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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by sm1995

  1. Such a shame. The blue version is a lot better in terms of styling than the released variant.. sigh 😔
  2. Some of the best technic bodywork I’ve ever seen. Very impressive! Looking forward to the final product!
  3. You may wanna check out this thread for some inspiration ;)
  4. I said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s completely and utterly disappointing IMO. I don’t even think they did a great job on the design, and all the stickers just make it that much worse. At least the price isn’t horrible.
  5. Am I looking at something different than you guys? This set just screams lazy, just like the Ferrari 42125. I don’t think it even looks that great….
  6. This just became that much more evident after building the 10283 Space Shuttle. I didn’t want to be one of those naysayers, but it’s a sad day when a system set has cleverer and more intricate mechanisms than most technic sets. What happened?!
  7. Holy cow. That is absolutely hideous. And looks completely devoid of functions except for drive/steer. What were they thinking?!
  8. 100% agreed. Technic isn’t really a great platform to focus on bodywork anyway, given its inherent limitations in creating smooth gap-less surfaces. I’ll take functions any day.
  9. I’m getting nightmares just thinking about building those tracks Good luck!
  10. ^you could effectively dampen it by using friction pins at the suspension arm pivot :)
  11. I have never wanted to build a technic bike until now. That’s awesome!!
  12. I don’t want to either, so I won’t. But it’s an interesting rule that I’ve always questioned. In my opinion, forums are supposed to be an open arena for the expression of free will, as long as the intent isn’t malicious. And I don’t think sharing leaked photos that anyone could access with a little bit of detective work is malicious in intent. Thats my last post on this. I apologize for detailing the thread. Let’s get back on topic :)
  13. I don’t get this. This forum is not associate with TLG in a legal footing as far as I’m aware. So why aren’t we allowed to share leaked images?
  14. Amazing, it just looks so simple yet highly functional. I’m about halfway into a build right now but everything just feels so cluttered. I’m very excited to for future updates!
  15. I like the idea, but the rims are way too expensive for the part quality. I suggest moving away from FDM completely and adopting possibly SLS (w/ peek) for better surface finishes and part strength. Also, if you print with PLA I assume you smooth it with possibly ethyl acetate? Why not print with ABS and smooth with an acetone bath which is easier and safer. The printing itself will be more difficult but the part strength and temperature resilience would be better. Not to be a negative Nancy, just offering up some constructive criticism. As it stands FDM surface finishes, even with with smoothing, are not great. Printing with PLA has other complications for parts subjected to load, which could prove problematic in RC applications. With most sellers on alibaba offering injection molded ABS rims for a fraction of the cost, I don’t see how these can be competitive.
  16. Beautiful! Can I get a shot of the front 3/4 angle with the whole car in view? These mods just might swing me to buy the set!
  17. It’s 100% bodywork. The challenge of creating aesthetically pleasing bodywork is just tedious - and the end result is simply not as rewarding as that of designing a nifty mechanism.
  18. Wow! I am in love with how clean the bodywork is. One of my favorite MOCs of this year!!
  19. Stunning!! I think you captured the lines of the car really well! When they released the senna, I thought it was the perfect car to be recreated in technic because of its bodywork. I started my own project to build one but it went nowhere thanks to work, I’m glad that someone realized the dream I had years ago!
  20. The reason I stopped building was purely work. I started my first job around 2 years ago and the workload was too high to balance with my Lego hobby. So I had to prioritize. Thankfully things are starting to slow down at work, and I’ve been slowly getting back into it. Being a super car enthusiast, what I’ve noticed is how saturated the MOC space is with supercars, and how similar they are to each other. They’re all basically the same thing underneath the skin with a new body. That’s... boring. I feel as if people have shifted their focus from the technical mechanical details to just mainly creating attractive bodywork. Maybe that’s TLGs fault because they have laid pretty solid mechanical foundations with their 3 big supercars, and MOCers have become complacent to the point where they just keep skinning the cat in a 100 different ways. I’ve set myself some lofty goals with my new project, and hopefully it can contribute at least a little to make a stagnant space become a little bit more lively.
  21. It looks freaking incredible, I can’t believe it’s technic tbh.
  22. Just going to be brutally honest and say it - it looks better than any MOC I’ve seen so far, including any that I’ve been able to come up with. Its got beautiful flowing lines with minimal clutter and jumbled messes of panels. Kudos to do the designer! I’m excited.
  23. Thanks a lot everyone! Really appreciate the positive comments; helps me power through when the build process gets frustrating. I don't think there's anything wrong with that :) and honestly it comes down to whatever your preference is. I build in modules so I can switch to designing different components of the vehicle whenever I get bored with one. Also it's easier to tear down and re-design if I find something wrong when I integrate it. This is awesome! You got all of that from the video? People here are too talented man... There were a few minor things I changed from memory, because I had to change the paddle shifter in the MOC for reasons you will see later but this still remains as my favorite. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2g6jqaef68fpnlx/sm1995 paddle shifter.lxf?dl=0 I couldn't find this piece in LDD so I replaced it with a red 3L pin w/ pinhole in the center. Just swap that out and replicate on both sides. Sorry for the very long post, but I stopped posting regular updates here because of how much I change things; I'd have to flood this thread with so many redesigns of the same thing. Plus my work schedule is really insane these days, which certainly doesn't help. But I'll post whenever I have a big milestone or honestly just make a new thread with the finished MOC in a few months.
  24. Every time you release a new model, I'm just in awe at how clean the body lines are. It's really hard to find that nice balance between gapless building while still keeping an uncluttered look. But you absolutely nailed it. Great Job! Looking forward to your next model
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