Everything posted by Supersonic
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
The rebels on Hoth feared no risks to get a proper Christmas tree. Thanks for the awesome raffle, CopMike!
Amazon Links - Now for everyone
I tried to put some in my basket, but apparently they cost 4,62 pounds shipping each...making it 5,62 for one battle pack, which is not that great (unless you live in the UK, I guess...).
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Considering that jedinews had the 2009 and 2010 summer lists even earlier and they were 100% correct (although some names changed), we can assume that this list is too. Desert Skiff and Cloud Car would fit the OT-oriented spring wave; not interested in either though unless they really improve on the 1999/2000 sets. The JSF is a must-buy if it's an Eta-2, if it's a Delta again I can only curse TLG for their stupidity. No idea what a Felucian Fighter is, guess we'll see one in TCW later this season. AT-STs are always welcome, maybe with some Rebels or Ewoks? Finally, Jabba's Palace which could be a nice set if they don't do it Hoth Echo Base-style. Altogether it doesn't look like a particularly interesting second wave. Too few big sets - there are usually at least 2 100+ sets in a summer wave, and only the Palace would fit in that category.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
You're right there...what would they say if TLG charged them 40 Euro (which is about 56 dollar) for a Geonosian Starfighter? Whether or not these planet things are worth ten bucks depends mainly on the quality of the MINI sets (e.g. a TIE fighter could look like the one from the advent calender, or like the one that was a promotional set sometime - huge difference), the size of the planets and, of course, the quality of the fig (Sebulba is worth 10 bucks alone right now). I'm not interested in any of those 3 figs, but if we got a mini Y-Wing with a rebel pilot, for example, I'd definitely buy some.
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Scanning some pictures wouldn't cost him his job. I mean, we usually get those pictures rather early, and it shouldn't be too hard to spread them anonymously. Last year, pictures of the 2011 spring sets surfaced on August 26th. I guess we can expect some blurry prelim pics rather soon.
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Tbf, this seems like the kind of thing that makes sense from a marketing standpoint. I mean, at the moment the smallest set from LSW is 15 bucks, while nearly all other Lego themes or other toy brands offer cheaper options. Also, I'm not willing to believe that someone who has been on this forum for four year suddenly starts releasing fake info, so until we get set names, I'll believe Mirandir. BTW, while the Endor BP would be a tad dissappointing without AT-ST drivers (those are too rare!) or Ewoks, the Clone vs. Commando Droid BP sounds rather awesome...and 6 OT sets? That would be a rather nice surprise.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Actually, if you just take a look at the first post here, you'll find that the first news about the 2011 sets surfaced in early August
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Your description was extremely accurate - good to know that we have sources we can trust After giving this a closer look, it is a really disappointing set. 7666 was much better - at least 7879 could have included a snowspeeder (not that I like TLC's T-47 too much, but at least you always need more snowspeeders) or another Tauntaun. And the missile/gun section is a bad joke. 2009's Echo Base set showed how easily good-looking turrets and walls can be built, so why this?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Here we go!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
That reminds me, did any of those who already possess a new set check the last two pages for pics of the Hoth Echo Base? We found out about the BfG set when someone got the Battle of Naboo early in November...
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Ki-Adi is alright. What did you expect from a TCW minifig, especially one that's so hard to do? At least he is rather detailed and instantly recognizable. And btw, I'm pretty sure we'll see a non-TCW Ki-Adi one day...the 3D release of ROTS is set for 2013, I could definitely see him in a set there.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
That's great news! I was hoping for a big set and this sounds really interesting. I'm pretty sure that a Snowspeeder and at least one Tauntaun will be included too. The T-47 is by far the most memorable Rebel vehicle on Hoth and perfectly fits the role that the AT-ST had in 8038. As for the Tauntaun, TLG already have the mold and they were shown in the Base often enough. And if Luke's in the Bacta tank, maybe we'll get new pilots and not just Luke and Dak.
[Review] 6212 X-wing Fighter
A stunningly detailed review Brickdoctor, thanks for that! Very good pictures and the text contains everything you need to know about the set (and more ). The set itself is fine, I guess. I don't like how it is nearly a 1:1 copy of the 2004 set - there are some obvious errors they could have fixed, but they just reissued the whole thing. Still, it is good to get so many important figs in one package...Another problem is the high price here in Germany. It's 60 Euro, which equals nearly 90 dollars atm I voted for Yes - it's a good set, but I'm sure TLG can do better. A new X-Wing in grey, with a new cockpit piece, better guns, a redesigned back and a sleeker nose could be extremely beautiful and yet quite easy to realize.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
From what I've seen, Lego just hasn't as much real competition in Europe as it has in the US. Prices have been rising around here for some time now and people are still buying it - I believe people in the U.S. would switch to a different brand more easily. If you compare the toy selection of a European store to one in the US, you will find a much bigger percentage of Lego in the European one. Also, I don't think the currency values play a role in TLG's price policy - otherwise, they wouldn't make the dollar prices lower than the Euro prices instead of higher. It doesn't help people in Europe to know products are a lot cheaper in the US, so they still have to pay the higher prices where they live.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Why would it be a bad thing if a UCS set contained playset features? As long as it looks as good as it should from the outside, most collectors shouldn't care. And if there really is a way to fit a room for the figures in there, it would at least be great for those who care about functions as well. It's only when the set looks bad because of the play features (*cough* 8039 Venator *cough*) that it's a bad thing.
US Stores that sell Lego
Thanks everyone, you're really helping a lot I'll try to visit some of those discount chain stores - I'd love to find some older sets. Checking Wal-Marts and Targets seems to be a good idea too...I'll bear that in mind. Again, thank you guys, you're great!
US Stores that sell Lego
Hey guys, I'll be in the US the next two weeks and I'm planning to buy some cheap Lego there (of course). As many of you here live in the US, can you give me some tips concerning stores where one can buy Lego (especially Star Wars)? I know Wal Mart and Toys R Us, but I guess that there are more options - any supermarket chains I should be looking for? Answers would be appreciated! Oh, and I hope this is the right section of the forum, wasn't sure where to put this. EDIT: I'm going to California, San Francisco area, forgot to mention that.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
indeed... Anyways, this set looks great - let's just hope that it doesn't really cost 400 bucks.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Maybe we're lucky and we get an early review like this?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
We wouldn't have got the information about the BfG set if it hadn't been for that early sold Battle of Naboo in France, remember? If the Echo Base is an exclusive set as well, we'll have to wait until somebody manages to get hold of one of the new sets. (Which will probably be at least a month from now.)
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well, a Cloud Car would never be big enough to contain 350 parts, and the picture very obviously shows the 2001 Cloud Car...
How much accuracy do you demand in a SW MOC?
I agree. This is one of two Lego forums I'm on, and I have to admit I rarely see (constructive!) criticism for MOCs here. On the other forum, 99% of the replies to MOC threads here would be considered spam. Fallenangel is trying to help people who post their MOCs here to make them better. What's the problem with that? Of course, saying it's not an LSW MOC if it isn't accurate goes to far. But it is refreshing to see somebody point out design flaws instead of saying "Awesome, keep up the good work" which is nice too, but rather useless in the end. IMO, people should build MOCs as accurate as they want. But if they post them here, it should be to discuss flaws/possible changes as well as just to "show off" (which is perfectly fine).
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Sure they are rumors, but I wouldn't say that we have no clues at all The advent calendar started as a rumor as well.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well, we have heard of a UCS Jabba's Palace and a UCS Cloud City, that's some clues. I'm really surprised we have no pictures of the Hoth Echo Base set yet. We have pics of all other sets from the summer wave, but no information at all about the Base...
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