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Everything posted by LegendaryArticuno

  1. This is just amazing... personal opinion but I'm loving the lack of the orange/yellowish pieces on the moc! I didn't have any plans to buy any of the protectors, but it looks like I'm picking up the jungle one so I can atleast swap in the trans-green shells for Lewa.
  2. Wow these are all great! A+ for King Fuzzlewuzzle the Third, incredibly cute build.
  3. Due to the lack of CCBS parts? I'm currently in that boat, as I never got into Hero Factory or picked up some of those Ultra Chi sets (some which are very interesting - I want that big round Gold Disc!!). Currently, I have plans to moc/mod up a Toa with the following colour scheme: pearl gold, black, gunmetal grey, and an undecided translucent skeleton colour. But I don't see that happening without emptying the wallet. Bricklink... here we go
  4. The masks are essentially hooked on loose hinges. They shouldn't be loose that when you flip them upside down they fall off... but there should be some wiggle room to move the mask slightly up and down. Overtime, I'm not sure how these masks will hold up, so I wouldn't go crazy with the flipping feature. Of course, you can always fix this with a bit of application of glue. I also wonder if they're going to use this same mask hold and head type for the 2016 and hopefully even further down the line Bionicle sets.
  5. You realize Pohatu is missing around 20 pieces... that's pretty significant! Piece count shouldn't be the defining factor of a set, but it definitely matters to an extent. Generally, the Toa will have similar piece counts used to construct the gearbox and skeleton, so any extra pieces are allocated to adding more details, building a unique frame, or at least get thrown into making a more interesting weapon. Main reason why I don't like Pohatu as much as the others are mainly the colours and design don't appeal to me at all. Without the added value of getting a high piece count, there's no real incentive for me to pick up this set.
  6. I bought Lewa mainly because he has in my opinion the coolest mask of the 2015 Toa. I also think his shoulder construction is awesome and how those spikes hide the gearbox fairly well. My only complaint is his colour scheme, too much contrast on the colours. EDIT: My Review I just finished constructing Lewa and overall I don't feel like this is a superb set and there are more negative things to say than positives. In hand, the colours are even worse. It's not so much the bright green (although I would've preferred a darker shade) it's the yellowish-orange and the grey/silver that makes it offputting. If the grey and silver parts were switched with the gunmetal colour (axe blade colours) and the yellowish-orange with gold, I think Lewa would've have been a lot more aesthetically pleasing. I also have a few issues with the build, it doesn't feel very complete or stable. There's two unused ball joints on the frame/skeleton which really makes the hollowness of the chest area very apparent. Additionally, I feel that the set should have came with two more pieces, those pistons to attach onto his shoulders, which vastly improves Lewa's look. I'm pretty indifferent about the gear action as well, it can be pretty silly depending on how his arm is posed. Pros: Gold Mask - probably my favourite part of the set, the mask design is actually kind of reminiscent of Ultron, will be good for Mocs Axe Blades - if these were in different colours I probably would have listed these as cons, but the gunmetal colour is very nice Cons: Build - no effort is made to hide the hollowness of the chest area at all Stability - a lot more difficult to balance a pose (compared to Kopaka) Colours - just doesn't fit (probably the biggest con, if Lewa had a great colour scheme, I would be more forgiving) Chest design - *barf* Lewa isn't completely terrible, but falls short in many areas. Personally, I regret purchasing Lewa instead of Gali, Although, I only have Kopaka to compare Lewa against (to be fair) and Kopaka is nearly perfect in my opinion. Ultimately, Lewa's fate remains unchanged... he will be scrapped for parts .
  7. I'm shocked that the piece count is lower than one of the protectors... Overall not a fan of 2015 Pohatu, an easy skip for me.
  8. Man these mocs are all incredible... I gotta build up my collection.
  9. I went to the Lego store to pick up the new Tie Advanced set... but they were sold out. I ended up buying Bionicle sets instead XD... picked up Kopaka and Lewa. So far very impressed with Kopaka, but haven't opened up Lewa yet.
  10. In all honestly... Onua 2015 is one odd (ugly) looking Toa. I will probably never pick this up, but I think they just should've just went hard with the gorilla look, i.e. has standing poses, but moves around on all fours.
  11. ....Went to the Lego store today. The Slave 1 and Tie Advanced Prototype were already sold out .
  12. I have to say the new Bionicle is growing on me! I was really hesitant at first, but having finished constructing him and putting him in different poses, this is one amazing Lego set! One of the great things about Kopaka is his design and how it can be interpreted differently. In some situations he looks like he's inspired by Northern Inuit (with the spear and snowshoes/skis), but putting him in more action like poses, Kopaka reminds me of a Spartan or a Roman hoplite (albeit a snowy one). Also, comparing to previous Bionicle sets, the 2015 Toa are huge! If you're familiar with Transformers, Kopaka, Master of Ice is almost as large as a leader class transformer. Pros: - Overall design - Colour scheme - Gear action is not ridiculous - Very poseable - Size Cons (may get a little nitpicky here): - Stickers - his thigh plates are very plain white, but I'm not the biggest fan of the sticker design, personally I didn't apply the stickers - Lazy spear and shield design - I think Lego could've better here - Mask lacks molded details - on the left side of the mask, where the scope is there's a lot of blank space - Boxes instead of canisters - I would've collected them all In closing, the new Bionicle is great and Kopaka still remains my favourite Toa. I'm excited to open up Lewa as well (he has my favourite mask design) and thinking of possibly getting Gali. I'm not a huge fan of the other three Toa, their design and colours don't appeal to me, which is a bit of a shame as I thought the original Tahu and Onua were amazing (never liked Pohatu though).
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