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Everything posted by yys4u

  1. yys4u replied to Hass Kabal's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    This ship is so amazing I can't believe it doesn't have more support on Cuusoo. I check in on this project like once a month to see if its picking up any recognition and there's barely any. It's by far my favorite pirate ship moc. Granted even if LEGO did decide to build it, it would have to be greatly downsized, but I would hope they follow the color scheme, the sails, and at least make it equivalent to the Imperial Flagship. But that's no reason NOT to vote for, I mean the UCS Sand Crawler got 10,000 votes, and there's no way LEGO would make something that scale. Then again, Sand Crawler has the entire Star Wars franchise behind it but still... This project needs more support.
  2. Do you think you could link me to the designer video? I didn't know one was out for this set and tried looking for it but couldn't find it...
  3. Unfortunately since I used copyrighted music halfway through the video, my video was flagged as using 3rd party content. I didn't get a strike or anything, usually the owners of the song just put ads that they get the revenue for. This instance, WMG (the owners of the song) decided to just make the video unavailable to mobile devices. So it's not something I can change in the settings. I've learned my lesson now, because disabling videos on mobile devices makes it pretty difficult to get views cause more and more people nowadays are using phones or tablets. So sorry about that...
  4. The build and taking all the pics took me an entire day. It took a long time to set up my area too since I hadn't done anything in a while. The editing and finding the right song took me a few hours. But I didn't get around to doing that till at least a week after filming. I'll try to do more vids! I was thinking of doing it with the tower, but a set that big is going to take multiple days, and that I'm not looking forward to haha. So I may not do something that big.
  5. Thanks! That was one of the criticisms I got from previous videos, that it got kinda boring just watching a build. So this time I tried to mix it up a little by having the figures do something.
  6. yys4u replied to Yawgmoth's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I'm just in awe at how clean and crisp those sails are... Look at how they keep their "wind" shape!
  7. I hope this is allowed, I already posted this in the Classic Pirates forum, but thought I would share it here as well since it IS a Lord of the Rings set. I made a stop motion build of this new ship, as I've done with a couple others. It was my first time using a webcam, to avoid camera shake when I'd hit the capture button, so the video came out less shaky. Also changed some lighting aspects so there is less flicker. However, I must have not had the settings fine tuned on my web cam settings, since the colors of the shots aren't 100% correct, many bricks that appear red in the video are actually reddish brown. Unfortunately since I used copyrighted music, the owners didn't allow the video to be played on mobile devices. Anyways please let me you know what you all think, and if any of you have suggestions for improving quality I'd love to hear it!
  8. Hah! i thought that could be a problem to some people. As I uploaded the vid I thought if I myself would watch someone else's vid, and decided I probably wouldn't cause I too like surprises when I build a set. O well!
  9. I wasn't sure whether to post this in classic pirate section of historical since it's technically a Lord of the Rings set, but I decided here since I'm primarily a pirates fan and use this forum more than the rest of Eurobricks. Well it's been a while since I made any brickfilms, but I recently picked up the Pirate Ship Ambush set #79008. Being a huge pirate ship fan I had to get this, and since I did a build video for the Black Pearl and QAR I thought I'd do one for this too. I actually finished the filming over a week ago but I procrastinated finding the right music. I tried to fix some of the problems that plagued my other videos, like poor lighting, flickering light, camera shaking, and while I think this one is better, I must have messed up the exposure or gain cause some of the bricks that appear red in video are actually brown :( Anyways, I'd like to know what you all think! Thanks!
  10. Has anyone ever tried dry cleaning LEGO sails? It was mentioned briefly a couple pages back, so I just thought I'd check to see if anyone has actually tried it. I considered doing it, but I don't know if dry cleaners would even take them, how would they bill it? Having cleaned my sails in the past using methods described here, my biggest problem is the loss of stiffness in the sails. So I'm considering seeing if it's possible to have them dry cleaned and ask for some light starch. I wonder what kind of looks i would get if I were to go through with this.
  11. http://www.hothbricks.com/2013/03/lego-minifigures-character-encyclopedia-premieres-images/ Found this via another forum, thought I'd relay it here. Toy Soldier could have some uses in a pirate setting
  12. yys4u replied to snefroe's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Someone really needs to make a master index with pics and names and sources for names for each chacater They will be loved.
