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Everything posted by Neomars

  1. My guess is Klaw. Similar to the Collector he was only primarily featured in one scene, but it was a scene that kept the movie going in a big way. Plus he hasn't been made in minifig form yet and following previous years the exclusives aren't rebrands of old minifigs so I doubt it'd be QS or SW.
  2. I am ok with this. So sad I couldn't get a Rocket Warbird set last year (only because of the Red Rocket) and then he came out in a polybag. Already have 40+ drones and this doesn't look terribly complicated to reconstruct. And on the topic of exclusive figs I think they have become a lot nicer to us fans. The Collector isn't a high character on people's minifig wish list and he will possibly get a redo in a Guardians 2 set. Plus we now know they will remake figures of fan favorites like Green Lantern/Arrow. Still won't forgive them for TASM2 Spidey though.....
  3. That's what I was meaning to say. And along with the cost of living, everything is more expensive in place where you earn more. Of course it's not all the same in the US either with big cities like LA and New York having high cost of living and wages than where I live, but its not too far off.
  4. Well your minimum wage is around double to ours so that may factor into it.
  5. Seeing that we got have 2 sets for Assemble, x-men (2), spider-man (8), and movie sets (18), ima go with movie sets
  6. I'm just saying, if there are constant complaints and moderators having to come in to get things back in check when people go on about wish-lists and movie trailers then, political issues are way out of left field. I've had this toy gender debate before and it is an interesting discussion, but it's not a discussion regarding LEGO DC Superheroes sets.
  7. Don't really come to LEGO forums for gender specific toy disscusions, so how bout more pictures and reviews of the sets from our European friends.
  8. I got him for less than $20 which is a good deal as of now. Nothing really made me want to spend $75 on LEGO so I got him separate. If you do have the $75 and your wishlist is that amount in LEGO then go for it. Maybe wait a bit if you want to get him seperate and the price will go down (which it currently is) but wait too long and it will go up crazily. Case in point Hulk minfig.
  9. Well with the Big Bang Theory CUUSOO/Ideas set coming out there's an actual Flash t-shirt with red and blue dual molded arms. Pretty cool.
  10. Anyone else having trouble with shop.lego.com? It seems to keep glitching both on my computer and phone when trying to get the Ant-Man set and everything else.
  11. They usually go for around $30 but with enough waiting and looking you could find one for $20. That's what I did for the Iron Patriot. Walmart had the Tumbler polybag for LB3 so I'm thinking maybe the Avengers Quinjet polybag comes with a bundle in their store.
  12. Would've really preferred a new character but dang does that have arm and side leg printing? Nice very nice.
  13. I really dislike the fact the goblin is going to be two thirds the price of the set in the after market. At that ratio I would normally just buy the set but it doesn't really come with anything else appealing.
  14. So are all sets being released next week for the US? I thought it was only Ant-Man and the others would come in August.
  15. Well he is the single most profitable super hero of all time....
  16. Just took a look at the fig and the bottom left one and yep that's definitely the design. You can clearly see the melted metal on the torso.
  17. Sorta spoilery but nothing really about the film, just the credits. Really hope we get a picture of the statue from the credits. That would be a great MOC to make with all the minifigs.
  18. New Ant-Man trailer. I was totally joking when I said the final battle was going to take place on a table because of the set but looks like I was actually right.
  19. I have 21 right now and ordered 18 on Bricklink. Thinking I'll buy 11 more to have an even 50.
  20. I've gotten 4 sets so now I have 12 drones. I'm definitely going to get more I'm just not sure if I want to get them with the set or separate on Bricklink.
  21. Fair warning to US buyers. Do not buy from goHastings.com. I ordered Iron Man vs. Ultron last week and just got a notification that it shipped in the opposite direction! I was given a refund but still won't get the set for a couple of days at most, I really don't know. I then called the store to see if they have it (as it says it does online) but they don't. It doesn't sound like much but trust me, don't buy from them. It's really bad service and not worth your time or money.
  22. Sorry not LEGO related but TRU related. When I was around 10 I went in with a gift card to a store in the city about an hour from my city because the one we had closed a couple years back. I tried to but some Power Ranger action figures with it. But apparently if you didn't use the gift card within a certain amount of months, you would loose credit on it. So by the time I wanted to use it, there was no credit left. I genuinely dislike ToysRUs for this reason and because they mark up their prices for LEGO when no one else does. And then they try to make it better by giving coupons and discounts that just bring the price down to what it should be.
  23. http://imgur.com/gallery/PIebVmQ/ <---- A lil something I made after getting all the sets. Link to full size image
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