Everything posted by Emperor
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
...Instead we get a sleek and well designed speeder, an awesome and very accurate proton cannon, two beautiful figs, including a completely new one and a commander everybody who didn't get the AT-TE still wants, and three droids which are perfect to reinforce my droid armee. Woo-hoo :)
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Really? Any french people willing to do us a favor and review them, please?^^ Are there any stores selling them via the internet?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Since it's rather going to be this one, I'd say no. The Geonosis set is incredible, very good figs and 2 nice vehicles as well. Great wave!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
(7956) The Battle Of Endor? This could confuse some people :P Thanks, though.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Nooo! Not another ugly comic Yoda! You could put about any Jedi there is into a rep frigate, we've already had yoda! Maybe this green fig is another guy, there's no proof it's Yoda^^ A red clone like in Ambush would be really cool though.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
1) Ki Adi Mundi!!! 2) New Padme 3) New Watto 4) Darth Maul with those little horns^^
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The shuttle isn't long and thin with a broader end. The blurred red&white part is, and so is the cruiser. Anyway, why should he post a blurred picture of sets everybody knows about already? There are high res pics out ther, after all.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Lobot=Cloud City character UCS Lobot=UCS Cloud City That would make sense; but of course it could be a joke as well ;) The bigger blur (the one directly beneath the lamp) is white with dark red; it's quite big too, so I think this could very well be the frigate :) I think there is an all-brown mini fig, that could be Chewie. Maybe from Cloud City or Endor Battle?^^
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well, this does look legit, the january sets are legit too, so maybe that's what we'll get. The other list is so ridiculous I don't even understand why some people bother to discuss it. It's the wish list of someone, there's nothing serious about it.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Absolutely. One of the greatest scenes ever and the only LEGO podracers are from 1999... The lack of OT could be explained only by an OT exclusive set; then most stores couldn't sell any OT (except for the BP), which would be quite strange since there isn't any OT in the winter wave. I still don't believe any of this is true, even if the list was from TLG the sets would be changed a lot until next summer. There is still hope for OT sets...
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
This seems highly unlikely to me. Why should someone has detailed information about sets 8 months before they're supposed to be released? Well, assuming it is true (which I don't believe), this would be a g-r-e-a-t summer. OT fans could enlarge their Endor dios with more ewoks/rebels/troopers, there would be episode 2 sets again and finally I could get a Darth Maul The "battlepacks" can't be battle packs (4 in a year isn't possible, especially since they aren't battling each other), but they could be the sequel to the battle of naboo. This could be a new series of sets, like the battle packs. If they were similar to the battle of naboo set they would cost about 30 $ and would include bad guys and good guys, for example 3 geonosian, 6 clones and a jedi. The same could be true for the endor set. This would be the best wave released ever imo, son against all hopes I hope it IS true ;)
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Thanks to BrickDorn at there is the first pic of Mace's JSF! 2 STAPs are quite nice, the speeder with the tactical droid looks pretty good as well. Seems like the Delta 7s have sold quite well ;) The new astromech is interesting too. Here it is:
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The pictures with the highest resolution can be found here: The links still work ;) This Starfighter is very interesting; prelim pics are necessary to find the solution for the piece count.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
A plain skeleton? I don't think TLG would call them "space skeleton" just because they're floating in the space, at least they'd have to make some changes, like the color or the head. I think it's one of the many TCW races, first appearing in the 3 season. Plo Koon's/Anakin's JSF had 170/150 pieces, so either Mace's JSF is really really big, or there's some other ship/ring included. The fact that the space skeleton is listed as a mini fig could be a mistake, it would fit just perfectly if the skeleton was a starfighter.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
That's weird... maybe it's an eta-2 actis after all? A delta-7 starfighter would be incomplete without an Astromech, TLG couldn't do that...
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yeah, it really sucks that we get an awesome new droid, why couldn't they just give us another battle droid? I really hate them for making all these great new figs If you don't want to buy this set, just buy the droid at bricklink etc. I'm really excited about this set, I don't have Mace and the droid is really really awesome, the 2 BDs are nice too. Compared to the 176 pieces the Swampspeeder contained this is a very good deal.
The three SW sets you'd like TLG to release
Geonosian sets (battle packs like 3 reddish BDs, 1 SBD, 1 Geonosian, a new G. fighter,etc), a newJango's Slave (the Design of the newest Boba's Slave, but with new Jango&new Boba, maybe even a Kamino guy ), and finally (the Geonosian stuff counts as one^^) the long overdue UCS at-at. After so many MoCs TLC has to understand that's what all the Hoth fans want.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I'm really looking forward to MOD-ing the carrier, at least I can remove the tiles holding the guns and put droids there instead, 16 droids would look much more impressive than 8^^ I think the design is really great, so I won't change this much, but I think the droid rack can be modified to hold 20 withotu changing the design too much, as there is enough space behind the first pilot. The second pilot looks stupid anyway, one is enough
Survey: New parts and new colors
Some parts I could use very very often: Part 1 Part name: No idea... Part description: A plate with studs on both sides Part usage: For complex building Part 2 Part name: Round Brick Tile/ Round tile Part description: A round brick without studs on top/a round tile Part usage: Hiding/Removing the studs from round bricks (just like with normal bricks)
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, those new pictures are great! Especially the carrier is awesome; 10 droids and 2 beautiful gungans. I'll get at least one, it will look perfect next to the MTT The bomb squads are ok, at least you can get some clones which aren't just plain white.
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