Everything posted by Brikkyy13
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Oh sure, delete MY comment. What kind of mod team promotes one-sided divisiveness like that? I’m really starting to hate this place
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No, I have something against people making fun of an entire country’s accent. This insensitive shit has plagued the Star Wars fandom since Bad Batch came out, the least we can do is keep it away from here.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Good. Twice the warehouses, double the amount of places that’ll be out of stock.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Australia doesn’t have a factory. Closest we have is a shipping warehouse in NSW that opened in 2018.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I got the N-1 over the weekend too, for the same reason. The price is too much as is. Haven’t built it yet, waiting for a rainy day. Got the Vader helmet and Road Runner+Coyote brickheadz to get the hideout. I don’t feel completely ripped off, but with these upcoming price increases I think I’m finally at the point where I’m going to cut back on LEGO spending. Here’s hoping classic space gets a full on revival and I can get my sci-fi brick fix, the price of the new Galaxy Explorer is great value by comparison.
Lego Avatar 2022/3 - Rumors & Discussion
Throwback to when LEGO Toy Story launched and everyone hated Woody. Personally, I love the figures. I think they’ll look even better when we see them in sets next to a normal figure. HD pictures look great. New moulds are awesome, build is solid if a bit small but I like what I see. Glow in the dark pieces!! High quality product for sure, justifies the price but still expensive imo. Definitely can’t wait to see the other three sets now, can only imagine what’s in store for the 2023 wave.
Lego Avatar 2022/3 - Rumors & Discussion
Will need clearer photos to make up my mind, knowing the price of this one… not sure if the value for money is there. I know there’s licensing and all the new moulds etc etc but yeah, this is getting too expensive. Box art looks good, build looks great if a bit small. Seems to be a good parts pack. I’m a sucker for Ninjago dragons and it seems this theme will be taking a lot of inspiration from those builds. I want to know what’s going on with the floating island side build. Very keen to see the figures, glad they’ve got tails and am excited to see that the older, longer limbs are back. Hopefully we don’t wait too long to see the other 3 sets. This set was the one I was least interested in and it turned out awesome. I’m glad they’re doing a wave of things just from the first movie.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Cad Bane looks good, maybe a little underwhelming. Omega could’ve used a unique hairpiece but she’s passable. I appreciate the effort put into TODO but that’s just off to me, especially when compared to BD-1. Still keen to see the build for The Justifier. Also, if that blurry catalogue picture is real then that’s the worst leak we’ve ever gotten lol.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think it’s the intent of the characters in the scenes that makes all the difference With the way the prices are going, would not be surprised…. will probably come out to around $90- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Step aside Half of First Order AT-ST, you’ve been replaced as worst set ever. Meet 400 piece grey baseplate! I’m scared to ask the price of this thing. Did the LEGO designers know what was going to happen in that scene? The box art seems to imply that they did. This is like, one step away from getting Anakin and the younglings as a set.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes, the 501st set is on EOL lists… but considering it’s a good seller like some other sets that have been on EOL lists for a few years I’d say there’s a chance that it could stick around. You’re right when you say LEGO wouldn’t overshoot production targets. I know they keep a small amount of parts to send out as replacements for missing pieces but other then that it’s probably all accounted for. As far as it being cheaper to keep production going as is, in most cases I would say you’re right… though I don’t think what I’m suggesting would stop production. This wouldn’t be a case of redesigning a set while it’s still on the shelf, it’d be a case of putting a different mould in the machine before production even starts. As mentioned above, there is precedent for updated moulds making it into sets during its shelf life. I forgot about this one. That is definitely an example of LEGO updating a set midway through its shelf life to optimise production. Not the same, but comparable. I don’t see how using a different mould would be more complicated than using a different print. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. It would be great to be able to put accessories on the 501st and 187th troopers.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I’m still not entirely sure what you guys are trying to say? Of course there aren’t any of the new helmets currently printed in 501st colours if the new piece hasn’t yet entered production… I’m looking at it this way: The pieces are moulded first and printed on second. LEGO will have the capability to print on both the old and new mould. Let’s say, 6 months down the line, stores of existing mould run out but they have plenty of the new mould. The helmet pieces are functionally the same, why produce more of an outdated mould? Would it not be more efficient to just print on the parts they have on hand? Once they’ve run out of the old mould would it not be better for production to produce more of the new helmet and give it different prints? Doing so wouldn’t take up any more room in the warehouse and it would save time and money because nobody would have to swap out the moulds in the machine that produces the part. It might even save plastic if the new mould weighs less than the old due to the holes. The fact that it would give fans something cool is an afterthought. I’m no expert on optimising production but with what I know of how LEGO works this idea seems very plausible to me.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