  13. Ya your right, the Matte medium does need to be thinned. I decided to test it on some Broadcloth I bought at a fabric store, according to another source I read, that material is pretty close to what lego uses. But it left the fabric with a noticeably different feel, too much of a difference I wouldn't think of using it on actual lego sails. I meant to make some kind of tutorial video and upload to youtube, but never got around to it. I should probably go back and try the matte medium again with a more diluted sample. As for the watered down white glue, I heard about that too. It's probably pretty similar to matte medium, when I opened the bottle of stuff I had bought it looks identical to watered down white glue haha. I think I first read about Fray Block on this forum, but didn't go back through the pages to confirm that or not. Basically it's like liquid plastic that will stop the fabric from fraying again. There's supposedly a number of "side effects" to using it though. Such as discoloration to applied parts, and yellowing overtime, I haven't noticed anything yet. It is a little tricky to apply though, as the applicator is built for sweaters and much thicker fabrics. I think I bought mine at Walmart for around $3.
  14. ^Great post! Thanks for all the pictures. I'm curious as to what you did with the fraying? When some of my sails frayed I clipped them with sicors and the ones fraying really bad, I put some Fray Block on. That's a very aggressive approach however. I assume many would want their sails to be as original as possible.
  15. Awesome! I tried looking for a spare QAR before they were gone but no luck. Love your youtube videos BTW!
  16. POSSIBLE SPOLIERS !!! ^ Oooh okay haha looks like I did confuse the 2. I just assumed there was ONE named orc. Then why did they give him the white warg?? And what is he even doing in this set as he's not in that scene??
  17. After seeing the movie, I realize how horrible this set is... I really like this set when I first saw it (like the majority of folks I liked it for the wargs) but I liked the minifigures as well, but after seeing the movie I realized how poorly Yazneg is designed. In the movie he's huge, way bigger than regular orcs, I'm not sure how they could have done this in Lego form, but the lack of a hair piece makes him look shorter than regular orcs. As mentioned before I wish they had some kind of head piece for bald minfigures. He also doesn't wear that chest piece, in fact he doesn't wear anything at all waist up. Not to mention his hand is wrong... The tree also looks horrible IMO, based on this set I thought the characters in the movie would climb up a short bulky trees, but in fact they climb up very thin tall trees. Again, I see the limitations in stability and playability, but I just think the likeness could have been greatly improved. The rock formations are cool I think, as mentioned above, it makes more sense if you see the movie. Despite this, I have 2 $10 gift cards for target, so I'll probably still end up picking this set up for 30 bucks. Mainly for the Wargs
  18. Awesome ship! What did you use for the sails? Are those black pearl sails our did you custom make them?
  19. Hmm... I sent LEGO an email on the 4th and they haven't replied yet, they've never taken this long to reply. Maybe because its my 3rd email they've decided to start ignoring me I think I'll give it a couple more days, then call them. I want my long cape!
  20. This MOC is amazing! (I'm sure your getting sick of hearing that haha) But I too would like a little clarification on that Gamling minifigure, I really want to make my own. The hair is Boromir's? Correct? And what about the face :/ I don't recognize that... Thanks to anyone who can help!
  21. ^That's actually a really good idea! I haven't seen many, but it looks like the best back printing used as the front of a torso I've seen.
  22. I cant stand this minifigure just for the short cape! I loved the images when I first saw them, and bought my ONLY Lego game just for this figure, but when I saw that he had the short cape it totally ruined it for me. I don't why it bugs me so much, maybe because I emailed LEGO twice and they gave me the run-a-round. Reading this review I ALMOST accepted the short cape, and started to get used to it, until I saw the comparision with Haldir. He just looks so ridiculous next to a normal figure with a normal cape... Hopefully LEGO decides to fix this and send people the correct cape. If anyone does manage to get a long cape let me know!
  23. For those of you just now picking up your figures, are they coming with the short cape still or did they ever fix that? Someone on brickset said when he emailed LEGO they said they weren't making any long capes until the 15th or something and the next batch would have the correct cape.
  24. Has anyone succeeded in getting the LONG cape shown here in the Designer video? My 2 figures came with a short cape and I emailed LEGO twice about it and they told me alll the figures came with a short cape.
  25. Hmm good point. I had forgotten what those ships looked like. Someone on another forum told me the ship I pointed out was probably the scrapped Flying Dutchman...
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