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  1. LOL! Luckily I got what I paid for. I decided to start with the Unimog, leaving the best (8043) for last, very interesting build so far I have to say... I managed to finished book 1/5 last night, still a long way to go. Based on my limited knowledge and experience of Lego Technic, I'm pretty sure the designer of the Unimog no longer works for Lego. I say this because none of the other flagships I have built share any of the techniques I have seen so far.
  2. Finally, 1 month later, it has arrived!! I just need to go and pick it up from the post office later today, hopefully it is what I ordered... :o Any advice as to the order I should build these, 8043 first or last?
  3. Thanks everyone for the overwhelming response!! Thanks to your feedback, I have decided to get both after all!! My main reason for wanting the 41999 is purely based on looks, and probably its exclusiveness as well. I also have 2 young boys who are constantly fighting who plays with the 9398, this will solve that problem. :-) I will give feedback once I receive my new toys. Thanks again!!
  4. Good day Eurobricks forumers! I please need some help in a purchasing decision. The LEGO bug bit me big time in February, and since then I have purchased 9 models, mostly Technic (42009, 42039, 42025, 42000 to name a few). I dabbled for the first time in importing a set from overseas, a 9398 4x4 crawler. Needless to say, I am hooked, but stuck with a major problem, I missed out on a lot of good sets! I have been looking for a 8043 for a while now, and seemed to have found a good deal on one, this seller also has a 8110. Both are MITB, and below brickpicker.com market value. I'm not that big of a fan of the 8110 in terms of looks, but have read that it's a must have, in terms pneumatics, build experience, etc. Being in South Africa, import costs are astronomical, so this is a good deal on paper, I just need some confirmation on the 8110 basically? Then, just the 41999 and I will be in heaven. :) Thanks all, Ryno
  5. Holy wow, pure awesomeness!!! You ever going to consider releasing instructions for this?
  6. Thank you Lobot and Schneeds, and apologies for the late reply, work got in the way... I have decided to park this idea for the time being. Being in South Africa, we have multiple challenges, random import duties, striking postal service, etc, etc. I am going to start with a couple of smaller projects first, mainly building my Technic set collection, and then maybe start doing a couple MOD's before getting into this.
  7. Thanks for replying Lobot, much appreciated, and thanks for the welcome! I have broken down your list into 3 sections, as you can see below. Not knowing the set that well, I've had to make a lot of assumptions. Does this look right? The idea is just to prioritize the parts that really don't matter in color as they are barely seen, and maybe see to squeeze a few more "legitimate" parts into the process. The biggest issue for me looks like the levers, especially with 60 of them in the set. Might be worth putting some extra budget there? Not sure about the 4095 'Light Bluish Gray Bar 6.6L with Stop Ring to be honest, can't think it makes a huge difference? Then, on the mast rigging, have seen a couple attempts of painting the black ones with little success. Any known success on getting that done, or not worth it? Not ever BrickLinking anything in my life before, I'm still doing some test runs in BrickLink stores. If I did things right, I was able to get the first batch of ~4000 parts for $430, from one store. This area could really see some improvement on the website in my opinion, the effort to get things right, might perturb a lot of would-be buyers, just saying. Lastly, 1200GBP is not a bad price to be honest, and I might pay that to save me the effort of going through all of this. Where do you see this? I see a couple of replicas on Bricklink for around $1100 but I want the original if I'm doing it this way. Non-visible 40344 'Black Technic, Brick 4 x 6 Open Center' (LBG) - frame 40345 'Black Technic, Brick 6 x 8 Open Center' (LBG) - frame 6558 'Black Technic, Pin Long with Friction Ridges Lengthwise' (Blue) -frame (and dish) 30364 'Dark Bluish Gray Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger Vertical End' (LBG) - part cannon turrets & engines 30365 'Light Bluish Gray Hinge Brick 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers Vertical End' (DBG) - part cannon turrets & engines 3048c 'Reddish Brown Slope 45 2 x 1 Triple - with Inside Bar' (3048) - cockpit 3245b 'White Brick 1 x 2 x 2 with Inside Axle Holder' (3245c) - frame 3307 'White Brick, Arch 1 x 6 x 2 - Thick Top with Reinforced Underside' (12939) - frame 32555 'Yellow Technic, Brick 5 x 5 Right Angle (1 x 4 - 1 x 4)' (Black) - frame Visible – Minor/no visual impact 6538b 'Dark Bluish Gray Technic, Axle Connector (Ridged with x Hole x Orientation)' (LBG) - feet 4589 'Dark Bluish Gray Cone 1 x 1 without Top Groove' (4589b) - exterior 6019 'Dark Bluish Gray Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal (thick open U clip)' (61252) - exterior 3456 'Dark Red Plate 6 x 14' (DBG or whatever you prefer!) - underside 42445 'Bar 1 x 12 with 1 x 2 Plate End and 1 x 1 Round Plate End' (99784) - exterior 75535 'Light Bluish Gray Technic, Pin Connector Round 2L (Pin Joiner Round)' (62462) - feet & frame 4095 'Light Bluish Gray Bar 6.6L with Stop Ring (Patio Umbrella Stand) (63965 - 6L) - exterior 3308 'Light Bluish Gray Brick, Arch 1 x 8 x 2' (16577) - frame 50990pb03 'Light Bluish Gray Dish 10 x 10 Inverted (Radar) with Radiating Spokes Pattern on Concave Side' (blank LBG) - exterior Visible – Major visual impact 4592c05 'Light Bluish Gray Lever Small Base with Light Bluish Gray Lever' (black lever) - exterior 47996 'Light Bluish Gray Boat Mast Rigging Long 28 x 4' (Black) - exterior
  8. Hey Lobot, First off, kudos on bricklinking your first UCS Falcon! And now again, good luck!!! You have inspired me to do this as well. I never knew about this set until someone I know built it up, he got lucky and bought an original, used set for a steal at less than $1000. Could you perhaps assist me with some of the spreadsheets and work you have already done? There are so many parts that have alternates and I'm not sure when to use them, and when not. Some things can't be replaced and understand that I will have to pay the higher price, just need to make sure I do the right thing first time. I stay in South Africa, so shipping will be a pain, as 95% of the parts will come from a foreign country, escalating my costs for shipping and hence having to reduce the number of lots. I started looking at this guide, any chance you have Brickstock export of the "final" items to order? http://www.dagsbricks.com/2014/07/lego-techniques-building-millenium.html All these things considered, what would you reckon is a fair price for a used, original UCS Falcon? Thanks for reading if you've made it this far. :)
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