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About sm1995

  • Birthday 01/30/1995

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    New Jersey
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    Trucks, Cranes and Cars


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  1. Looks amazing! Such a good looking MOC, probably my favorite 1:8 car of all time
  2. Imo the actual model looks quite a bit better than the leaks! It’s a brutally aggressive looking car, but I still think it’s not as pretty as the P1.. Also, it would be really cool to see the spoiler mechanism recreated in Lego! B-model perhaps?
  3. If the leaks are accurate then Lego made the right choice going with the P1. The leaked photos look like a mix between a Lykan and a BYD, very underwhelming compared to the beautiful P1…
  4. For sure, and those are two really good observations try and iterate on. I think the black bionicle tooth is supposed to be the extension of the light, but it’s too disjointed to actually look like it
  5. You hit the nail on the head with this post. I'm planning to try out something along these lines when I get the set, but unsure how realistic any of this is: Lower the headlights by 1 stud, figure out a way to fill the gap above (this will probably be the trickiest, unsure how practical it will be without significant mods) Add a long flexaxle (or combo w/ connectors) underneath the front edge of the hood line Add 2x1x2 wedge with a cut next to the round plate, replace both with white parts since the wedge doesn't come in trans clear Here is a very crude photoshop of what I want it to look like. I don't think its perfect but closer to the real car Before: After:
  6. Headlights look too big, but other than that I think it looks great. Some small mods should be able to round it out..
  7. @kbalage when the set eventually comes out, it would be super awesome if you could do a side by side review with the CADA version edit - seems like I was mistaken and CADA never made an official set out of Bruno’s P1
  8. Yeah this, that is very underwhelming
  9. I think they nailed the rear end, it looks fantastic!
  10. Agree with the second half (where there were probably other legal solutions that looked good), but disagree with the notion that the technique used in the door is actually somehow that concerning for the parts involved. That is such a shallow angle and is not a load bearing structure, damage to parts from that angle is a moot point. I think it comes down to principle more than anything. Oh the car looks great btw! Love the 992 911R
  11. They should’ve made this a generic technic supercar. It looks nothing like a cayman
  12. One thing I’ve always appreciated about your cars is how rugged they seem. Lots of pretty RC cars that can’t handle the abuse without falling into pieces, but you seem to manage to strike the best of both worlds with good looking, yet robust models!! Good job! One minor note - to me it seems like the grill is a stud too wide at the bottom, not sure if it’s just an illusion
  13. Cool, that sounds great! Thanks for the pointer
  14. As the topic states, looking for opinions on what vendor carries the best custom 1:8 scale wheels for supercars. Not too fussy on the designs, but looking for flexibility in colors mostly. Preferably looking for injection molded parts instead of 3D printed as well.
  15. I like it as a set, but from the front it doesn’t really look like a Ford GT to me. Looks more like a Maserati MC12
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