Everything posted by Supersonic
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Does anybody have the early preliminary pictures of the Clone Turbo Tank with the Tactical Droid? I heard a lot about it but never saw this picture.
- The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
Glued magnets issue solved
A quick question: do you think this works on keychains too? If TLG use the same glue for them, it should, right?
Glued magnets issue solved
That's great news KimT! It doesn't seem too complicated. It's probably better if you remove the legs and replace them with an ordinary fig's legs, though. This doesn't look too good. Anyway, great solution. Literally
Which is your favourite upcoming Lego minifigure in 2011?
By now I'd say Eeth Koth. We haven't seen a final picture of him yet, but I like the idea of a Zabrak Jedi, and if the Lego version does him justice the fig will be awesome. Ki-Adi Mundi is second. If he doesn't look to much like the TCW version, he'll be great too.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, these are the worst mini sets I've ever seen...the AAT is so badly designed, it's like they built it without looking at the original (or while drunk ). The Venator isn't beautiful either. BTW, I have seen much better mini versions of both ships around here. And it's not like minis are always that bad, many official promos (like the X-Wing) look really nice. As I'll stay in the U.S. for two weeks around Easter I'll look if I can get some anyway. The AAT looks like a nice tan parts pack.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Do we have any rumors about new magnet sets? There should be some this spring, right?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
It would have been nice to see Stormies or Rebel Commandoes again instead of the same figs every Endor set has had so far - Ewoks and Scouts on Z-74s. Of course the Ewoks are a good thing, but two of them is not what you'd expect from a 27 euro set - the 2001 (?) Ewok Attack had 2 Ewoks, a Scout and a Stormtrooper as well as a bike, a glider and a catapult for 17. But this doesn't matter if we get Endor BPs (with Rebel Commandoes and Stormtroopers) in 2012.
Review: 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle
Yeah, the figs are nice, but the ship itself is too small for that price. Compare it to the 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle (which cost the same here in Europe) which fitted 6-7 figs, was bigger, had bombs and missile launchers and twice as many pieces. When in doubt, I check the price/piece ratio. 370 pieces isn't enough for 69,99 euro.
Review: 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle
Great review, thanks! The set isn't bad at all, the figs are great, but is indeed too expensive. Maybe I'll be able to pick one up on sale sometimes.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
One thing nobody mentioned yet: I believe the clone on the frigate has a kama, but no pauldron - which is exactly the type of armor Wolffe's wearing. I think you're right. I am surprised nobody managed to get a decent picture of the figs in the Frigate yet. Still no way to tell who the clones are, and how Eeth Koth looks.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Remember Greg Hyland's pic? Looks like he was right, as those two sets were obviously the Frigate and the Geonosian Starfighter (which some had already guessed). Just thought it's funny that we were actually right
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
It's a TCW set, so unless Agen shows up in Season 3, I guess it's Eeth. I just saw that the Frigate's turret shoots flickfire missiles. Another thing: one of the two clones in the Frigate could be a non-generic clone. One is holding a standard blaster, but the other one has commando pistols and a kama. Unless it's a generic commander as seen in the Clone Walker BP (which would be extremely lame in such a big set), it's some new sort of clone. I guess we'll know more in February.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, great pics. This is gonna be one hell of a wave, I'll have to buy every set. Who do you think the third Jedi in the Frigate is? Eeth Koth? Agen Kolar (unlikely, he hasn't been in TCW yet)? Even Piell? Saesee Tin again?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
clouette, is there any chance you'll be able to make better pics of the sets? It would be very much appreciated. Looks like we're getting a Ki-Adi Mundi, but in which set? It could be the Geonosian Fighter or the Frigate. BTW, I don't see a Kaminoan no matter how hard I try. These are guys are huge - but the figs on the box don't seem to be much bigger than Yoda.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Panaka would be awesome... But I think that if Qui-Gon is in the Infiltrator (and he should be), than Obi-Wan should be in the Podracer set. He was on Tatooine, too, and TLC doesn't care too much about accuracy anyway. @commanderneyo: you're right, it looks a lot like it. It's one ugly speeder, though :/
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
OK, these are the figures I think I see: MF: Darth Vader, Han, Leia, Chewie, Ben and Luke (rather sure about those) Frigate: Yoda (right), big guy (Kaminoan/Ki Adi Mundi?), 2 clones, TCW Anakin Podracers: Watto, Sebulba, Anakin, young Greedo and Obi-Wan (notice the blue lightsaber) Sith Infiltrator: Maul, ?, Padme, Qui-Gon Dathomir Speeder: Ventress (clear as day, 2 red lightsabers), maybe Anakin, ?. Geonosian Fighter and Ewok Attack are too blurry. @clouette: Thanks!! Can you tell us which figures are in the sets?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Don't think so, the Tantive doesn't have any. And the Consular frigate has no guns big enough to load with a flick missile. I'm really hoping for more pics from that catalogue...maybe we'll get some as an additional christmas present :D
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Remember guys, this is a preliminary picture, and it is of poor quality. You can't really say how good or bad the design is yet. Maybe the exclusive fig (there has to be at least one) is Quinlan Vos? That would be no big surprise, but kinda disappointing.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Finally! That's the Consular frigate all right. Told you so There should be more pics from that catalogue, right? Who took this picture?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yeah, me too. I'm not too much into CW sets unless they are really great - a Pelta would be a pass for me, but I love the design of the Consular. I think even the many Jedi Starfighters got slightly changed from version to version (Ahsoka's and Windu's have flick-fire missiles, Plo Koon's had the ejector seat, Anakin's has neither).
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
We can expect pics of the new sets in the next few weeks. Nobody can say exactly when though. BTW, I would be extremely disappointed should the Frigate really be the Pelta. Boring design, boring function (Medical ships don't usually make great LSW sets). I said this often enough, but it has to be the Consular.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors Or, though I don't think it's very probable:
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
You're temporarily banned for discussing availability here afaik... Weren't those rebel commandos? (Endor troopers) I thought they looked like them, but I could be wrong. Hopefully they'll add an extra to the set, like one of those Sounds like the perfect opportunity to reuse the great figs from the Battle of Endor set! But remember, we don't know for sure the Falcon will be ROTJ-themed. I hope it is, anyway. Yeah, Jar Jar would make a perfect addition to the Podracer set. As would a new Padme I guess TLG will do the same to the Infiltrator as they did to Grievous' Starfighter (which was released at the same time the last Infiltrator was). The new ship will be much bigger, more accurate, will maybe contain some more figs (Qui-Gon?) and cost a lot more.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Ki Adi Mundi?? That would be awesome. I guess he would be in the Geonosian SF then? Where did you get all that info, baby?
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