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Everything posted by TheBrickBuilder14

  1. Thanks CM4Sci really appreciate all the info you've brought us these past few days! Hope you have a safe trip :) OT: Really happy that Boba Fett is going to probably be the same figure as the Slave I set as that is simply the best Boba Lego have ever created! A lot of people are probably going to regret buying that figure alone since current prices for it are higher then the set itself.
  2. Thanks man really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions
  3. Two questions, does Deadshot have a helmet or does he have a printed head like Deathstroke and do we know on what Deadshot will be based? Like what version is he supposed to represent?
  4. I knew that you hadn't seen any SH prelims yet, was just speaking hypothetically if you would get to see them that I would really appreciate drawings/descriptions
  5. But if he would draw them then they would be ok to post right? In any case I would be very interested in seeing/hearing a detailed description of the new upcoming sets so CM4Sci just draw away man :)
  6. I am actually looking very much forward to the Battlefront themed battle packs, I guess that we'll probably get a Stormtrooper or two in the imperial battle pack, hopefully a new Scout Trooper using the new helmet that they used for the Kashyyyk Trooper and I guess they could include a Shock Stormtrooper or maybe a Shadow Trooper in there aswell. For the Rebels we could actually see some new species, since you can choose your own species in the game from what I heard, imagine finally getting a Bothan minifigure :)
  7. So Iron Man will probably get his "Rubber Duckie" armor (yes it is really called that, look it up if you don't believe me) from Avengers Assemble then... interesting since it would require a new helmet mold.
  8. Quick question, does Crossbones have a helmet or a printed head also do you know anything about the DC stuff? (If yes please drop by the DC section to tease us a little bit :))
  9. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question I really appreciate it :)
  10. The Black Stormtrooper looks excellent indeed, I'm hoping we'll get him in a battle pack, the walker however just doesn't do it for me. I don't like the look of it and to be honest I don't understand the design. I mean it's basically an AT-RT except for the fact that it is even more uncomfortable for the driver, still I might change my opinion when I see a couple of them running down fleeing Rebel scum lol.
  11. Sorry to interrupt the Force Awakens hype train but have we gotten anything regarding the Echo Base set yet?
  12. Oh, I thought that someone had hinted at Killer Croc but I guess I was mistaken, I would love Deadshot but I don't know if he's as recognizable for children I mean Harley Quinn and Deadshot aren't really set leading villains in my opinion then again neither is Man-Bat and he got his own set after all.
  13. I think that its 100% certain that Harley is in the set, the second villain however is a different story, right now it seems likely that it is either Killer Croc or Deadshot. Just2Good if you could maybe answer one question, is there a new Batman variant in the set aswell or is it simply the new 52 one? I would really appreciate it.
  14. Well Just2Good hinted at a pigtails Harley Quinn so she will most likely be in the chase set, I guess maybe they could throw Killer Croc in there as they now do have some sort of a connection with them both being in the Suicide Squad. I just hope that we will finally get a Batman TAS inspired Batman, I would love a dark bluish gray Batman with the yellow bat logo on his chest.
  15. According to the description it does indeed accomodate two pilots.
  16. Sorry man, first I make your descriptions useless then I make your comments useless, I feel bad now
  17. Jup she certainly is, what's also very cool is that she has a special blaster that is in the same color as her armor just like in the movie, they definately put a lot of effort in the minifigures for sure.
  18. Knew I forgot something, here let me make you happy :)
  19. 1 more pic, last one I promise :) Gives a good look at Kylo Ren
  20. Here is what we have been waiting for: **** And here is the source for those interested, all the sets + descriptions can be found there: http://www.multimedi...!m,1468&from=mc
  21. Here he is... Also interesting to note that the Robin in the Deathstroke set is the New 52 Dick Grayson Robin while the Robin in the Jokerland set is a totally different Robin, plus the Robin in the Jokerland set has arm printing! Credit for these pictures goes to someone called Ghostmind, and here is the Robin in the Batboat set (New 52 Dick Grayson) Credit for this picture goes to Scarilian
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