- MOC: Police Station
[MOC, WIP] Suburban Home
Sorry for such a late reply! It will never be in real bricks as it's 3,000+ pieces currently. I'm not the biggest fan of LDD either, maybe I need to stick to building smaller houses.
WIP - Town Layout - Brickeyville
Looking quite good!
- [MOC, WIP] Suburban Home
- Review: 60057 Camper Van
- Updating the Classics: 12 New Additions
- [MOC] Fire Station
Hello from the United States
- [MOC] Apartment and Coffee Shop - Modular
MOC - My Second Modular Building/House
Great improvements! I'm not sure how much bigger this house is than the other one, but I feel space is managed much more efficiently. The new and improved bathroom is much better than the old house's. Nice work, I would be happy to move in! Haha P.S. How do you upload images from Brick Safe to EB?
- MOC Fire engine/ladder
[MOC, WIP] Suburban Home
Thanks! Yes, it's 1,532 pieces right now. I don't think this one will ever be brought into real bricks. I know that feeling... The floor in the dining room is brown tiles, it would show up in a rendering. As far as the windows... I'm not sure if they're right either, but for now I'm going to keep them. With some landscaping in front it should look better. Furniture is challenging to build well. Definitely an area I can improve on. P.S. Houses similar to these are my inspiration for this project:
Student Nation
Very nicely done. Impressive amount of detial.
(MOC) Build myself a Hotrod...
Looks mean! Like Poisso3 said, the front of the car should be lower than the back... I think it would look more "hot-rod".
[MOC, WIP] Suburban Home
Hello all. This is my first "real" post here on EB. A few days ago I started something a little out of the ordinary for me. For months I've been trying to model the American Suburban home. Always unsuccessfully for one main reason. Lack of parts... So I finally decided to have a go in LDD. Here are some pictures of what it looks like so far: Suburban home 1st floor WIP (1) by alexb420, on Flickr Suburban home 1st floor WIP (2) by alexb420, on Flickr Suburban home 1st floor WIP (3) by alexb420, on Flickr I'm running out of materials for flooring. What are some other flooring options? Feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated!
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