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Everything posted by Dafgek81

  1. One thing is certain, it is bigger than mine, it doesn't get to 30 000 parts here.
  2. Don't need bigger sets in partcount or proportions, just want functional sets like the Xerion indeed. If one wants more complex and bigger, heavier sets, buy instructions for MOC's and build those. I would love to see front tires to match the tires on the Xerion to build a normal tractor or backhoes.
  3. Second that, no new TLG Technic sets for me from this (celebratory) year, definitely a bummer this year. But I'll keep my hopes up for next year.
  4. So few parts, that doesn't promise anything good. Yes it does, but we have the Xerion for that already. Hope to build Efferman's Saddletrac with an extra copy of the Xerion, and a lot of (yet to buy) spare P.F. parts.
  5. How many parts does it have anyway, I missed that one.
  6. I like tractors to, collecting and building Jurgen Krooshoop's backhoe, have good tires for the rear now, but still no good tires for the front sadly.
  7. Wheels on the truck are way to big for it's scale. Don't like it. Was hoping on smaller diameter tires like the ones on the Xerion, but sadly no, no useful tires for the front wheels on tractors yet. Ah well, wallet stays shut on TLG Technic models this year.
  8. Thanks Teos for your reply, but I wasn't talking about the Saddletrac, I was talking about Efferman's RC conversion off the original Xerion. But when I figured out the new version off Rebrickable, I found my answer already, with a extra 42054 set, I would have 90% off the needed parts. I will wait for the RC version of the Saddletrac, Efferman told me he would look into it when he finishes the Dino machine. Hope he makes it and a LXF for it.
  9. Don't mind, ain't going to buy it any way, doesn't do it for me.
  10. I ain't in no hurry, I have a few MOC's lined up I am going to try to build first. Jurgen Krooshoop's Backhoe V2 Techclem8 's MAN Transporttruck and trailer Lipko's (TC10) pneumatic backhoe MLonger' s John Deere forest tractor and trailer, also his Volvo L250G wheel loader.
  11. I am currently working on this beautiful Model, will put the 42030 rims on the back with the Xerion tires and I think yellow dishes like on the Xerion. Are there dishes around that would fit the front rims nicely? I will go looking in scale model land for front tires, hate the balloon things on these Lego machines. Still hoping for a bright idea from TLG. And sorry if this is seen as bumping, but starting a new topic for something already discussed here seems to me like overkill.
  12. A quick question to you folks, if I where to build Efferman's RC version of 42054, would it help a lot to buy a second copy for parts? Or should I look for other sets?
  13. As always, this is very well done. Beautiful cab, also like the driver, nice touch. Can't wait to see the real finished model. The LDD was already done? Shure would love to build this one, but with a tight budget and my refusal to take rebuild MOC's apart, I don't know if I can ever build it.
  14. I love the way you are able to put that much detail in a model at this rather small scale. I saw the DFDS super sized ferry at Legoworld Utrecht, but the detail on that was lousy for a model at that scale, and they had a lot of funding, because it was a world record attempt. You put much more detail in your at this small scale, I salute you.
  15. Oh man, I'm getting speechless, what a beautiful truck/machine you are building with this FMX cab/chassis. I hope I will ever get the chance to build this. Does it have a lot of expensive P.F.?
  16. Nice job on the suspension, cool trike!!!
  17. As always a beautiful model!!!! Love you eye for detail and your building skills. Ain't a shipfan, but love your work.
  18. I think this is a very nice model. Indeed the cab could be made a little taller, it's a bit low now. The rest looks great, nice solution on the angle of the uitriggers.
  19. But the truck on the first photo is a five axle dumptruck, is yours going to be a five axle truck or is it going to stay a three axle truck?
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