Everything posted by Supersonic
LEGO Star Wars 2020 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The 2013 Gunship was a pretty great model already. I get the appeal of a UCS version of the vehicle, I'd love to see more PT UCS sets in general, but the Nebulon B is probably impossible as a minifig scale set - f we ever get an official version of it, this is the chance. The TIE bomber isn't that interesting honestly. They could do it in the style of the current minifig TIEs and it would be pretty large, and detailed, already.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Here's hoping that "Jaws" ends up being a Hammerhead Corvette. The size fits, and obviously the code name is on point. Then again, Rogue One has been criminally underrepresented since its release, so maybe that's just never happening.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
TLG have modern minifigures for Ep II Obi-Wan and Jango from the currently retiring JSF set, so it's not far-fetched to think they'd want to reuse those. Anything with a Jedi and a Fett is going to sell well. Not sure if we can expect a third minifig in a $19.99 set, otherwise Boba could be in there too.,
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The 4+ X-Wing is a perfectly fine toy for children. We're used to seeing fighters like the X-Wing made with high attention to detail, as models rather than toys, but this will sell very well with the target audience. One thing I would have been disappointed about as a kid is the complete lack of astromech - no R2D2 included, no space for it either.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The same thing that happens almost every year: People are drastically misjudging the market share AFOLs possess, and expect TLG's product strategy to follow their personal wishlist. I mean, the 4+ sets are obviously meant for children, which makes perfect sense given that the normal X-Wing has gotten so expensive many kids won't be able to afford one. Throw in popular minifigs you otherwise wouldn't have a set for and the idea actually looks pretty great. I'm guessing the AT-AP and Droid Gunship are more popular than people are giving them credit for. The combination of Jedi, clones and droids has always appealed to several different demographics. I also see no problems with the At-AP being largely identical to the 2014 version because that one was absolutely phenomenal.
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
They're literally releasing the X-Wing starfighter at $100 in the same wave. The Torrent is big, the 2008 version was $60 already and that one only had one single minifigure. If we ever get a new V-19, it will be on the expensive side. If the "Resistance Transport" set is actually a Solo set in reality, there's a chance the leak of those three was completely off and they just happened to guess one correctly, so I'm not counting on the V-19.
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
One thing that really doesn't make sense is the description for the Resistance Transport which includes: - 5 minifigures - several windows and a spacious interior - tranparent blue screens and weapons racks inside ...for a set the size of an A-Wing that costs $30-40? Either it is as big as described and costs $60-70, or it's $30 and fits two or three figs at most.
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
Wouldn't expect any more Rebels sets. The 2015-2016 ones sold badly, the show is ending soon, and there are two brand new movies (TLJ and Solo) that are way more important. Add the odd Clone Wars/Prequels set and there's no room left for Rebels. The V-19 Torrent from 2008 was a really well done set of a very interesting fighter design, so I'm happy to see it return. It's also nice they're using the chance to give us a bunch of important Clone Wars characters in there, especially since they've stopped doing the awful animated style faces. Interestingly this new list leaves exactly one set unaccounted for - if they want to add something from Solo, that would be the only one.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
No idea why this of all things bothers people - physics are usually not considered in Star Wars. The way fighters move in space is 100% the way airplanes would behave within the Earth's atmosphere because it looks good, even if it's not realistic at all.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
I've read this sentiment a few times and it perplexes me. Humor has always been an essential part of Star Wars; if anything, Marvel copied it from SW due to the latter's success. Every single SW movie has had it, TLJ had a little more than others but it also runs a lot longer.
EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Your ideal Christmas tree entry thread
Late but not too late I hope - Any Christmas tree is the ideal one if you find a UCS Millenium Falcon under it!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
Guys, as long as you keep falling for fakes, people will continue posting them. The desperation with which you flock to any hint of legitimate news is fuel for any suspiciously new account with some time to kill - but sure, why wouldn't he have seen pictures he cannot link to and that nobody else has access to? The "mix in known information and pretend you didn't know about it" shtick is old news too. This dude has nothing, and high quality pictures will be out within a few weeks given that they now tend to release sets in December in some regions.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
The JSF looks better in these pictures, but it's still not as sleek as it should be - the cockpit section is simply too high. The minifigures are somewhat disappointing too, as all 4 are basically identical to their last iterations. The hyperdrive ring looks pretty good though - the engines are massive.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Future Star Wars Sets
Weidly enough, his speeder is the one from 2002's Tusken Raider Encounter set. They definitely have the model for his head ready, but he won't be released with that bike. Given how hard it is to get the bounty hunters to make sense in an OT set that isn't a SSD, another Freemakers set with Zuckuss is pretty much a given.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
On the other hand, 1/4 figs per battle pack having a proper gun is definitely good news - maybe they will keep it like that in the future, to give collectors a little bit to work with. Still not convinced by the Freemaker sets but then again I'm definitely not the target group. Rathar Escape is also still very ugly - that big tan box and all the bare technic pieces aren't exactly display pieces. All the good stuff is in the small sets - both $25 sets and both battle packs seem really well done.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
If it's still on the list, it still has good chances of being real. It's very likely not the exclusive, though. The exclusive always gets leaked/announced much, much later while the rumor for the JSF has been around for ages. (Last year the Rebel Frigate wasn't known until mid May.) A JSF also seems small for a summer exclusive set given that those are usually $100+.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
You just collected all the completely baseless speculations like the B-Wing and put them together in a list. Your list is probably worth nothing and there is little reason to believe anything on it is real. See, when somebody who never had any inside information before suddenly comes out with specifics like a FO Super Star Destroyer, it's usually fake and/or wishful thinking. It's well known who actually has inside information on this forum, like Stash's contacts - which is why the first post of this thread often has information earlier than the rest of the internet. We also know that people who definitely did see the TLJ sets already have said they can't say anything yet. The only real information we have right now is in the first post - the minifigure lineups and BB8. Everything else is pure speculation.
EB Xmas Raffle 2016 - Your ideal Snow entry thread
My prize arrived a couple of days ago - absolutely outstanding! You really outdid yourself there, thanks!
Future Star Wars Sets
Let's have a look at those: - AT-AT: nobody is going to see the differences between the Rebels and ESB AT-AT. Definitely not kids. ESB AT-ATs always sell, so there's no reason to release it via Rebels. - Interceptor: as I said, that's an OT set, RotJ in this case. There are more fans of RotJ than of Rebels. - Interdictor cruiser: that's one of the few possible, non-OT designs. I fear its design would be hard to replicate in Lego though. - Gozanti Surveillance ship: the Imperial Assault Carrier has just gone out of production, this is just a less military version of that. - Imperial Super Commandos: definitely cool, but in which set do you put them?
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Alright! So BB8 confirmed, UCS Falcon looking good and minifig lineups of TLJ sets partially known: 75189 - 2 Stormtroopers? Rey?, ?, Luke? 75188 - Poe?, Pilot, Officer? 75179 - Kylo Ren, ?, ?, maybe 1 more? 75176 - BB8, Finn, ? 75177 - 2 ?, ?, ? Interesting stuff. The big four get split across four different sets as expected. Last one is probably the TIE Striker/FO Snowspeeder of the wave, i.e. a military vehicle with no named characters.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
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