- MOC Darios Millennium Falcon
- MOC Darios Millennium Falcon
el_jugador started following MOC Darios Millennium Falcon
MOC Darios Millennium Falcon
This was the idea: And finally I built it! It was a lot of fun and the result is superb! Here some pics: Best regards!
MOC Lego Star Wars Mini-Rig Cap-2
Hi guys, here a new building of the mini rig CAP-2 inspired by the version of Brandon Griffith: I hope you like it: Chris
MOC Midi Sandcrawler
Hi guys, I just wanted to share with you a beta version of my Midi Sandcrawler, inspirated by Pepa Quin (Matt De Lanoy): There still some parts missing and some parts maybe resolved in a different way. It's meant to be played with, so there is some space inside to put some Jawas and some droids. So, here some photos: https://www.dropbox....small2.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.... small.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox....ew=P1150476.JPG So far, Chris
- Mike Psiaki Lego X-Wing MOD and only one R2-D2 with three legs used
(LDD MOC) Endor Forest Ranger
Tried to make the window screen transparent (closer to the original). So you can see the pilot. On the other hand I tried to work with stickers in order to give the side walls a more tecnical appearance. Here a photo:
[MOD/MOC] Incom T-47 Snowspeeder
Thanks for your quick help, yes indeed, I was talking about the nose. Ok, it's attached, in the lxf-file it wasn't very clear. Here are some fotos: (still missing some pieces, for example the cristal top of the cockpit).
[MOD/MOC] Incom T-47 Snowspeeder
Well, I finally built it and it's really great! Soon I will show some pictures of my white version with white stripes. Just one question about the front piece, I wasn't able to find out if it is really fixed or just put on the sides, so it falls of everytime you turn the ship around. Please let me know! Thanks! Chris
(LDD MOC) Endor Forest Ranger
Maybe I will modify a little bit the sides of the cockpit, they are too clean or I miss some tecnical details. Maybe this way:
(LDD MOC) Endor Forest Ranger
Yes, I build it exactly as you described in your LDD, though some special bricks are missing (cockpitscreen). The pilot fits perfectly as you can see in this picture: I'm think there should be some kind of observation slit in the front of the cockpit, i was thinking something like this: Moreover it's quite I thinking about how to improve the opening of the cockpit, at the moment the best way is to open the cap, but maybe it could be interesting to open the wall... But all in all it's a great design, the rotation of the cockpit works great! Have you also seen the built MTV-7 and INT-4 version? Chris
(LDD MOC) Endor Forest Ranger
I really like it too and I started to build it. This is how it looks like: So, thanks a lot for the idea and sharing the LLD, this was a great help! Chris
PDT8 - Personnel Deployment Transport
Had to delete the photos in order to have some more space, but you still can watch them here: If someone would like to have the lxf-file, just write me. Best regards, Chris
INT-4 Interceptor
Here some more Photos: https://www.dropbox....~2~2~2.jpg?dl=0
MTV-7 Multi-Terrain Vehicle
Thanks for your inspiration, I like more the small version and so I tried to build it. It still seems to be quite high (almost you can't see the figure), so I modified some things and I'm still trying to work out the sides. Have a look: https://www.dropbox.....JPG~2.jpg?dl=0 Best regards, Chris
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