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Everything posted by Supersonic

  1. Na, the 2004 version was actually pretty good. The 2000 MF was horrible. I really like the idea of a ROTJ one with Lando, Nien Numb and an A-Wing but that's not very probable. Big sets tend to cost 150 without the addition of a 20-bucks fighter. I say it will be more detailed, a bit bigger, and suffer from the usual rise in prices at the moment. Unless it really is a step back from the ESB version (which already sported a very well designed interior) it should be a must-buy for me as I missed the first models.
  2. Well, the sets are rather awesome - by far the best theme at the moment - so I guess if it sells good enough (and it should) TLG will make another wave.
  3. Supersonic replied to Athos's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    As long as TCW are airing, we will get new LSW sets. I'm not so sure TLG would continue the theme with the last SW movie 5 years ago. Without the Clone Wars, fewer kids would know about SW, fewer kids would be interested in buying LSW, and TLG might decide to put the line to an end. I still hope that stupid TCW sets like the freeco speeder or the Halo sell badly and TLG will stop releasing such narrow sets, but at least LSW is still prospering. We should be happy that we still get Lego sets about some 30-year old movies, not just PT and TCW. BTW, I'm confident that with the 3-d versions of the movies scheduled to be in theatres from 2012 on we will see waves with more sets from the movies. Ep. IV is set for 2015, just be patient ;)
  4. Wait, there are pictures of the Yavin Base prototype? Anyone got a link?
  5. Thanks for the pictures grogall! I'm usually only into Lego Star Wars, but that biplane is just plain awesome - the dark red wings, the guns, the flying mummies and the dark tan parts. Looks like the sphinx set might be worth buying just for the parts - look at all this tan/dark tan goodness. Probably will get these two sets. PQ is indeed the best Lego line for a long time imo.
  6. Don't forget Greg Hyland's picture of a summer 2011 sets, which many - me included - believe to be the Republic Frigate. Some people have spotted clones with red markings on the table - matching the armor of the clones now believed to be in the Frigate. I think at least this part of the new information is very true. The Malevolence might be the replacement for the DS, which has been in stores for quite some time now. Of course it isn't nearly as iconic, but it's still a very big ship that can't be made a set in a smaller scale.
  7. Hmm, I'm not sure that this is completely true, as 2 more big ships seem like a bit too many. But if it's true (let's just assume it for now), it's awesome! Captain Zak, Thire, Jek, Rys, Yoda, 2 pilots, that means 6 clones, 4 of which are new and 2 hard to come by. And it really is a Consular - I was very sure it is, but good to know for sure. And a Malevolence? That would be one hell of a set...but extremely big. Can we assume it's UCS or at least some kind of exclusive? About the Naboo cruiser/yacht - I believe it's this one? - it's a very cool ship but atm there's no right color for it. Thanks again commanderneyo!
  8. The frigate's minfig lineup still doesn't confirm it's a Consular or a Pelta - Yularen and Anakin fit well enough for both. I'm a bit surprised there are no clone pilots in there - I clearly remember seeing these yellow-helmeted clones on board of both ships. Ewok attack seems good. Maybe, if this and the BPs are real, I'll finally start buying Endor sets...
  9. It's easy for me: if the T-6 has dark red parts, I'll buy it for the new jedi and the good parts. Dark red and white are great for Republic MOCs, there are big plates and wedges, but I don't want any bright red parts. Shouldn't the sets start turning up at stores in the next few weeks? There are still some things we don't know (color of the T-6, Gungan Soldier, piece count).
  10. Right. We're not asking for pictures again commanderneyo, but still, it's weird we still haven't got any more proof from Jordan - and that some information was really vague, like the Battle Of Malastare that'a actually called Y-Wing & AAT and the Battle OF Geonosis ... It's getting confusing
  11. We're still waiting for pics, you know I'd love to know which sources to trust and which not.
  12. I personally missed the Republic Cruiser because it was an exclusive. I didn't have internet access back in 2007 and since I discovered its existence I've come to regret it. It's a great ship and it only gets better as a military version. Of course I see why people would complain about another remake. But of all the sets they could remake this is probably the best. (Plus, it looks way better in military colors, and there might be some interesting new figs.)