On the contrary, LEGO absolutely does put remoulded parts in existing sets and the AT-ST raider is proof. This isn’t about updating the color/prints of some pieces, this is the actual mould used for the part. The technic connector piece used for one of the guns was remoulded midway through the production run… you can find countless posts on this because it made the build impossible to complete lmao. If LEGO determines that it’s more efficient for production to use only 1 clone helmet mould instead of 2 they absolutely will do it. As far as a potential UCS Razor Crest goes, that would absolutely sell like hotcakes regardless of price or the ship’s in-universe assembly status. The show is at the height of its popularity, LEGO would be stupid not to capitalise on it.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So glad the helmet hasn’t changed that much, will help with consistency when army building. I wonder if this will act as a replacement to the old mould and if we’ll see the 501st and 187th figures’ helmets updated in future production runs? Here’s hoping we get a phase II shiny before they change the design again.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Makes perfect sense to me, AT-TE kinda goes better with the fighter tank and other CW sets than it does with the main saga stuff- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Nice new PFP. I wasn’t sure of the source, I just saw it reposted and felt like posting here instead of vetting it myself lol. It’s got all the hallmarks of a fake but it is on the more convincing side. I was totally expecting the box to look like this, the yellow trim with the 332nd clone does look good.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
A blurry and poorly cropped AT-TE image has surfaced… if it’s not fake then I guess the set will look almost identical but with less figures. If it’s real, that’s freaken awesome and I want 2.- Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
The $100USD price point is proving good value lately. Bad Batch Shuttle, Boba’s Palace and the new Scythe prove that we can get well designed ships and play sets with good figure selections. Here are some ideas, trying to stick to the same style as the sets I just mentioned. Naboo Starfighter and hangar - N1 starfighter, maintenance vehicle, wall structure with sliding doors (to reveal darth maul). Figures: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, Anakin, Padme, Pilot, 4 battle droids, 2 droidekas Bounty hunter pursuit - Zam Wessel’s airspeeder, Anakin’s “borrowed” speeder, ASN-121 on a transparent base like the probe droid in the new AT-ST. 8 floating light things on transparent bases to make the outline of a course with. Maybe a platform with a billboard or two, depends how much of the part count is left. Figures would be Anakin, Obi-Wan, Zam Wessel, Padme, Jango Fett. Dexter’s diner. Maybe includes a speeder bike. Figures are Dexter, Wanda, Obi-Wan, ideally 2-4 patrons (coruscant aliens and civilians) but I could see LEGO just doing 2-4 phase 1 clones instead. Geonosis Arena. 3 brick-built creatures. 3 poles, could really be as simple as a stack of 7-10 round 2x2 bricks on a 4x4 if only to keep the part count down. Main figures would be Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Count Dooku… lots of choice if you wanted to include more, could be as high as 7 if some figures are being reused from other sets. Maybe some B1s or B2s, or Geonosians (poggle?), or Jedi… idk take your pick Battle Over Coruscant - Vulture droid, Tri-Fighter, parts to build an ETA-2 in either red or yellow (but not both). Figures are Anakin, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, Count Dooku, Chancellor Palpatine, 4 battle droids. Palpatine’s arrest. Just redo the old one, exactly the same. Follow the trend of redesigning the set without changing a damn thing. Make it smaller if you have to, it’ll be the same anyway. The Ghost - Could definitely be done again at this price point, maybe slightly downsized (think the Guardians of the Galaxy Milano sets). Figures are Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Chopper Some OT playsets. Maybe a smaller cantina, but I’m thinking classic bases, facades on one side and things going on in the back, like main build of Assault on Hoth. All of these could include an extra speeder or something: Yavin 4 Rebel Base - Princess Leia, R2-D2, new high ranking rebel variant or obscure named rebel, 3-4 fleet troopers. Hoth Echo Base - Taun Taun (or two). NO SNOWSPEEDER. Bacta Luke, 2-1B, Snowy Chewbacca or Leia, 3-4 Rebel troopers Ewok Village - let your imagination go nuts but remember $100USD price point. Leia, C-3PO, Wicket, 3-4 more ewoks. Endor Bunker - Han, Leia, Imperial officer, 2 Stormtroopers, Scout trooper Millennium Falcon - I bet it could be done at this price point. Maybe it’ll turn out like a bigger midi-scale Falcon with room for 1 or 2 in the cockpit and one gunner. Maybe it’ll be an out of proportion, stripped down return to the 2004 design. Figures are Han, Chewie, Lando, Nien Numb, 2 endor rebel soldiers. Battle of Endor - AT-ST, 2 trees with battering ram logs. Maybe an ewok glider. AT-ST driver, 2 Stormtroopers (or 1 stormtrooper and 1 scout trooper, or 2 scout troopers), Chewbacca, Wunka, Widdle. The price point has so much potential, I’d love to hear more ideas.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
