I wanted to build some dojo for a long time, and this time finally came.
First I want to mention that it's 100% LEGO, no other parts were used.
The most difficult part of the MOC is obviously the roof, its build only using hard lego parts. So no flex, no strings, no tape and so on. :P The shape of lower roof exceeded my expectations. It hold the shape and it's not falling apart. The top part is removable, and the roof tiles are holding the building extremely good.
You can move the front doors and they are without frame so take really small space.
Inside dojo is tatami which took forever to design, but I will not change it for the world.
I will have to add some photos of the tree soon as it's also awesome and there is no nice photo of it.....
Slide door
Sumo dude checking the paring.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Karate kids
Kendo Sparing
Green tatami.
More Photos.