Creator Expert 10252 Volkswagen Beetle
Agreed, these are far to wide, the Camper ones wil look better
[REVIEW] 42056 - Porsche 911 GT3 RS
Twelvebears replied to Jim's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNice review, thank you. Unfortunately, Sariel's YouTube review shows too many technical limitations with both the gearbox and unsophisticated suspension, for this to be on my must have list. I'd have swapped the fancy Apple-esque box for better suspension geometry and a gearbox that works smoothly.
The UCS Hype. What will 2017 bring? (40th Anniversary)
Personally I think building techniques - SNOT for example - have come such a long way, that I love to see any UCS set where Lego really push the boat out and hit us with something big and around £300-400 If I think about how sophisticated something like the VW Camper is compared to the older VW Beetle, and then take that into a UCS Star Wars theme, we could see something amazing, especially with all the excitement around the reboot. If they did do something big, it's hard to imagine them not making it old of the really iconic ships which are central to the new films, so that kind of has to mean: UCS Falcon UCS X-Wing UCS Star Destroyer I'm keeping shelf space and wallet prepared.
42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
Twelvebears replied to Jim's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI'd be betting on £300-ish
External Compressor
Twelvebears replied to andrewganschow's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAny compressed gas cools on expansion - First Law of Thermodynamics. It's just more noticeable on small canisters as the tin cools faster that a large, heavy one. The moisture is just the water in the surrounding air condensing. As a source of dry, pressurised air, a hobby compressor would be the best option if Jim can stand the noise.
Bricklinking the 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon :-)
I'd return the dish for a refund and build Scottish Dave's Force Awakens style dish. Looks cool and a fraction of the cost. I used black Technic right angles at a fraction of the cost of the original yellow ones, and it really doesn't matter.
Millenium Falcon wall mounting
If you don't want to be able to move the Falcon and just want to mount it vertically on the wall (which best shows it's unique shape anyway), just do the following: 1. Remove the top and bottom gun turret disks to expose the inner core frame. 2. Make a strong loop of heavy cord/light rope (I used thick guy line) so that is right over the top of the core frame. You can do it so the falcon is at 0/45/90 degrees depending how you locate the loop/ 3. Have the loop just long enough to extend out the bottom to hook over a strong, screw-in masonry anchor with a hook end. 4. Hang the Falcon from the loop and the weight and angle of the rope will pull the landing gear against the wall and it will sit quite securely 5. Replace the top gun turret. Also long as you go OTT with the cord (I used a bit of 100KG Paracord) and a meaty masonry anchor, it will be perfectly secure. Plus it is very easy to left down. The hardest part is having the strength to hold the Falcon vertically with one hand by the top of the core frame while hooking it up. You may have to modify a few panels to get they to stay put while vertical but I found it worked fine.
Kenworth K100 Crane Truck
Twelvebears replied to efferman's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLoving the outrigger design, looks really robust and actually capable of giving real stability. I could see the same approach scaling up to a larger model very nicely.
Twelvebears started following [MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane , Kenworth K100 Crane Truck and 42009 Extended Boom
LEGO Characteristics and Sustainability
Twelvebears replied to Conchas's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI think focusing on the materials alone is missing the point. Sustainability is about longevity and how much of a thing stays in use and not ending up in landfill somewhere. I will bet that just like original Landrovers, there is more Lego still in use than has ever been thrown away. All because of the principle of compatibility through the years.
[MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
Twelvebears replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingActually I've had an exchange with the maker and there are 4 standard pin holes around the axle on the end, so something like Part 87408 could easily be used to create a 'normal' powered through the pivot attachment, like the standard actuators..
[MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
Twelvebears replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingMany thanks.
[MOC REVIEW] Grove GMK6400 Mobile Crane
Twelvebears replied to Blakbird's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI can't seem to find a working link to the MkIII version anywhere - preferably a PDF or LDD compatible file as I use a Mac. Does anyone have a copy or link? Thanks folks.
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
All I can say is keep a close eye on you left and right handed wedge orders (either plates or bricks), because I seem to have managed to end up with lop-sided numbers on several of them, which has caused build delays on several occasions. Trouble is the little buggers look some much alike when in a bag together, that it's hard to spot!
My attempt at a 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon!
Defo agree that keeping tabs on what you have order is the tough part. My build has had several pauses when I've found I either had bits missing where I'd messed up the orders, or ordered too many of something else - the left and right handed slopes, plates and wedges being the main culprits. What I will say is that you can save significant money by using more common parts, particularly on inside, which lets be honest, isn't on view.
BrickLinking (another) 10179 UCS Millennium Falcon
I've been rumbling on with my BL'd build, currently up to page 108 of the instructions. The great news is that due to the 'positive influence' of one of SWMBO's friends, who happens to be a massive Star Wars fan, I have secured a permanent wall-mounting home for the Falcon once finished - and yes this is a downstairs, 'public' room (I know, amazing right?). The current snag, and a consequence of a less than perfect inventory process for my 5100+ BL'd parts, is that I've run into two situations where 'build critical' parts have been missing, and I've had to pause an await an order. Nothing rare or expensive (just some 4x3 plates with holes for the landing gear, and 6 2x6 slopes for the entrance gangway door), enough to pause construction. Typically I also managed to order from a BL seller who thinks 10 days to dispatch an order is perfectly fine..... Dammit!
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