Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
These pictures are only made possible in this thread ;) Motherly love New Future Foundation member Fantastic Four - mix and match rocks! Even the supporting cast looks good
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
can anyone post the instructions for the fantasticar in the Sheng Yuan set?
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
My Frankenstein creation turned out something interesting!
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Just got this recently: Blackbird and crew MOC on the Lego lab design... Really pleased with this because I can display my ironman minifigs nicely... together with a dysfunctional family partying above. A close up of the Hall of Armor with custom decals and Jarvis: Hope you guys like it.
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
What do you think it is in Chinese? 多乐品?
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Just sharing :)
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
does the Sentinel figure hold together well?
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Just got my SY210 set. Looks good! SY308 set incoming any time soon too!
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
And Sabretooth, Galactus, big Antman :)
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
reason why I ask is because I ordered from Taobao, after the set appeared there, but it turned out to be a dud, not available yet. Will try again though.
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
I got SY's F4 and DC's Future Foundation, and I think the SY version is mostly better.. Dc's Thing has a better design but it's a tad too bright orange, while Human Torch "flame on" mode is awesome!!!
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Have you received your set yet? :)
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum. Love this thread, have been collecting some SY and DeCool and they are really decent quality! :)
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