Everything posted by AngryChair
Fantastic MOC. Congrats
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I see your point but will TGL look at the detailing as a mark of their progress from the basic yellow faces of yesteryear. I doubt multijointed figures will come into play as then things start getting a bit like MegaBloks and we don't really want that! Perhaps they are using this as a marketing tool to see what camps buyers prefer, detailed or cartoon. The problem is that if the movie version of figures were too cartoony would we be complaining about them not being realistic enough.? It's a tough call for them
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Wasn't it at NYCC that we first saw the Superhero range last year.? I bet they will have something good
Future Star Wars Sets
That would make the Palace a massive and amazing set. That could then as already mentioned by Spider-Man lead to other great potential set ideas (Jedi Temple, Extension of Palpatine's arrest etc) I really hope we don't get another Slave 1 for a while. I don't think the latest one can be improved in any way yet so best leave it be and concentrate on other set ideas
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
What he said really..!
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
I agree, me and Vindice were discussing that if there were to be no focus on X-Men sets in the future then why bring out the Wolverine Chopper set and the Comic Con Phoenix figure. It will happen at sometime, Lego will use the next year to focus on the IronMan and Thor etc.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I'm glad I held off buying Jabba's Palace as I bet TDKR sets will be out in the next few weeks seeing as the film is out next week. If I remember right sets from TDK were shop at home only, which to me would make sense as to avoid any puzzled kids in shops wondering what the Tumbler is. It's great that TLG have done the movie figures, the Bane printing is fantastic. Well done TLG on this lot. Hope there's more to come but I've no idea how I'm gonna afford all this.!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Very impressed with Bag End, agree with another comment in that it looks more like a MOC due to the level of details. My only gripe is that I don't see why Lego dont make the legs poseable on the hobbits. Surely that can be done by now..? Anyway, gripe over, it's a lovely set
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Was saying to my brother last night that Rivendell would make for a lovely set with some nice set pieces (Shards of Narsil and the Council area to name a couple). It features in the new Hobbit film as well so would be a timely set
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
I really can't see a Lone Ranger range unless they go back to doing western themes again (not impossible as there hasn't been one in ages). There's definitely no PoTC film next year as I don't think the script has been written yet. There's Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 next year so I'd expect some sets from those
- Future Superhero Set Ideas
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I'm not holding my breath but I'm hoping there may be something. Is it a year ago already that we found out about the Superhero range.? If so time has flown. Anyway, back on topic I hope we get some details soon for the winter range.
10228 Haunted House
I totally agree here
10228 Haunted House
I think we all need to take 5 mins, calm down and revel in what can only be described as a 'fangtastic' model. The designer did an amazing job with this and I'll be sure to buy this
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars minifigures?
I agree with some of the comments above, the new Anakin from Palpatine's Arrest is really nice. Good detailing and nice to have non Clone Wars faces for a PT range set
Monster Fighters 2012
I really was set to avoid this range until I saw that Haunted House. Damn you Lego..!
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Great selection of figures and overal a nice set. I was surprised to see Anakin's ship though so that's a nice bonus. It's pretty much based on the Home One set which also is a great set. Palpatine's window office part is very nice so shall look forward to MOC's the heck out of that. The only thing I would have liked to have seen would have been the corridor that leads to Palp's ani-chamber, would have loved to have seen that wall decoration of the Sith battle done in Lego ( I know I'm asking too much there..!) Overal a great set though. Congrats to the designers
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
That's a tough call regarding the molded heads. Would make Batman etc more authentic, but would it lose the Lego 'cute' factor that makes them remain a child's toy..?
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga
Hi, I little while ago I posted a link to a Lego Star Wars Stopmotion piece that I worked on. I'm happy to announce that I've now completed the trilogy and wanted to share with you. I used HitFilm for pretty much all of the fx in part 3 with the exception of the lightsabers which were done in VisionLab Studio. Hope you enjoy them.! Thanks Jay Part one - Duel Part two - Escape Part three - Endgame
Future Superhero Set Ideas
They'll continue to bring out Batman as it simply sells. Did Green Lantern break even at the box office.? If it didn't I can't see TLG making too many GL sets based on what in my opinion was a very poor film. I think like WonderWoman he will be packaged with other sets. I agree that Marvel sets will have some mega focus this year with 2 very big stable films due out.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Interesting, I can quite easily see these figures being adapted to the new oversized figure. Let's just hope they don't use Vinny Jones face for Juggernaut though.! Killer Croc, Clayface and Apocalypse though should definitely be done this size.
[LDD MOC] Cloud City
This is brilliant and just as I imagined a Cloud City playset to look and should look.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
(drops his head in sorrow) "You poor man.!"
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Recently picked up the Imperial V-Wing. I actually can't remember why I did though..!
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