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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I think the Kraken is the clear choice here IMO. Only thing I'd adjust is one of the colors to tone it down a tad. I'd love to get more affordable Raven knights too, but I think this shows that Lego is aware of the ridiculous aftermarket price on them and has plans to address it one way or another. The Krakens will bring a whole new flavor to castle that we've been missing. Bulls and Griffins are cool too but the old bull shields are good enough to use with modern shields and the Griffins are super bland especially with the popularity of Harry Potter.
  2. Love it! Reminds me of the drive up to our place in the mountains during fall when the aspens all turn
  3. CobaltMoon98 changed their profile photo
  4. I think you've just conveyed my point way better than I ever did. I recognize that everyone can spend their hard earned money how they want and that army builders are not a monolith. People like Itaria here are very valid to have a slow build approach since this doesn't cause such a drastic drop in supply and increase in price. The distinction I should have made is with all of the people who tend to just raid PAB/BAM or CMF figs, as they have a direct impact on the accessibility of the product for others. I made the mistake of grouping all army builders in to this category since I've seen way too many "snagged 100 black falcons today" posts right next to "when will they restock PAB?" posts lately and it's easy to see the direct impact that army builders (and resellers) are having on the stock of pieces and figs for people who can't monitor the PAB site all day every day. I've really just started to notice a trend in people who are putting profit or personal hoarding ahead of their passion for creation with Lego and it's sad to see such a turn in the hobby and community. Anyways, guess my main point is just that army builders and people who buy up large amounts of supply in one go need to be more cognizant of how their purchases affect other fans of Lego. Next time they go to buy that 100+ minifigs maaaaybe they should ask "do I really need all of these right now?" I think you've also nailed it on the head here. I don't have nearly as much of a problem with people slowly buying up a large amount of minifigs to put on a large build. As people have said here previously, some builds need it to look alive. It just really irks me when I see hundreds or thousands of highly sought after minifigs just collecting dust in someone's collections just because they wanted to flex their ability to do so. I think the initial "they're just jealous" comments is what reminded me of these sorts of folks, as it tends to come across as out of touch. For me, Lego is all about creation and imagination and these types of army builders just feel a bit soulless. Again, not a monolith though and I wish I had specified this before, as it is obviously not the case for everyone in this thread. Hope that clears up my stance. I'd much rather talk about what we all have in common here rather than splitting hairs, so sorry for opening this can of worms. Happy building everyone!
  5. I would love to hear these mysterious ways of getting Lego to produce more for you specifically. Yes, Lego plays a large hand in it, but that does not mean people amassing large quantities of the supply within hours of release do not have a hand in it too. It is easy to blame it on the big guy but we must all be aware of the part we play. Good point! In this hypothetical, you do not know who it is going to. However, as a broad idea this would increase the supply and drop the price, lowering the barrier to entry for all individuals. Another good point! I do agree that the stakes of the two are not the same as one is a luxury and one is a basic need. I simply made the comparison to further emphasize the moral dilemma. I could have likened it to things like PS5 scalpers who buy all of the stock on release for their own gain. While you are not profiting and don't reach this level of greed, it is again removing the possibility for others to get in at normal retail price when all stock has been removed. While you aren't detracting from someone's livelihood, there is much joy to be found in something as simple a minifig and I hate seeing the barrier to that become larger and larger due to others amassing large quantities. Again, I appreciate your thoughtful points. I am certainly coming at this from the perspective of someone who has faced these inequities elsewhere and dislikes seeing them even in things as simple and mundane as Lego, which makes it more personal for me.
  6. I'd love to! It's too bad a communist state doesn't actually exist. You're welcome to collect how you please. I guess if making efforts to ensure that this hobby remains accessible and equitable make me a bitter person, then I'm happy to wear that label.
