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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I know this may be better fit for the 2016 thread, but do you think we might get the same treatment next year for the MCU sets? With an entire wave of civil war sets, and one set for dr strange? Also, reply number 8888!!
  2. We got it, no need to spam it on every thread, plus, you couldve said it without being an A-hole about it. Just try being a little nicer. Cool? Super!
  3. Hey guys, i just bought the ant-man set at a target in LA, but i got the 183 piece rather than the 195 piece, so can i still contact LEGO to get the 12 extra pieces? And if anyone has gotten theirs from lego, could you please post a picture of the pieces and if they came with a bag or instruction or whatnot.
  4. Tbh, i dont really consider quicksilver to be as one of the bes, mostly because of the wrong hairpiece and printing (or lack thereof).he is still an awesome fig, just not one of the best. Mine are probably vision, ultron prime, iron man mark 45 and even the iron legion. I dont have the new sets yet, but antman, yellowjacket and carnage all look fantastic.
  5. Good day y'all, i was just wondering if any of you had any information as to when the quinjet poly was gonna be available in the U.S or Mexico, i really really want it, but i dont wanna fork over the ridiculous amazon prices to get it shipped from hong kong. Thanks!
  6. Now that the ant man set is pretty much out, does anyone know of three replacement heads to use of the figures, i was thinking maybe theoden for hank pym, boba fett for scott lang, and a clonetrooper face for yellowjacket. Also anyone have any info on when the quinjet polybag will be available?
  7. I was thinking king theoden's head could work quite well.
  8. Hey guys, in your opinion, what would be the better buy: an atat, or the thdirium? Personally im gearing more towards the tydiruim, but also really would like the atat. Thanks!
  9. For sdcc. I really hope we get some sort of mini vehicle with a war machine mk 2. And it wouldnt matter much since everyone who cant get it at the convention could just wait and get it in a polybag (ala rocket & electro)
  10. I only just bought the new quinjet yesterday, and having not previously owned the one prior i cant compare them. But i can say that it is an absolutely wonderful set! Great playability on both vehicles. Great figs and a not-so-bad price per piece ratio, i highly reccomend it. I only had a few issues with it. But nothing against the design of the vehicle. The minifig selection while great could have used maybe just one more fig (dr cho perhaps?) and also to replace the iron man fig with a mark 2 war machine. Besides that, great set. Mr. Bessa, if you are there, then i congratulate you on a fantastic design!
  11. Hey everyone, does anyone know the U.S. price for the imperial shuttle?
  12. Yeah, big hats off to to the designers, having a wide array of skin tones and even gender (the female ACU is a very welcome surprise) Hopefully in some years we can expect getting a lot more diversity in our sets.
  13. Anyone have any idea as to why include the plain black head in the ant man set? At first i thought it may have like mask printing, so that ant man can have the "full helmet" look, and not have the unaccurate mouth gap. But now i see that its completely blacl, so like....what gives?
  14. oh, whew. Considering that it isn't confirmed then I'll take it with a grain of salt. Hopefully we do get a small wave of sets for the other movies. also given that some old sets don't really cover it. As well as how they already have fig and vehicle designs from the video game.
  15. Are the JP sets a definite no?? I hadn't heard this.... Link? According to me it was all still just speculation. And due to the past 3 movies being in the game, This would be the best possible time for it. Jeez now I'm sad... This could mean no goldblum fig.
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