Everything posted by Brikkyy13
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
And that is exactly why I jumped on the 2021 Slave I. This was expected since
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Now that we've got our first 2022 leak I'm going to take a blind stab at what the next wave might contain. In the past, smaller Hoth sets have almost always been accompanied by larger Hoth sets. Prices in USD. $20 Snowtrooper battle pack CONFIRMED $20 Hoth rebel battle pack - 4 unique hoth rebels, 3 male 1 female, Taun-Taun OR combat speeder, snow wall and figure stand $30 Snowspeeder - Luke, Dak $50 Y-Wing - Dutch Vander, R2-BHD, Leia... but I still really hope for a clone wars Y-Wing $70 Hoth Shield Generator - Moderately sized shield generator build with weapon storage space and a small command center inside. Han, Chewbacca, Probe Droid, 2 snowtroopers, Taun Taun? I think a $130USD Millennium Falcon will come eventually, but not next year. When the rise of skywalker falcon retires I think we'll see a new one.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This basically confirms a rebel battle pack to go with it… and almost certainly a new snowspeeder too. Keen to see the figures, I’ve been considering doing a Hoth display so this is perfect timing. The most interesting part of the rumour to me is it’s meant to include stands for the figures too… I wonder if this is a case of the stands not being shopped out of the picture the leaker saw like in 2016. Apparently stud shooters are finally out of the picture as well.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
What’s a good price point to do an effective Riot Mar’s starfighter? 90 AUD same as this years Mando fighter? I want that. Just the ship and Riot Mar then Toro Calican, Peli Motto and a pit droid and/or EV-9D9 to round it out. Or go for a less orthodox approach, scrap the figures from the gunslinger and include Mayfield and Xi-an with Riot.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Got one in store today. Paz looks much better in person IMO. Good little set, you can get a lot more mileage out of it by keeping the builds in bags 1, 2 and 3 separate instead of connecting them. Combined with the mando battle pack it’s a good cheap way to get lots of mandos and a cool location.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
A proper podracing set would be pretty cool to see again. I’d skip Jabba and the stands to put more parts into podracers and their pilots. Anakin’s and Sebulba’s are a given, if they still have the Aldar Beedo mould lying around in the vault throw him in as well. Ben Quadrinaros would be my top pick for a 4th podracer, but I’d happily take anyone. Throw in that Zaphod Beeblebrox looking announcer as well and that should be it for new figure moulds. Watto, Padme, Shmi, Jar Jar, Poncho Qui-Gon and half-built 3PO should be there as well. Bring back Wald, maybe throw in some more of Anakin’s slave friends and add copious amounts of pit droids. There should be at least 4 podracers, maybe 5 total. If they were really smart about it they’d include a variety of pieces to let you build your own podracers, or include a deck of alternate builds to play around with.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Yeah, the old mould was in that one and the sail barge. The new mould was in the newer palace and barge, all more expensive than the first palace. I wonder if they’d go for a brick built Jabba these days.
[MOC] 75292 B-model "Slave 1"
These are crazy dude! Making such accurate models out of a limited number of parts is tricky. Reminds me of the days when sets would have alternate models on the back of the box, I wish they would bring that back. From the look of it the razor crest could’ve been the perfect set for it.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Doing this with Jabba on the dias would be pretty cool, that part of the 2012 set was my favourite and I kept it built and on display longer than the rest of the set. It would need to come with Bib and Crumb at a minimum but I would love to finally get ROTJ Boba with arm printing, plus Oola and/or Leia and C-3PO to finish out the scene. Some Gamoreans and tatooine scum would be icing on the cake. That amount of figures with the Jabba mould might be asking too much but maybe an exception could be made for a set that’s intended to be a replica of a scene. I could even see them lowering the part count to justify it, maybe not such a bulky display base?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Picked up 75087 on bricklink, missed it when it came out and been trying to get one since. Was just a matter of waiting for one at the right price, and the seller had the figures from 75133 so I grabbed the duros and the rodian for their heads... and then I couldn’t bring myself to separate the figures and got the two humans as well because more soldiers isn’t a bad thing. Unfortunately the seller sent the wrong body with the astromech from the azure angel but their feedback rating is good so I’m hoping they’ll sort it out. Also decided to take a chance on a non lego product and I’ve ordered a decent amount of LED lightsabers from Light My Bricks to put in dioramas. Got myself a few green and blue ones as well as a red, purple and Darth Maul’s.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Man, I don’t even know if enough parts exist in olive to do a bossk busst. A mosaic is a great idea, and chewie has become so common in the last few years... Sounds like you’ve been Bossked a few times. I’m on PS4 on the Aussie servers if anyone fancies a game sometime. MAX Bossk from constantly sweating so hard. He’s the best hero in the game imo, even better than Vader and The Senate. Dominates in teammodes and cleans up in HvV. On a map like Pipeline Junction he can cover 3 objectives at once and if you know what you’re doing with those mines nobody will ever touch you... the only things that will get in your way are teammates that don’t watch your back and that one overly angry assault trooper with vanguard. Dear LEGO, More Bossk please. Sincerely, Everyone in the Star Wars fandom
