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  1. Nope,only the pictures in this thread :(
  2. Very hart und expensive, to copy your AT-AT :D
  3. Very nice. But the 10129 UCS Snowspeeder looks better. But your X Wing from Page 1 looks better then the UCS X-Wing.
  4. @cavedog, thanks for the big foto. That will help me very much. But can you make a big picture from a leg ,but frontside? Maybe with the 1x8 Plate tile? And if it possible, a picture from the middle hinges without the 6x6 AT-TA pattern. If yes,very,very thanks. And dont forget,you have time. first i will build the 4483 (halöf f the parts arrived today), then i will build one leg. But i have many time.
  5. Hehe, i know. This ist a big MOC :D But i have many time.Think,i will need many,many month to finished the AT-AT.Its a long time project for me.
  6. Thank. First i will build the 4483 with Light Bluish Gray parts vom bricklink. (think your AT-AT ist light bluish gray too,or not?). So i will become a feeling for the build of a AT-AT.Like first learn to walk, bevor learn to run :D Then,i will start a copy from your AT-AT.Must build a copy, because a own building would ends in a desaster :D Good i will not build a stone for stone copy, that were a bad idea.But your AT-AT is nearly perfect, so it were stupid not to copy the most things of your AT-AT (hope thats ok for you :D) So i will use your pictures to make a good AT-AT. Do you have more pictures from your AT-AT like page 6 and 8? Such pictures will help me.For example your AT-AT legs. This dont looks like a Lego Set,the legs look like an Hasbro Set :D . One part not many hundert parts.Sorry my english is to bad to descripe it exactly. So a picture of your legs in build,was nice. Maybe you have one.
  7. Damn, i wish ,you had an building instruction of your AT-AT. Would pay 50$ for it :D I think,you dont have a part list,or? Do you have pictures from your AT-AT legs?When you build the legs?
  8. Question,which color has Cavedog and Rockos AT-AT. Light grey? Light bluish grey?
  9. Hmm,i would like to see the difference :D But the pictures on your posting Number 26 are dead links. Maybe you have an ordner with all your AT-AT pictures? Not only the finished pictures, the construction pictures are very interesting too. I see, that pictures are in this thread, but maybe,you have more pictures.
  10. Dont know,if i like more Roccos oder Cavedogs AT-AT, but both are absolutly fantastic. A constructiong building doesent exist for Rockos AT-AT?? Because i love this Walker und would like to build this AT-AT too. Bit i will never good enough to make a AT-At like Cavedog or Rocko.
  11. Would like to see a kid AT-AT like 10178 or 8129 in Front of your real man AT-AT :D Think this was a nice picture:) But will be suprised,if you had one of the small AT-ATs.
  12. I would pay many for such a constructiing building :D Damn, dont know,ewhy Lego dont sell yours or Roccos AT-AT at a UCS AT-AT in their shop. Each AT-AT brings money for you,because you are the creator :D,but your AT-AT are much better then all 3 normal AT-AT together. Think each person,wo bought the UCS Falcon,would buy your or Roccos AT-AT. The normal AT-AT are for kids to play. The UCE AT-ST is higher,then each AT-AT from Lego. The AT-At is one of the most faszinating Star Wars vehical, so i want a majestic AT-AT, not a Teletubbi AT-AT :D
  13. Mozart only needs one time to hear a song and could replay it. Most people coud not do this. Im not good enough to build a good AT-AT only with your pictures. If i had thousands of thousands Lego stones für the AT-AT, maybe i can make a bad one :D , but without a stone list, i dont know which stones i need. Und buy some stones to build a foot, then one important stone is missing, one week waiting for the stone to go on, and so on,and so an,is very bad. No, im not good enough for such a great work like yours without construction and stone building.
  14. Damn, i love your work. But without an instruction building,i will never can make such a great AT-AT. I would like to copy your work,but no chance without an instruction building. Respect to all of you, who can make so fantastic UCS sets.
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