New sets Not sure if Vader brickheadz is an improvement or not, but glad one is available again for those who don’t have the old one. Kenobi looks alright. Might pick this one up, haven’t decided yet. Starfighter isn’t the best, but it’s better than the last Anakin Delta 7 so it gets a pass from me. I agree it looks more like a Delta 7B, but I am a fan of the way LEGO has designed it so I don’t mind. Taun-We is exactly what I was expecting, and I must also admit that the fake minidoll was too good and this is underwhelming by comparison. The Sytche, the Sytche. Will be buying this one for sure even if I’ve begun to dislike this design… I’m guessing this is rehashing an old argument but if krennics shuttle was the derivative of the lambda then this one is the double derivative. I’m normally supportive of sticking with the theme but maybe this was a step too far? Whatever… that’s not on LEGO, the set is just fine. Maybe even the most well designed shuttle as of late, will need to wait to have it in hand to confirm but it looks solid. All the functions you need, plenty of space inside, 4 excellent exclusive figures (RIP everyone who shelled out for the Rebels figures). Definitely a fan of the set, but I’m not so keen on it when I compare it to the Bad Batch shuttle or Boba Fett’s palace. The comparison is interesting. For the same price point you could chose: A small shuttle with 2 speeders and 6 figures, 4 exclusive; A good sized play set with 7 figures, 5 exclusive OR A big shuttle with 4 figures, all exclusive. I’m keen to see what else they can do at this price point. Value for money isn’t the best at $160 AUD but lately that money will get you consistently good sets that have a lot to offer.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
But how many of those options are realistic and could include Omega? If LEGO did any of those she would maybe come in Fennec’s ship or a Kamino set… and they wouldn’t do a Kamino set. I love the show and want more sets but it really doesn’t have a lot going for it that wouldn’t just be Clone Wars stuff again.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Re: The Justifier: I think you guys are looking into it too much… they were probably just looking for a way to get Omega on the shelves, and let’s be honest here there isn’t much else from the show that they could do. The price point justifies this assumption to me, they did the same thing with the light cruiser last year. They probably considered the fact that they haven’t done Cad Bane in a while and it would be an excuse to reuse Fennec (who I’m betting will have her helmet again) and Hunter. Quite frankly I’m surprised we’re not hearing that a Kaminoan will be in this set as well, would be a great way to recoup the cost of the head mould. Above all, it’s just a cool ship that would make a good set - that was going through my head while watching the episode it was in and I’m sure the designers would’ve thought the same thing.- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
You make great points here, I want to build on what you’ve said. These new sets sound like they’d play together so well. Many different versions of Obi-Wan to use with the AT-TE and starfighter, both of those vehicles go against the Sycthe or justifier. Taun-We goes with the justifier. With everything that’s on shelves at the moment you can get a pretty decent, all encompassing collection spanning movies and TV shows. I am keen to see pictures, this sounds like one of the best waves for prequel fans in years. Can’t wait to get the starfighter, love when they do these sets in different colours and it’s been far too long since we got an affordable red Delta 7. Obi Wan sets sound a bit spoilery but promising. The Sytche will be great for the figures. Andor set is intriguing. BD-1 is a great idea for a sculpture set. Obviously the AT-TE is attracting attention. I really hope LEGO doesn’t give us oversized dual moulded helmets, please let them be the same as the current ones just with holes. If it’s an update of the existing mould then there’s potential for it to be used in current sets, meaning new figure variants… I can dream. The set I’m most excited for is by far the justifier. When I saw it on TV last year I knew it would be a great set and this is almost the exact figure selection I pictured it with (I was thinking maybe Taun We as well, thankfully she’s in a cheaper set). Curious to see how they do TODO, though I hope it’s something better I’m expecting a rather large build on top of battle droid legs. The amount of figures for the price of the set seems a little off but if the build is big and has a lot of usable space it’s a non issue for me. Would love a UCS razor crest. Here’s hoping it’s true, the timing for a set like this seems right so I hope it is true. Probably would just be the ship alone but it has so much more potential… like including a full interior with extra parts to do the modifications from the show. Could totally see an iced up Mando figure and some spiders included. Better not get too hopeful… Great but expensive year for LEGO Star Wars- LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just speculating but I don’t think the Cantina will appreciate as well as Cloud City. The Cantina has some great figures but it doesn’t have exclusive variants of the main characters to drive the price up. - LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
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