Everything posted by yys4u
2012 Pirates?
Ah so that's where it started from. Seems like a reasonable assumption. Not as definitive as I'd hope though... Thanks for that link
2012 Pirates?
Sorry I missed this earlier, how do we know there will be Ninjago vs Pirates? What are the clues etc? And on another note, how many of you out there will be buying the Sponge Bob Flying Dutchman or the Ninjago Destiny's Bounty? Pirates are obviously my all time favorite theme, but I can't really use that to justify buying these 2 sets... Surprisingly, I'd rather buy the spongebob set. Would like to get other opinions
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
@Canada_7 haha! Oops sorry. @tytus sorry again, I meant all the LEGO stores, I heard from someone on Brickset that TRU might not get them till February... Don't know for sure though.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
Found Series 6 at the Ontario, CA lego store. I asked if I could buy a full box but they said they usually don't allow that for the first couple months and that the limit is 16, so I painstakingly sat there and felt through all the bags to find my set only to go checkout and realize I had miscounted and had to do it all over again. Ultimately they let me leave with 17, I grabbed an extra roman. All the other stores I called in southern California said they wouldn't have them till Monday. So get em while they're hot boys n girls! They've reached the States.
VIP Exclusive 850458 LEGO® Minifigures set
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
Yea it seems like LEGO had some real success in making sure other stores don't release these before they do. I ALMOST had success in finding them. After hearing that they were listed as "sold in stores" on TRU website I called my local store and asked if they had them, and the employee said yes. So I rushed to the store and saw nothing by the Customer Service desk, I checked the LEGO isle and saw a small handful of series 5 in the new display bins, then checked the checkout isles and still saw nothing. I finally asked an employee and he checked the computer and said not only does his store not have them in stock, but no store in his system has them yet either...
Black Pearl vs Queen Anne's Revenge
Wow the Imperial Flagship?? I was thinking of doing the same kind of vid on all the ships at some point but that would be a lot of work. IFS must have been hard, I did the same thing for the Grand Emporium modular building and it took 3 days. I'll check it out when you post your vid. I also noticed that the lighting changes was actually caused cause I wore a white shirt and it reflected a lot of light when I was too close to the ship (Not sitting in my chair behind the camera) I'm also probably gonna get a webcam and start using Helium frog to compose pictures. THat should get rid of the camera shaking.
Classic-Pirates Youtube Page
I frequently check youtube for stop motion stuff, mainly LEGO pirate vids if I can find them. I myself have recently dabbled in youtube and stop-motion animation and just recently set up my own page. But I'm wondering what ever happened to the Classic-Pirates youtube page? I've come across some of it's vids before and it seems like they used to announce contests and post their own stop motion stuff but it seems like it's been a while since it's been active. A year since last post and 6 months since the page has "favorited" anything. So my question is what happened? Is there just no time to run the page or what?
LEGO DC Minifig Review...and raffle!
I still have 2 extra Batman's from the SDCC EDIT by Hinckley: This is not an open flea market. If you have something to sell we have the Buy, Sell, Trade Forum. No "deals" or "offers" should be discussed in private. This is not a third market seller site, so trade and sell at your own risk, but only in the proper forum. Selling and trading by PM should be done with extreme caution. Edit: Oops! My bad :x
Black Pearl vs Queen Anne's Revenge
@ZCerberus cool someone noticed the pattern! Lol I like thinking of it as a "snake" and try to base what piece should be placed next on that. It's cool that its noticeably. I agree about it popping, to me it makes it easier to follow the build instead of having the eyes moving around the screen sporadically
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Same. I hope they drag it out like they dragged out star wars. If they did that they would quickly cover all the major scenes and then have to move to the not so important settings, that way we get the Interceptor! But yea I'm still hoping for at least one more wave. I love the pieces, minifigs, and ships that came with this theme
The Flying Dutchman set...
good eye aanchir, I noticed the bricks on the rock were built in two dimensions, but I didn't notice it was a secret compartment
How many ships do you have in your fleet?
Wow! I was so excited to get on this topic and edit my old post cause now I have added the ones I've been missing I now have all 12 officially released pirate ship Black seas barracuda Caribbean Clipper Skull's eye schooner Imperial Flagship (old one and missing 2 pieces :( ) Renegade Runner Cross bone clipper Armada Flagship Red beard's Runner Brickbeard's bounty Imperial Flagship 10210 and now Black Pearl Queen Anne's Revenge! but skaforhire thats crazy! That's a lot of ships. I was regretting collecting these cause now I have to decide if I should make space to display them or disassemble and place them in boxes... can't imagine what your situation is lol Edit: The only one to evade me is the little merchant ship from the Imperial Trading Post, I want it SO bad! But I cant find a decent price on ebay and the moment never seems right...
POTC - Black Pearl!
Sarge that looks amazing! The deck alone is a HUGE improvement and really adds to the look to make it look more movie accurate. I really wanna try this myself too! But it will be a while before I buy a second one and I'm afraid my MOCing skills are still very rudimentary...
The Flying Dutchman set...
its funny I saw this set early and thought "I wonder if anyone at classic-pirates would care about this" and sure enough we do lol. At First I thought it was ugly and didn't feel like I needed it to complete my "Pirate Ship" collections. (Just like I skipped the junior sets) but now after seeing a larger picture I can see its use. The rock build looks pretty neat and I'm always looking for brown tile pieces. Also the Green hat and sponge bob hats are pretty awesome, and I can see the need for Patrick's shorts. Even the trans blue cannons might be useful. I also noticed Davy Jones probably has the same "Legs" as the Genie in the upcoming series 6 minifigs Still 25 is a little steep, 20 would probably be better. I might buy it much later down the road if I need it to qualify for some sale or something.
