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Everything posted by Dafgek81

  1. Doesn't anyone out there want to give me an estimate on how much my truck is worth, just would like to know, because I spent so much time on collecting and building.
  2. Only thing I can still say is WOW!!! There are no other words for this beauty. sorry if it gets repetitive, but I just can't say anything else about it, it's just that great!!!
  3. Well, I am not a huge fan of ships, but I know a stunning model when I see one!!!
  4. WOW ? that's more than three times what I have. I sure would like to see that workplace off yours, I could be busy there for quite some time.
  5. It still remains jaw dropping, gets better with every picture you post of it. Still can't believe it when you say you only have a modest amount of parts, this thing is huge and all those pneumatic parts!!!! How big is your parts collection anyway, mine is about 30 000 parts, loose and in sets combined.
  6. A question about P.F. Motors to be connected to an old small 9V bb, what is the part number for the part that does just that, found out I can replace the old 9V mimi motor with a P.F. XL motor, but have to connect it to an old small 9V bb.
  7. This is a stunning model, what parts did you use for the wide part of the exhaust stack?
  8. And yes, I like the studded look very much. I have always been a fan of the realistic look off Model Team like looking models. They look much more realistic then the models with panels and liftarms. De downside of studded models is that you have to use a lot of tiles to get a smooth finish on them and the weight of studded models is way higher with the same dimensions.
  9. No there is nog a lot. But it isn't driven, it only has a fake engine. The motors in there ate to drive the pneumatic pump, turn the crane and drive the outriggers. And to be clear on it, as I said earlier, it isn't my MOC, it is a rebuild from Brickforge, just build it in a different colour and made some minor changes. It is basically a copy of the original model. The trailer is partially my own design, but largely based on the design of the truck.
  10. The folder is public, you all can take a look!!! http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=561622 And I have a question, what do you people estimate it is worth, ain't got the intention to sell it, it took me over 4 years to collect all the parts and to build it. But I want to know what it's worth to a Lego collector.
  11. could you post a picture of the real truck you are building this scale model for? If I am able to build this one, maybe I can put those stickers on mine.
  12. We are promoting, we're bashing the clone brand.
  13. I don't think that Facebook, Amazon or Ebay will do anything about this, for each sale they get paid, so selling means money and money means they don't care. We AFOLs won't sell knock off shit, but a lot of people with money on their mind would. Here in Holland there people who sell firewood for absurdly high prices, I have seen it going for €200,- for only 1 m3. So a lot of people in this world will try and rip everybody off.
  14. That owner must be happy when he gets it, or else send it to me, I'd love it!!!!!!!!
  15. I have to say, it looks stunning in this colour!!!!
  16. http://brickset.com/article/23648/the-lego-group-takes-action-against-clone-brand-lepin Here you can read TLG is taking steps against this crap.
  17. Haven't seen any before, bricklink doesn't find any, but sure why not, pink Technic is still Technic.
  18. That Lepin stuff, is that all fake elements or just illegal copy off MOC's with genuine Lego elements. If I understand right, it's knockoff parts??
  19. I think it would look nice in red or blue to, although orange is wicked too. I just saw that panel you painted is only available in a few colors, blue, black, yellow, gray.
  20. Okay, that's why it's orange. Are these machine orange most of the time or are there companies you know of that have them on another colour??
  21. You mean the panels with the sloped sides. I've painted pneumatic cylinders on the crane from my Actros, I had to, TLG doesn't make white pneumatic cylinders and putting yellow ones on a white crane looks like crap if you want to display such a model, the fricking thing cost me around €900,- and ending up with pneumatic cylinders that stick out like a sore thumb isn't an option for me. But painting panels aside, why did you choose orange for this model, you could have chosen red for instance, those panels are available in red if I'm correct. I love the orange though, so it's not a problem for me.
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