  13. I believe you actually want it to be a midi set, but for the last time - 140$ is the price of the Venator, of the Tantive IV, and it was also the ISD's price. There has never been a midi set this big and I very much doubt it ever will, as the midi sets seem to be selling pretty bad. I never said the Venator was a good deal (it it, though), it's just an example why the Frigate will be minifig scale. You're focusing too much on price convertion into pound, while the only important price is the dollar one. If a set costs 150 dollars, it might cost 150 pounds as well (yes, unfair, but true), but the decisions are made by TLG based on the dollar prices. You're arguing exactly the wrong way here ("If the Frigate makes it to £100 in the UK, you can bet it will have a very similar figure in the States.") SO yeah, you have to convert the prices yourself based on experience. BTW, you're talking about a medical bay here - I keep telling everybody that the vehicle with the official name "Republic Frigate" is this ship. The Pelta class frigate would be called "Medical Frigate" and would also be a very poor set as it is boring in design and in functionality, the latter of which still is an important point for children. Who wants to play hospital in a warship? Another reason why this is no midi set: the midis so far were iconic, well-known ships from the original trilogy. Everybody who knows Star Wars knows the Falcon and the general looks of the ISD. The frigate is a TCW invention. So the customers who would buy a midi frigate are a)TCW fans who are b)interested in design instead of playability. a) is mostly kids, b) is mostly AFOLs. It would be one stupid set.
  14. This calculation isn't specific enough imo. First of all, it cost about 140 €/$, and normally it's 10 cent/piece in these currencies. Sure, there are exceptions, but mostly with small sets. Tantive IV and Venator both cost 150$ and have 1400 pieces. A playset of an unknown ship like the Frigate would be stupid, plus the Venator is going out of production next spring, making room for a new playset model. There is NO way this isn't minifig scale. BTW, Midi scale makes a ISD so small that a Frigate (much, much smaller) would never have 700+ pieces. @Mr Man: The Tantive was 2009, the AT-AT is Special Edition. So far, There has never been a wave with more than one big sets as afaik, only if you take into account special/limited edition releases.
  15. That means the european prices will be 7956 Ewok Attack €27 7957 Dathomir Speeder €27 7959 Geonosian Starfighter €37 7961 Sith Infiltrator €50 (hope so) 7962 Podracers €70-100 7964 Republic Frigate €120/140 7965 Millennium Falcon €150 Three sets for 100 or more? This would be very unusual.
  16. Some pictures would be very much appreciated
  17. The real Sith Infiltrator is extremely big - 26.5 meters long according to Wookiepedia. If it's a bit longer than the older version, it would be around the size of an Y-Wing which was 70$ too. Remember the case of Grievous' SF. The first model was 27$, the new version nearly twice as much.
  18. Wow, real new information - going rather fast now! The price is about 170$, that's minifig scale. The Dathomir Speeder sounds interesting - we'll see Asajj Ventress on Dathmir soon according to TCW trailers. A new MF was due, though none of the rumor lists had it. So what's missing are the Battles of Geonosis and Malastare. Still, it would make for a weird wave - Frigate, MF and Podracers are 100$ and more, Sith Infiltrator and Geonosian SF are 40-50$ sets. Only the new Ewok Attack seems to be a smaller set. commanderneyo, you should really try to get pictures of the two battles now.
  19. I just rewatched the Battle of Malastare in TCW. I didn't see too many spider droids, but loads of crab droids - which are bigger and would make much more sense in a set this expensive. And these weird combat droids appear shortly, too. Another interesting thing: The red Y-Wing that drops the bomb has a green astromech.
  20. Y-Wing and AAT can't be 250$. No way. 2 spider droids will never make out the difference between 100$ (price for both standalone sets) and 250. Either there's a lot more included (like 20 minifigs) or the price is 100 dollar off and it's actually 150. The picture still shows a Republic Frigate for me. However, considering the bad quality, the overall shape still doesn't rule out the possibility of a Y-Wing either - I'm confused. The brown blur is a Geonosian Starfighter, 100% sure of that. Both sources have confirmed it and the shape is just too right. commanderneyo, you would be a hero if you really got some pictures - do you know the price for the big Geonosis set?
  21. Well, the Y-Wings weren't used as starfighters on Malastare. They just bombed the droid army, so the setting against an AAT fits.
  22. Y-Wing and AAT in one set? This would make it terribly expensive, especially if you only want one of the two. Add up the prices of the two sets as standalones and you get ca. 100-110€. But hey, better than no red Y-Wing at all.
  23. There are still many big ships to be done - Nebulon B, MCC, Executor. A new MF is due as well.
  24. You never know...TLG gave us a third Boba Slave I before a second Jango Slave I and a ship that appears in 20 seconds of one TCW episode (Halo). A new AAT is very possible. Unlike the Slave I which was the same vehicle in 2007 and 2010 the AAT would have a completely different colour scheme, so it wouldn't be just repeating the CW AAT. Things like a red Y-Wing or a stun/super tank are options as well. TLG has surprised us often enough. It would be great to hear some more news from commanderneyo over the next few weeks. Nobody should insult him just because his info might turn out to be wrong. Give him a chance to prove that these rumours are actually true.
  25. So this Battle Of Geonosis is the AOTC one? But there are no stun tanks there. And what is a Redeco AAT? Or this "Oxegon Destroyer Decaled Tactical droid"? I do hope you'll get a bit more concrete info soon
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