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Everything posted by TheBrickBuilder14

  1. Ah yes I've seen that one before in the past. Sadly it is not an official Lego set and will most likely not be. This "set" first popped up in 2018 it was actually created by Alex Ross, the artist of Kingdom Come, himself. He wanted to make this an official set by adding it to Lego Ideas but since Lego Ideas does not allow for Ideas based on existing properties this never came to fruition. There is more information on the story here; https://www.fbtb.net/lego-ideas/2018/07/25/that-kingdom-come-lego-set-alex-ross-posted-is-headed-to-ideas/ It could ofcourse be that Lego has actually decided to make this an official set for 2020 but we'll have to wait and see I suppose.
  2. I cannot seem to find any image hinting towards such a set, any directions? Its not the first time a Kingdom Come set has been rumored but I don't think it is very likely personally, though you never know...
  3. I'll join in with my Wish List as well; 1. Green Arrow 2. Black Canary 3. Malcolm Merlyn 4. Arsenal 5. Deathstroke 6. Ravager 7. Super Boy 8. Metallo 9. Kid Flash 10. Batgirl 11. Big Barda 12. Mr. Miracle 13. General Zod (Rebirth) 14. Booster Gold 15. Heat Wave 16. Huntress 17. Clayface 18. Cheshire 19. Adam Strange 20. Count Vertigo Obviously this list will never happen given the fact that there will almost certainly be a Batman and Superman variant.... but its just a wish list and these are all designs in the DC Super Villains game that I would love to see get turned into a figure.
  4. Wow! We better get all the Green Arrow Rebirth designs from the DC Super Villain game... Malcolm Merlyn, Green Arrow and Black Canary, Roy Harper! So many possibilities
  5. [deleted]
  6. Well we have gotten our first look at Zemo on Daniel Bruhls instagram and I'm in love! Lego better give us a Zemo next year be it comic book accurate or MCU accurate :P
  7. Batman Day will be on the 21st of September and there will be big celebrations because Batman exists 80 years so I can definitely see this happening.
  8. TheBrickBuilder14 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
  9. YES! Baron Zemo is a figure I desperately want. He's probably my favorite Marvel villain so if we can get any figure based on him I'm game.
  10. A Michael Keaton Batman would be awesome though.... new molded cowl and chest piece like Lehanikus rendered on Flickr A BTAS Batmobile would be brilliant as well though, the DC Super Villain game also had some nice figure designs they could use.
  11. With the new list announced I'm hoping we'll finally get a Daredevil figure. I'd also love to see a Baron Zemo figure based upon his design in the Marvel Superheroes 2 video game.
  12. Now that we have a list of potential sets I'm hoping we'll see some of the Rebirth Green Arrow designs show up. I'd kill for a Malcolm Merlyn, Green Arrow and Black Canary figure.
  13. Yea, I thought the same initially as well and was like poor wallet... but then I took a closer look. Still we can expect a decent amount of sets if the list is true.
  14. No, there are 9 Superhero sets coming and 2 confirmed DC sets. While there will certainly be some DC sets within the 9 sets on the list some of them will almost certainly be Marvel based.
  15. Actually the Rebirth Batmobile is pretty consistens in terms of design in all Rebirth titles much to my disappointment haha as I am a big Batmobile geek and am always hoping for a new interesting version.... only book it was not featured in to date was the recent Detective Comics books, that one had a different batmobile which was pretty basic.
  16. [deleted]
  17. The one theme I would love to see is James Bond. The possibilities are endless.
  18. I believe in the official set announcement it said august 1st so I would expect that to be the official date in the UK as well.
  19. Macnair's head leaked, it is black with a smirk showing, perfectly captures how he looks in the movie.
  20. Really love the look of Sirius! Also looking at more images from Sirius in the movie and figures based upon him I can understand why Lego went with the Luke hairpiece as opposed to the Moody hairpiece. Sirius' hair is longer on the sides than it would be if the Moody hairpiece was used. Also it is pretty clear that the head is not perfectly aligned in the leaked images so I expect there to be less of a "gap" when the head is in the proper position. Here is an image to compare with the figure
  21. Yup his expression is perfect;
  22. Just recently bought the entire first wave of sets and am absolutely in love with the theme. Cannot wait for these new summer sets to come :) Also question, has the CMF 2 actually been confirmed to come out next year or is that just speculation? I absolutely loved the first CMF series so another one would be brilliant.
  23. [deleted]
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