  7. First, let me say that I do appreciate the thought out response and efforts you have made to explain yourself. While your message seems pretty patronizing despite making claims that I am arrogant and cocky, I'm willing to look past that. I understand everything that you have said. However, my issue is a basic economic one. Your methods would be fine if we didn't have a finite supply of the majority of these figures. My issue is the fact that every additional minifig purchased by an army builder not only decreases the supply but also raises the price for those who come after them. I make a good amount of money and can certainly afford to buy the amount of Lego that I desire. I'm not saying that everyone should be allotted a set maximum number of minifigs in their collection (though I do think online PAB orders should have a limit) but I am saying that you must recognize that every minifigure you get is one less than someone else might get. I personally just think that there's no way the joy of one additional minifig for an army builder can match that for someone who doesn't have any yet. If you wanted to remove the context and make it less personal, think of the housing market. Can someone choose to buy multiple houses even though they can only live in one at a time? Sure! Is it ethical to do so when that directly affects the availability of houses for those with less resources? Personally I would say no. I realize that this comes off as an attack for those who have chosen to pursue this form of collecting and I do apologize for that. I did not mean to be that hostile. I'm not saying I think that you're bad people, but I hope that everyone realizes that these actions contribute to the inaccessibility of the hobby for many. However, this is very off topic and I do apologize for opening this particular can of worms here. I'm happy to discuss my thoughts further elsewhere if you feel so inclined. Otherwise, guess we can agree to disagree.
  8. True, we are unfortunately stuck in a capitalist system that rewards those who accumulate wealth, but that doesn't mean it isn't valid to critique those who buy so much that it directly impacts the availability and prices of the product for the rest. You have to admit that the returns on every new minifig added to an army is diminishing and therefore 1 minifig has much more value to someone who has none than someone who has 99 already. Just because you CAN buy that 100th minifig doesn't mean that there aren't negative impacts on others because of that decision. Simply put, it IS greedy to actively hoard that much of the supply for yourself when others don't have any or if that means the price gets inflated by 500%. If every army builder put just 10% of their armies back up for sale at retail price, it would barely make a difference to them but would allow hundreds of other people to get the minfigs that are being hoarded. Just seems selfish and antithetical to the ideals of Lego in general, but you're free to play the market how you see fit. Anyways, I realize this little rant on the ethical qualms of Lego hoarding is pretty off topic so I'll leave it at that.
  9. Thanks for the thorough run down! I think the backwards torso was tripping me up in my bricklink searches. Good use of parts! Might have to incorporate them into my own factions.
  10. Really hoping that we might get another fantasy/castle heavy series this time around like series 13. That orc looks great and could definitely fit with the series 13 goblin or the fantasy era stuff.
  11. CobaltMoon98 replied to morvit's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Love both versions! The new one seems a bit more versatile in that in can be repurposed for other factions. I do however like the old version just because it matches sets like the tournament joust a bit better.
  12. No pretending here. I simply don't like the majority of army posts because they're typically unimaginative but also because they signify a Smaug level of hoarding that directly impacts those with less resources. The "jealousy" as you put it (I'd personally say it's more spite and disdain) is well deserved because army builders not only take more than their fair share of stock but also inflate after market prices for everyone else. I recently had to pay $20 per tournament knight, yet there are hundreds sitting on some grey baseplate out there doing nothing but satisfying an army builder's greed. People are welcome to populate their builds as they see fit, but I feel like saying "oh you're just jealous" is super tone deaf and disrespectful to the many people who can't afford to throw hundreds or thousands of dollars at their plastic toy hobby.
  13. Glad to see someone else who thinks this too. I tend to scratch my head when seeing armies of identical minifigs. Always seems lacking in creativity and a bit wasteful, but hey not my money to waste I guess. However it is annoying when all of the good PAB pieces get wiped out within hours of restocking due to all these army builders. Still don't have a new Black Falcon, but I see people on here and Reddit posting like 50 of them just standing in a grid and I have to wonder what they're getting out of it.
  14. Love the idea and minifigs! What did you use for the armor on Vampire Sunbreaker Viggo and the Duchess Valeria figs?
  15. Just got my hands on Kryptonite Interception thanks to brickseek and the nice Target employee who led me get it early. It's a really great seat. The forklift is uninteresting, but as far as forklifts go, it's pretty good. The batmobile is by far my favorite one yet. I love the scale and they've managed to pack a lot of detail and durability into it.
  16. The way the Queen's bio talked about the future of the kingdom almost made me think they were hinting at a new Castle theme, but I guess that's unlikely with Nexo Knights.
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