2008 Picture thread
Yeah definately not landing gear.. I saw something interesting today. I received the most recent shop at home catalog and got to looking at the AT AP. I noticed in a picture of the cockpit opened, that the guys sitting inside had green on their helmets. First, why did they change it or decide to put the shock troopers in the set, they dont look good. Second, could there be return of the green troopers, which I have none of? Just wondering if that was already covered in the past 81 pages.
Your Ideas
I liked the Avatar theme, even though they didnt do anything with it. I think it deserves more sets, there didnt seem to be any thought put into it. Thought seems to be the deciding factor of a theme's success to me; its coolness isnt a priority. I only bought the air temple because it was on sale, and the only sponge bob sets I am likely to buy are the krusty krab and the rocket. The new dwarve's sets added to the castle theme opens a whole new set of doors and welcomes the expansion of a theme that leans more to LOTR. As for new themes...I think LEGO is on the right track expanding into comics/graphic novels and cartoons. The Watchmen theme would be awesome seeing how there is a movie coming out soon, but it isnt exactly aimed toward children. Naruto and Samurai Jack could make for nice themes. You also have the historic aspect that they have hardly tapped. Yes we HAD pirates and the castle theme seems to be rockin' but there is still so much more. Naruto - would make sense, its already a global favorite in books, movies, and toys. Samurai/Japan Roman Ancient Chinese Troy/Spartan/Iliad Western/Pioneer English/French wars and such More Pirates I also like the idea of modern warfare. Tanks, soldiers, humvees, helicopters, boats, special ops, jets, all different kinds of new weapons, its endless. The only problem is with all great themes there are two sides. Knights and skeleton armies, pirates and imperial guards and islanders, Clones and seperatists. Frankly a set that inluded an 80's toyota packed with explosives and 4 iraqi insurgents would piss alot of people off. TLC would have to be extremely careful if they ventured into that theme. Oh, but how cool it would be. Im afraid my turbo tanks and MTT's would have to make room for Hummers and Abrams Tanks.
SW Battlefront II
I love it. I had thousands of medals, but upgraded to the 360, so I lost them all. but its a great game. *y* 8-
New Star Wars Magnet Packs
NEW SW MAGNETS 12.99 for the stormtrooper, rebel pilot, and st pilot. :ninja:
Star Wars Magnet Photo Shoot
Wow, those are pretty cool. Is there a difference between the magnet bodies and the regular bodies. It seems to be in the legs, but does it go all the way up? Does the stormtrooper have a face or just a blank flesh head? Thats wierd. :ninja:
Cafe Corner on S@H
:-$ :-D :-D yeah. thanks.
Cafe Corner on S@H
Not sure where this should go or if its old news but... the cafe corner is on LEGO S@H for $140. Looks pretty cool, might get it. If this is in the wrong place, Im sorry. If *vader* or *yoda* or other mod could inform me on where it goes, that would be great. Thanks.
What are your projects ??
wow, that is alot of help. Do you have any idea how they made the windows?
picklesdynasty replied to Darthking623's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsI personally dont like the LDD. I know it will get better, but compared to MLCAD, it not that good. I think its good for beginners. Mabey I havent used it to its full potential, but it just seems when ever I sit down to build something I find my ideas and imagination contained. :ninja:
show us your clone army!
How do you guys get these things for free? Is it only in England or Europe? :ninja:
What other SW "Battle Packs" would you like to see?
I think a..374th? squad would be cool. I can't remember the number exactly, but these are a group of yellow troopers who ride BARC speeders. They assasinated one of the Jedi in Ep. 3. 4 or 5 of those guys on bikes would be pretty sweet! I think the mandaloreans were long before the time span the actual movies took place in. You hear them mentioned in KOTOR (knights of the old republic) and you actually play as one as well as help them in KOTOR II. This is what I remember from the story line. They are a warring race. Their entire life is based on the advancement of their society through war. Its their greatest glory. They find honor even in defeat. If you have some kind of system (xbox, ps2) I would kind both games, they are pretty cool. If Im not msitaken, Jango Fett was a mandolarian...or at least his armor very much resembled one. If jango was a mandolorian, that must make the clones mandolorians too...heh. If LEGO ever came out with mando battle packs then it most definatley be in the expanded universe. :ninja:
Mr. Pickles
Thank you all! Im 18, and my favorite themes have to be Star Wars and Pirate, though I take a great interest in most ancient themes...Ninja, Vikings, Castle, etc. I have also taken to Exo Force. To be honest, Im a washington. lol. George Washington told america to stay clear of party politics, mainly because his secretary of state (thomas jefferson) and his treasurer, I think, (hamilton) had cause him alot of trouble due to their party problems. In my profile it says Im in the thin grey line. Im independent. :-) Nice to meet all of you.
What are your projects ??
I really only have two insterests..okay three. I love Star wars and pirates. I'm trying to build an AT-OT just because they're awesome. Plus a MOC pirate ship. My third interest is asian architecture, so Im trying to build a sea shore village/ japanese house...thing. If anyone knows of or has picures or tips on the best way to create LEGO buildings, such as these, that would be a great help. :ninja:
Mr. Pickles
Hi, everyone. Thought I would introduce myself. I'm picklesdynasty, or Mr. Pickles, or even just pickles if you wish. I quite enjoy myself here. Dibs to the admins for their hard work, look forward to seeing you all..I mean YALL!!! :ninja:
Exo Force Summer Sets
I personally like the tank, just from a quick glance. The only place where I think they could go wrong are the wheels. I purchased the last exo force tank, and to be honest the design is flawed. Im sure a few other share my opinion. The whole deal with the treads is just lame, other than that its pretty cool. I think these large wheels would be totally awesome if they had sort of the turbo tank design or perhaps the three wheeled vehicle from the retro and refurbished 'life on mars' theme. In simple words...they need to bounce. On top of that, it looks like the sides fall down..but its hard to tell. I think there needs to be some sort of door mechanism..that would be cool. Like a giant transport tank. Most of all, it better not fall apart. :ninja:
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