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Sorry guys, but we have evidence that the best price point for something small like Boba Fett’s throne is actually $70. I wonder with the Book of Boba if we’re going to get a “Boba Fett’s Palace” set before we get another “Jabba’s palace” set. I didn’t know I wanted this one too. This is why I normally stay out of the wishlist thread.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I’d buy it day one and modify the stand to have the two variants of the minifigure on either side, then I’d display it next to the black series figure and I’d send photos of it to people who send me hatemail in Battlefront II. Dammit, I don’t think I have enough sand green pieces to build my own.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Gimme some of that trandoshan thunder
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Probably said a few of these before but meh $15.99 Microfighters: Slave I with mando Boba Fett, Outland TIE with Gideon, Eta-2 with Jedi, Delta 7 with Jedi (Modern Clone Wars Obi-Wan?), AT-RT with trooper $22.99 Cruiser Duel battle pack with Mando, Gideon, Koska Reeves, Dark Trooper, trooper charging station with weapons rack and cargo crates Dark Trooper battle pack with 4 Dark Troopers, light cruiser inspired dropship build with connection points underneath that the dark troopers hang off of Imperial fugitive battle pack with Miggs Mayfield, Burg, Xi'an, Zero, speeder build $29.99 2 Blurgg microfighters with Mando and Kuiil $59.99 ITT with 6 Stormtroopers and a driver $59.99 Downsized Y-Wing with space in cockpit for 2 figures. Classic yellow with Luke Skywalker in yellow jacket, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Boba Fett in original colours OR Republic blue with Rex, Jesse, Ahsoka, 332nd trooper and astromech droid
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
At least it sets precedent. After the 501st set, an ITT at the same (or similar) pricepoint with 6 stormtroopers seems much more likely.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Nice choice of words there. He’s been posting random bs to the legoleaks hashtag on insta, it’s like he’s asking for it this time. No way you could get Boba Fett prices for Rey of all people. The only sequel character worth a damn is Finch Dallow apparently.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Here’s hoping Ahsoka stays in stock like Mando+Grogu. All the other Star Wars brickheadz were gone day 1 and never came back. I went through hell to get Vader and Leia.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I know MandR tried to strongarm the vote to get Jar Jar so it wouldn’t surprise me if Jar Jar is the 150th brickheadz but we just established that it’s fake.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
tbf it’s not entirely unwarranted when OT purists constantly attack you for liking the prequels
Issue with 75903 Republic Gunship
Mine doesn’t do this. If anything the clutch is too strong and I have to apply more force than normal to get it open. Try swapping out the pieces, both the 1x4 jumper and the parts on the door.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
What a shame if true, the parts have so much potential. Also, forgot to mention that the gunship is very back heavy and tends to lean backwards if it’s not on the stand.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just finished building the gunship It’s good as is but there is room for improvement in the model. There’s a lot of unused space in the front and the missile belts could’ve been actual belts going into the wings. I’ve built a few of the more notorious UCS sets but this is by far the most fragile, lots of parts in the cockpit subassembly are poorly secured. The bubble turrets are flimsy too, they could’ve been attached to the body better with CCBS bones (or older Bionicle parts). A second set of removable doors would’ve been a welcome addition, I think this is the first modification I’m going to make. The large ball socket pieces used on the three smaller guns have poor clutch power. By far the biggest disappointment of the model is the big grey support beam in the middle of the cargo hold. A bulkier technic frame around the outside of the cargo bay would’ve provided enough support and any design concessions made in this regard would’ve been less intrusive than the beam. With the beam eliminated from the design there would’ve been adequate space for a speeder bike which would’ve perfectly complemented the gunship, especially if it included a similar information plaque. All said, still a very impressive display piece and was a fun building experience. I’ve left the stickers off of mine, I think I might keep it that way. The 2 minifigures are nice, love the burnt orange. I’m assuming Mace Windu would’ve been the most requested Jedi during the vote.
LEGO Star Wars 2021 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This is what I was telling myself 10 years ago when all those “LEGO is a better investment than gold” articles were floating around.
[MOC] The Uterceptor - UCS U-Wing / Tie Interceptor ugly
I didn’t know I needed ugly UCS models. Excellent work! I like that you built a mini one to go with it.
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