight crime alongside his adoptive dad." But man those sets look great. Minifigs are on point but the builds. Looks like we'll finally see a variety of different vehicles, characters (and hopefully locations).
  8. Don't really know why Joker has pointed teeth but that seems to be my only gripe but at least it's different. I love Robin and it seems like he has the 66 Batcave legs as well. He's full on dork and yes I love it. I hope the Joker mobile and that 19'somethings (I dont know cars) is a set on its own or just in a set in general.
  9. It might not be an exclusive after all. Talked to someone who got the Civil War set at Toys R Us early (no idea where at sadly) but looking at Brickseek it does say Spider-Man 4 priced as $30 which sorta fits the description of the set. Why would they call it Spider-Man when previous sets were "nicknamed" Captain America? I think their naming it as the 4th Spidey set instead of the 4th Civil War set, as it technically fits both descriptions.
  10. His design from the New 52 Justice League comic. Its a really nice artwork piece. I wouldn't count on seeing many (or any) of these in physical form but it's always great to see different forms of characters in minifig form.
  11. So the same thing as the Ra's Al Ghul set. I forget were these store exclusives? That's just so strange that the LEGO stores won't sell/hold their own products. Is this happening in any other themes?
  12. It may not belong here but CM4Sci has recently contributed more to this forum (and others) than anyone except perhaps Sir Gareth so he get's a pass from me. J4ck, you have no right to claim what's "annoying" given your posts in the past. In addition the 2016 thread is practically done considering there are no more sets coming out this year. And because of the Batman movie most discussion will happen on that thread, where it should be, this thread is going to be quite till we see the Atom figure and leaks on physical MM sets and figures.
  13. I for one don't want to know all the sets half a year away from them (I can barley make it three months) For one it would make these forums pretty much irrelevant as speculation is part of the fun of it and how annoying would it be for LEGO to be like "Here's all these sets coming out in 6 months. Yep. 6 months. Hope you like waiting"
  14. It's not like I'm getting it anyway but I highly doubt that's the quality of printing that's going to be seen. The torso seems fine but the shield and face seem similar to some custom figs I've gotten with a bit of "texture" to them.
  15. Sheesh tell us how you really feel. Okay it is overpriced but not every set fits the pieces to price ratio, especially a set with a large amount of larger pieces. Also if this is a winter release and looking at the past for an example Target always releases the bigger set at $10 less than it's original value. It happened with the Batwing, Javelin and Avenjet and I'm pretty sure it's going to happen with this one also.
  16. That is really strange. However, whenever I can pick up a set early I do. And I did. A Walmart on the other side of town had it for pick-up online so I bought it and went to pick it up. After getting it I decided to browse through the aisle because why not and it wasn't even on the shelves yet.
  17. I'm pretty sure the main reason is because LEGO has stronger ties to Warner Brothers than Disney but hey anything can happen. But if we don't see any more news reports about what's going to be on display I think this is all we're going to get.
  18. I don't remember if any Marvel sets have ever been revealed at SDCC. It's almost always a DC set like the Batmobile last year and the Batmobile even further back (with the first Flash minifig)
  19. Not sure why Sir Gareth didn't put this here but for those of you who don't (didn't) follow the SDCC SH Exclusive guessing game these are the figures. Panic may now ensue.
  20. Not sure why Sir Gareth didn't put this here but for those of you who don't (didn't) follow the SDCC SH Exclusive guessing game these are the figures. Panic may now ensue.
  21. By god you are correct. Right next to the LEGO logo. And she doesn't look that bad actually
  22. Managed to find all but Captain Hook from the remaining I needed. Just decided to get him off Ebay because I can't bother to sift through the packs again. This is the first series I fully wanted and man is it tiring and expensive. For those of you who do this on the regular, respect. Edit: So I was buying these and the ones my friend wanted. Thinking I grabbed a Buzz Lightyear for her, I decided to keep it sealed as a surprise. To put down my suspicions I decided to open it and to my surprise it was Captain Hook! All after I already bought one off eBay. Hopefully the seller understands and gives me a refund.
  23. Yes with a much closer up image you can she it's more of a Fu Manchu mustache and not a regular mustache that Ross sports in Civil War. Also the source says that the picture comes from a Mexcian seller on Facebook, where a lot of leaked fig pictures come from. Although I do like the idea of the younger face on the opposite side.
  24. https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-0/q90/s526x395/12998712_1031245293624293_749985432508507186_n.jpg?oh=6ab5caccecf0a3b4c8f70136a39a5d89&oe=57AC05D5 Is this the new Ra's figure. Seems to match up with J2G's description with the white temples (although that was for Doctor Strange but it could be on both)
  25. Well I went back and all but two Disney bags remained (not in the same spot) but they said that a new shipment would come in the 22nd. But besides that does anyone know where to buy cases from directly and roughly how much they cost? I have several friends who could help split the cost of one with everyone getting who they want. Disney fanatics college students are
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