- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Minifigs in the Las Vegas Desert
Excellent images. Thanks for sharing
What DC/Marvel Hero/Villain Do You Most Want To See Made In LEGO?
Doesn't Fox own the rights to Fantastic Four (movie versions anyway)..? That could prevent their inclusion unless this rumoured Simpsons tie-in involves more of Fox's IP (movie X-Men etc)
- Council of Elrond.. Made two sets into one
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Crowe has been tweeeting about his joy of being Lego'd and even asked them if they'll do a range on his new Noah film..! From that and when other actors (Hobbit for example) get their Lego figures there seems to be an honest sense of excitement and gratitude to being immortalised in Lego. Sorry that was slightly off topic.!!
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I think a Jabba's Sail Barge with no Jabba would have been a strange choice. I actually like it a lot more now and agree with the brickbuilt nose. I find it strange though that we have one third of the Max Rebo band though with no sign of Snootels or McCool ever being released as I can't see there being any other Jabba related scenes released. I would have liked a Squid Head figure in this set. I shall wait until a 3for2 sale comes around in the UK to pick this up..
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
I can forgive the early stuff as it was new after all, but for me the worst as far as design and build enjoyment was probably the ship from the Force Unleashed game. Design was flimsy and it looks awful. A lot of this though can be labeled at the original game design though. Luckily I got it in a sale and only got it for the figures
- MOC - Tony Stark's Garage
Press Release 10237 - Tower of Orthanc
I agree, it's a big black tower for crying out loud..! Imagine the uproar if TLG plut loads of blue bricks on it like the Bat or Tie-Fighter..!!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
REVIEW: 5001621 Han Solo (Hoth)
I agree the pictures at the end of the review really sealed it for me. I love the face printing on this figure. Good review!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- Helm's Deep expansion [MOC]
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