Everything posted by FettJango
Wanted: Used Star Wars Sets
Hello all, I am currently looking for some Star Wars sets (Preferably used). Unfortunately, I've (stupidly) recently given away my collection , so I have nothing to trade. If you have sets you are interested in selling, or know someone who is, please shoot me a PM. Thanks
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I apologize in advance if this has been asked, but is there any reason why Lego stopped putting backpacks on standard Battle-Droids?
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Future Star Wars Sets
Absolutely agree with North Lego Star with the Geonosis Factory. -I would also love to see another accurately sized Hailfire droid (Not midget ones) -I would absolutely die for Kamino set, with Obi, Jango, a young Boba, and possibly a couple of Kaminoans Basically, I would buy anything AoTC
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Please excuse me if this has already been asked, but have we received any confirmation whether the AT-TE, Gunship, and Homing Spider Droid will be based of AoTC or CW? I'm assuming (and hope) that it will be an AoTC wave, because Lego opted for a AoTC battle pack, but with Lego, you can never be sure. Also, is there any more information about the figs in the set? I'm definately hoping for some non-CW Geonosians, SBDs, and sand-red BDs. EDIT: Just read back a few pages, and saw the info on the minifigs. Honestly, I'm a bit disapointed that the CA Tank Droid was included, considering that it didn't appear (at least to my knowledge) in AoTC. I'm praying that none of the figs are CWfied.
Language Help from a Swede or Dane
Thanks all! For dramatic purposes , I'm going to wait a little longer until my descision. I considered Norwegian, but the soccer/football just doesn't do it for me, unless they qualify for Brazil 2014 (Which is too far away). Thanks for the responses!
Language Help from a Swede or Dane
Hello. I was wondering if I could have some advice on whether to learn Swedish or Danish. After watching the entire season 9 of South Park last weekend, I decided to try something worthwhile. I've been thinking of learning a language, and after many hours of debating against myself, I narrowed down the options to Swedish or Danish. I just can't decide. I love the culture, the landmarks, the soccer, and of course, the women... (Half joking on the last one )And I also noticed that there are many Swedes and Danes on this site. So for all you Swedes and Danes, what is a better language to learn? Of course, being a lazy American and all, I would like the simpler of the two . So without a further ado, I'll let anyone persuade me into learning a new language. Thanks! Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
Soccer/International Football Customs
Once again, great customs. The Messi is very good, and the RVP decals are good, except for the fact that he just transfered . Also, you gave Rooney too mutch hair :P
Cristiano Ronaldo - Real Madrid Minifig
Wow. That's one heck of a custom minifig. I love how you paid attention to detail, with tiny things such as the La Liga patches, the collared jeresey, and the crest on the number 7. It's looks amazing, and I can't wait for more soccer/football/futbol customs of yours. EDIT:By any chance do you take requests?
Decal Wish List
Hello. Could someone please help my friend with a Blackpool FC decal? This, but with no names, please. If anyone else has any other Premier League or Championship decals made, or planning to make, could you show them to me? Thanks!
[LDD MOCs] Brickdoctor's 2011 Star Wars Advent Calendar
Wow, that's a great MOC. But are you actually making on each day for the x-mas season?
Decal Wish List
The link is dead, at least for me. If anyone else can see it, than it is my computer's problem. Would it be easier if you PMd it to me? Anyways, thanks so much!
Category 2 - Voting thread
Aonz-1 Praiter Yed-1 Legostein-1
Tauta Meitene
Great fig, especially the details. By any chance, are you a Blackburn Rovers supporter?
Decal Wish List
Hi, and thanks so much. Actually I was wondering if you could make face and torso decals. If could make make the face decals South Park style, that would be even better. As for Kenny, I already have something in mind, so if you could please make just the face. Same with Kyle, too, please. I also have a headpiece for him. Thanks so much. Greatly appreciated.
Decal Wish List
Hi. I was wondering if someone can help me with decals. As an avid South Park fan, I decided to try to make a small MOC with figures. So if I could have help with the following figures: Cartman: Kyle: Stan: Kenny: Also, if you have extra time, Craig, Clyde or Butters would be appreciated.
Decal Wish List
I posted this awhile back and got no response. I would love some help. Also, if anyone has any other soccer/football decals, would you please post them? Thanks. :)
Kingdoms 2012?
BTW, sorry about the double post. My computer wasn't working. Could a MOD please delete one of them?
Kingdoms 2012?
I agree that Lego will probably throw out another 2 factions like they did with castle, with the dwarfs and trolls. I wonder why Lego would even consider stopping Kingdoms. For all I know, it's pretty succesful, a fan favorite, and has a lot of set ideas. Like when will we see that Dragon Knight's Castle/Fortress?
Kingdoms 2012?
I agree that Lego will probably throw out another 2 factions like they did with castle, with the dwarfs and trolls. I wonder why Lego would even consider stopping Kingdoms. For all I know, it's pretty succesful, a fan favorite, and has a lot of set ideas. Like when will we see that Dragon Knight's Castle/Fortress?
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