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Everything posted by Emperor

  1. It's not known yet, though there are speculation that it will be a Walmart exclusive because it's a special edition; TRUs normally have limited editions. Target is possible too, because Target also sometimes have special editions.
  2. I just noticed that on the box pic of the clone BP there are 2 long guns and 2 shorter guns; on the out-of-the-box pics there are 2 long guns, 1 shorter and 2 small guns. Where did you get those pics, prateek? I wonder which one is wrong...
  3. Thanks for those pictures! :) I think it is dark red, the colors of those pictures are too bright; look at the orange of the Clones. What about the battle packs(Imp Dropship&Speeder)?
  4. Thanks for the pics! I really love the Clone Battle Pack, printed legs are great! The other option would have been to sell them with solid orange legs, those printed ones are awesome. It's great that the ARF Trooper got some head printing, too.
  5. You're absolutely right Brickdoctor. It is important that TLG continues making OT sets. I just don't like them as much as PT. What sort of annoys me is the fact that so many people complain that there are too many CW sets(no offense). 2009 there were very many OT sets, and they sold quite good, so I think TLG won't stop making OT sets as long as they have the license. At the moment CW is very popular; TLG highest priority is profit, after all, so one shouldn't complain that there is only one OT set in this wave. As long as the 30 year anniversary of ROTJ is celebrated properly, I think every OT fan should be able to live with the current situtation.
  6. There are more OT sets than PT sets, OT fans should be happy that TLG still releases sets of 30 year old movies. I'm happy with CW, you get figs which exist in the PT too and you get sets which are new and not just remakes. I do hope TLG will release more AOTC sets, 8 is far to less for such a great movie. The 3D SW movies could change that, though.
  7. That's great. Very often Walmart is cheaper than TRU. Since you canconfirm in which store it will be sold, do you know the price of this set? In the first post it says 30 dollar, which would be perfect. Can you confirm this too? :)
  8. I think this thread is about 2011 SW sets, not about age limits. Anyway, I think there's nothing wrong about b-day presents even if you're 18 or older ;) Edit: Well, he's from Serbia, I suppose that's why his grammar isn't perfect. Back to topic: Why isn't there a review of Battle of Naboo on eb? I thought Qui-gon Jinn said he was allowed to make one. I would love to see more pictures of the new gungan soldier...
  9. Why don't you take a look at all the pictures showing every detail of the figs? Right, there aren't any. So how are we supposed to know such things? We know as mach as you do. Good luck getting the sets for your birthday, but the sets aren't available on the first of December. They're released in January.
  10. Emperor replied to cavegod's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Wow! This is awesome! It looks even better than the UCS Shuttle, all this greebling is great! Concerning the cockpit: I think the latest cockpit looks fine, but I find it great that you want every detail to be correct
  11. The 2007 battle packs were great too, especially the droid battle pack, but the battle of naboo is better than that and I don't like episode 3 clones, so I agree that these battle packs are the best so far. OT fans probably disagree, but if the rumors are true, they will get the Endor ste this summer ;)
  12. I agree, it loosk really cool, despite being not that accurate. If you made an accurate speeder, it would have to be really really small; I'm happy that we'll get more pieces, great for MOC-ing ;)
  13. It could be, that's not known yet. TRU is (at the moment) mere speculation.
  14. No, I meant the eleventh of february... You can get the set before christmas here: link They release the sets 8 days before christmas, time enough to buy presents ;) The prices are great, too, about 3 euros less than most shops.
  15. The Battle for Geonosis. A cheap way to get Rex, an awesome Luminala fig and a beautifully designed proton cannon. You can never have enough droids, so the KDs and the SKD are nice as well. All in all it's a great way to reinforce your droid army as well as your clone army. Battle of Naboo could have been the best set, but the terrible color makes it so much worse. The battle packs are nice, but they aren't real sets, at least not in my opinion.
  16. Not yet. At the moment you can only preorder, the official release of the sets is the 2.11.10 I think that the helmet is closed, too; if the head was printed, it would have to be a clone face, right? At this moment the imperial army consisted mainly of clones, I think.
  17. I agree absolutely, although I like the Mandolorians, as I can use one of them as Jango. ;) According to KimT the Battle for G. will cost 30 $, which is perfect for what you get; german people will have to pay much more, at least this shop wants 40 euros. I'll just buy it when I'm on vacation in the US, then^^
  18. No, the names you are talking about are the names printed on the prelim pictures; the final names are the ones we first heard of, just look at Battle of Naboo:
  19. Well, I don't have most of the dark tan parts in the right brown, but you're right, with a modded front and modded sides and a modded droid rack it will be much better... Those dark tan parts can be used for other mocs, so after all it isn't that bad. 12 figs are great anyway.
  20. This may be your opinion, but next to my MTT this will look terrible. I love TPM, and I was really looking forward to creating the Naboo battle, but with this carrier this will be impossible. A lone MTT doesn't make for a good TF army :(
  21. I've compared the LEGO carrier with the carrier pic from wookiepedia; here are the results. This dark tan isn't just extremely ugly, it's totally the wrong color too. This could have been one of the best SW sets ever, but now it is one of the worst(the droids are good, of course, but I don't want to pay 30 € for 10 droids).
  22. Of course, I meant that there are 10 droids, which should replace the "several". All in all there are 12 figs. She has two prints on her head, one with glasses and one without.
  23. There is more white than orange, only the front section of the legs are orange. Look at this picture: The sides of the legs are definitely white, and so are the feet, too. I really like them, with another helmet they could easily be customized to be Commander Cody
  24. The arms should be dual-colored like the head. The dark flesh arms look kinda weird. @KimT: There is Quinlan Vos instead of Anakin in the first post. The numer of figs in the battle of naboo set is known by now, so I think it should be changed from 3+ to E:12
  25. Sign. I'm happy there isn't any OT, I never really liked it. I guess TLG is hoping that all the little children watching TCW every week want to buy all this CW stuff; I guess there are just less OT fans than PT/CW fans.
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