Everything posted by Plaid Beard
Golden Hind
This is an amazing looking ship!
- PTV 2015 Small: Tavern Brawl
MOC: The Tumble-Home Tavern
Sir, I am honored. Thank you.
MOC: The Tumble-Home Tavern
I struggled with the roof. I had an idea in mind that would have fit beter with the beat up look of the facade, but I did not have enough pieces to make it. In the end I went with the roof I used because of a time crunch, but I really would love to change the roof and give it something with more character.
- Port Royal Is Attacked!
PTV 2015 Large: Islander Chief's Mysterious Cave
Great job! It has a real Indiana Jones meets Pirates of the Caribbean feel to it!
- 13 replies
- 2015
- Large
- PTV 2015 Large
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[MOC] Captain Cookie's Only Pirate Gang
What would you think if I raided your port? Would you stand up and shoot back at me? Give me your loot and I'll leave you alone, And I'll try not to burn all I see, Oh, I just steal with a little help from my gang, Oh, keep it real with a little help from my gang, Oh, make you squeal with a little help from my gang....
[LDD MOC] Lamia - bomb ketch!
Wooooooooooooow. Duuuuuuuuude. Mind=Blown. Well done!!
- 8 replies
- bomb ketch
- bomb ship
- ketch
- custom hull
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- [LDD MOC] Liberty/La Liberté - 1st rate ship of the line
Captain Bluebeard
I love the earrings!!
WIP Townsend Small Vessel
Looks great! I really like the lines of your ships.
MOC: The Tumble-Home Tavern
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words! This was a fun project. My first tavern design did not have an upstairs, but I thought that it would be neat - as several of you noted - to be able to put my pirate captains on display. I'd been trying to design a brethren court scene for them all, but failed in that.
- [MOC] Captain Cookie's Only Pirate Gang
MOC: The Tumble-Home Tavern
Happy finally to be able to present to you my latest MOC, The Tumble-Home Tavern (pun intended). As a wise Jedi once said, "Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy." So here goes..... I wanted to try something different with the look of the building, so I did a beat-up stone facade. I really like the way the weathervane turned out. "Move along, nothing to see here." No cows were harmed in the shooting of this scene. The tomb of the notorious pirate, Deadbeard. Back shot of the tomb of Deadbeard. And there's the man, himself! "Mine?! Mine?!" It doesn't appear the 12 Steps are working. Sigh.... why is the rum always gone? Well now, this is awkward.... Also note the Redcoat spy in the barrel. I can't tell if they're checking the menu for names they know or trying to worship the metal chicken on top. Here's a closer view of the stone work on the facade. I still need to finish the sign. Frankly I'm a little surprised - I thought pigs had some standards. Definitely not the Swedish Chef. The fireplaces are lit from below using small LED tea light candles. Another shot of the chef hard at work. How do you like your giant bug's head cooked? The back view. Some of the nastiest pirates around are meeting upstairs - Dread Pirate Roberts, Blackbeard, Sponge-Beard Square-Rig, and nearly every pirate captain TLG has released since 1989 - Metal Beard is absent because I'm still working on him. The upstairs lifts out for easier access. Overview shot of the downstairs. My tribute to Isaac, the bartender on "The Love Boat". Note the baseball bat behind the bar. Originally this was a musket, but the baseball bat was funnier to me. "The fish is dead! Long live the fish!" I don't think kitty really wants to eat that three-eyed mutant fish. May I just brag a little about this corner? Part of why I wanted to do this project was because I wanted to do these sorts of windows. I'm really quite happy with the way they turned out, and this particular photo is one of my favorites because this is the exact effect for which I was going. The answer is yes, you can bring outside food into the tavern, but they make you cook it, yourself. I think he can do better. When I originally built this Minifigure he was marrying a cow. "Avast there, matey! I'm a pirate! Come sit on me!" I had to do this. I just had to. I'm sure you understand. Lobster or giant scorpion? I reckon we'll find out when he whacks it with that hammer. More of the action downstairs.... And I love that you can see the face of a Bluecoat soldier through the window. A shot down the pier... Proudly owned and operated by a guy with more money than brains and a guy with more fake parts than real. Thanks for looking!
Childhood MOC
I like it. It's got heart. I remember way back when they first announced they were going to have Lego Pirates sets, my little brother and I started building piratey creations in anticipation of one day actually being able to get an actual pirate set, and we built some very odd looking things, but building those things back then with no access to any of the sources we have now was really satisfying, because we had to make do with what parts we had and really use our imaginations. So I like your ship quite a lot for that reason - it's honest and imaginative.
- PTV Small: Eater, Eatee
The Truth About Ol' Ben
Benjamin Franklin ~ Swashbuckler, Ladies' Man. By day he poses as a mild-mannered inventor, printer, scientist, diplomat, and all-around genius. But by night his true identity comes forth, as he raids, pillages, and womanizes his way from America to Europe and back again. He's Benjamin Franklin, and he waxes his chest to be extra smooth for the ladies. * * * PS: This was not the strangest custom Minifigure I've ever made, but it was the most fun to think about.
- PTV 2015 Small : Captain Torture Captain
- HMS Ontario
- General MOC-Discussion, WIP-Help, and Teaser Thread
- General MOC-Discussion, WIP-Help, and Teaser Thread
- Not 1,Not 2, But 3!
[LDD MOC] English Schooner
Schooners happen to be a passion of mine... either that or just an excuse to buy more research books. I really like the lines of your schooner - not too built-up. What is the time period of your schooner? I ask because how you do the lines of the stern will depend upon the time period you choose. For example, schooners from the early- to mid-1700s had a raised stern, much like yours except the rise was more blocky and started nearer to the rear mast. But schooners from the Napoleonic era tended to have a stern that was more flush to the main deck. The angle on the rear of the ship where the cabin windows go also was different - with earlier schooners having a gradual slope like the one you have, while later schooners had a much sharper slope. I learned from experience that Lego schooners can be VERY tricky to plan and build, but you've got quite a nice one here! Great job!
Pirate Village Bakery Mod
Love it! I'm working on a harbor layout, as well, and this gave me an idea for a butcher shop.
- VIDEO Review: 6276 Eldorado Fortress
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