Black Pearl vs Queen Anne's Revenge
For those of you wondering which is better, you can check out my video I just finished. It's another stop motion build, this time of the QAR, I already posted the Black Pearl vid so you can find it on my youtube channel. Personally I find the QAR to be much more exciting with all its detail and a few more features. Black Pearl seems like they took the build techniques that worked on the QAR and just rushed to put together a new ship. But I should mention I find it difficult to carry or lift the QAR, it doesn't seem as stable as the bone railings tend to fall off when you grab it. Note: I was really hoping to improve on the build since my last video, I added a timer to the camera to remove fluctuation in the pictures but it didn't work, and this time I stayed away from flash but for some reason in the beginning my camera seemed to pick up more light in some frames. So anyone good with this stuff please feel free to send me you tips/suggestions as I'm still new to this! Thanks and hope you enjoy!
POTC - Black Pearl!
Wow this is awesome! Thanks I feel so honored lol. I didn't know videos were eligible to be blogged lol. I tried to get the build up as fast as possible because I knew I got the set pretty early and wanted to give a detailed look at it for everyone interested in buying it. Glad to see its getting noticed!
POTC - Black Pearl!
I got mine earlier yesterday and been working all night and day to bring you this build! Hope you enjoy! P.S. youtube didn't automatically credit the soundtrack I used like with my other video, and I'm trying to upload it legally so if anyone is good with youtube and get help me out let me know please!
BSB stretched sail holes?
So I never had the BSB as a kid, I had to get it second hand on ebay. Everyone rants about how great of a ship it is, and while I like it, it doesn't have that WOW factor for me, and I realized its because of the sails. My sails are old and sagging, and don;t look new and crisp which is why I like the newer ships so much. (I'm a big stickler on sails) Well my question is, the holes where the sails attach to the mast don't align very well, so I almost have to stretch the sails a bit to put it on, when its on, the top of the sails have almost no give, very tight, which is fine except I look at the holes and they're obviously being pulled in tension, this worries me because overtime I'm sure it will pull the holes larger and maybe eventually rip. I'm wondering if they were all produced this way, or maybe the sails I got were a little off. I was considering buy a replacement set off ebay/bricklink, but if they are all like this then I won't bother. So all those of you with the BSB let me know please! Thanks.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
I was noticing that too! The neck of the lamp may be a spot for the genie to come out of, only I wonder if a minifigs weight would topple it over? If it really does fit and stands, that would be more than amazing, thats already my favorite minifig of the bunch and that would put it over the top.
Cleaning and straightening out your sails
^Yea I actually meant to make a correction to my post. Leaving them in a shallow plate with warm water actually worked pretty well. My sails weren't really dirty, there was just a crease down the center where the seller had folded the sail in half when he shipped it to me. The water and leaving it to dry on a flat surface between two paper towels, with a book on top straightened it pretty well. You can still see the fold, but it hangs pretty well. Apparently when I wrote my last post my sail wasn't completely dry, now that it is I see it's still pretty stiff, so I guess water is safe. With the iron, I used one of the BSB sails because theres multiple sails on the ship that I can compare stiffness too. I placed it between two towels, and used very low heat and of course didn't let the iron sit on the sail, always used slow passing motions. Still i found that the sail "stuck" to the towels which I assumed was some kind of starch coming off. Perhaps NOT sandwiching the sails between two towels will allow the heated up starch to settle back into the sail, and retain its stiffness. I also wanted to ask if you kept a test sample to see the sails rigidity before and after, because I didn't really notice my sail was soft until I compared it to the rest...
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5 discussion
My moms currently out for Vacation and is in France. Anyone know of stores in France that usually carry them? I'm gonna tell her to keep an eye out since it seems they'll hit across all of Europe soon, only I don't know what stores to tell her to check lol
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 Discussion
Haha! That's exactly what I thought! Its cool cause that's the kind of alien I was hoping for in series 3, but now that I see it its kinda spooky... I think the Alien Conquest theme is re-using the gun in their sets, I'm not positive cause I don't own any of them, but I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere.
POTC - Black Pearl!
You've got a great idea there! Only down fall is you don't get any VIP points from LEGO. (I've started buying all my larger sets from LEGO) Using BOGO and assuming a bit of an TRU mark up, 160 for 2 ships is a pretty good estimate. Then selling off the figs, probably around 40 bucks? So for 10-20 bucks you get double the ship! Plus if you want to sell off the extra stern and bow piece, and maybe a couple sails, you could probably make a much better ship for the same price as a regular one, if not cheaper... I'm definitely considering taking your route... Only problem is I'm sure after starting the MOC I'll end up ordering a lot more stuff from Bricklink, so the end result will end up being more expensive...
Cleaning and straightening out your sails
Ok I just wanna add something here in case someone down the line google searches how to clean sails. I definitely would not recommend cleaning them or straightening them via iron or water. I found that the iron will melt whatever kind of starch they use (noticed this because my sails stuck to the towel I was using, leading me to believe the starch was melting off, and once finished the sail became extremely flimsy.) I also tried leaving the sail in a plate of hot water and letting it dry. While the sail currently is not completely dry, I can already notice its loss of stiffness, again I assume the starch was washed away. I'll note that the sails do appear cleaner, but not stiff anymore. I also noticed in the water there was some stuff floating, small streaks of something, ALMOST like oil in water, but not exactly. I couldn't tell if it was dirt or starch. Regardless I wouldn't recommend this method either. Maybe I did both these process incorrect, I'm not sure, but I'm just sharing my experience so people know the risks. I still intend to buy some spray on starch and see if it works. I'll post an edit if there's something worth noting.
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