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Everything posted by Dafgek81

  1. It is not public yet, will check it when it is. Check out my rebuild version from the Actros that I build and made little changes on. The original is from Sandman. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=564218
  2. Okay than, will be following this. I am a truck driver and I love big Technic trucks.
  3. I think You should use the ordinary Unimog rims and hubs, I think the truck will become very large, heavy and slow if you'll have to match the scale from Efferman's planetary hubs.
  4. Efferman had custom bricks at Shapeways. And there is a topic about the 8043 excavatorbucket that never was, that person made a very nice and affordable bucket.
  5. This site from the Netherlands sells good hoses for Lego http://www.blokbricks.com/index.html Bought some there this year and it is good stuff, colors differ some from the Lego colors, but the are good.
  6. Looks very challenging to me, hope it will work, you've got your work cut out for you! Hope you didn't bite off more than you can chew. Good luck!!!!!
  7. The way TLG does pneumatic hoses these days is rubbish. They should do it like in the old days, even the old small pneumatic mobile crane had tubing and no loose hoses. 8868 Was the most beautiful pneumatic system TLG has made so far as in routing them. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=6395731 I've rebuilt a Mercedes Benz Actros 4150K, the original is from Sandman. I've used a lot of blue and white tubing to route the pneumatics as neat as I possibly could. Looks sleak tk me. You can also see the painted pneumatic cylinders on the crane, I know some people would want to kill me for this, but it looks so much better this way.
  8. It is a little smaller then the one in set 8063, the tractor is the same, only red. But I like the tipping bed and boom a lot better. Does it have suspension? Can't open a LDD file on my Windows phone. Have to refit the tractor with pneumatics though.
  9. Will change mine to regular bucket to, or fixed clamshell buckets, don't like the loose hanging configuration off these. http://www.beco-vianen.nl/ssg.html Want to put something on like in the above link. A rotating one.
  10. The grease in there is original, found the same grease in my cylinders. I've just put some of it on the o-ring with toothpicks. And sometimes I spray the rams with some silicone spray. And in the inlets when I don't want to open them up.
  11. Thanks, think I will build tho in the future for my 8284 tractor
  12. Still hate the loose hanging pneumatic hoses, when I've bought this set, will buy metal tubes that fit the Lego clips and connect the hoses to them like on 8868.
  13. Can't wait to see it. And can't wait to get my hands on this set and the Volvo set.
  14. Search for a company that repairs or builds hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. Or a modelshop that sell petrol driven cars, they use those connectors for hoses and fuellines
  15. He effe, is there a chance on a complete new LDD when you finished all your mods??
  16. They are easy to open IMO, I did it to airbrush the pneumatic cylinders on my Actros white. Just put a dull knife between the black top, just by the hole and khob on the side and gently push it up slightly, then shift the knife towards the other side and do the same there. It will come apart, almost without any damage, maybe a little scratch, but nothing more. Or else, try and contact Lego customer service and try to get some o-rings there.
  17. I don't think it will get you much money. It's more a service that builders offer the fans. If you take a look at how much time it takes to build, improve and make instructions without flaws, you have to sell a whole lot of them to pay for your time. TLG sells thousands off sets to make each set profitable.
  18. Hello BondemandClausen, Sorry to bump this topic, but when are you going to answer those questions????
  19. Hi Klirre, Can you post the LDD file, would be a nice tipper to rebuild.
  20. I understand, but the fact that the aren't straight, but flaring out, makes them look like the stack off an old steam locomotive.
  21. This is a great MOC!!! Never seen such a machine build in Lego at this scale. Can't wait to see a video of it working. Like the third party cylinders also, bur can the Lego pumps generate enough power to run it.
  22. This is one beautiful combination. It almost looks real. Only thing I do not like, the endcaps on the exhaust pipes. Bur the rest is BEAUTIFUL
  23. Looks a bit odd, it looks to be too low and too long. But it is a nice excavator
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