Everything posted by Plaid Beard
Cabin on the rock
This little scene is great! It's got a lot of depth for such a compact project. Is the interior of the cabin finished?
This reminds me a lot of my first ship..... but this one is better..... and I was 35.....
Hurricane Bay (WIP)
I love the modularness (pretty sure that's a word) of your project, and the scale is awesome. I especially like the simplicity of your docks and the way they add to the scene. I can't wait to see where this goes.
- [MOD] One More Brick Bounty MOD
[MOC] Washing Tub Pirate Raid
Love it! Tons of wonderful details packed into a small scene. Very well done!
- Imperial Armada Trading Post
Cross Bone Frigate
I have to agree on the color, although I do like the ship as a whole very much. It looks solidly built and well planned.
Black Pearl
Very well done. It has that sort of creepy/cool feel that the ship had in the movie.
- Histoire en Briques
MOC: Bluecoat 24-gun Frigate
The gun deck is filled with the full size Lego cannons. I only have one ship that I built with brick-built cannons - my schooner The Lady Kathryn ( - because she's a smaller ship and wouldn't fit the big guns.
- MOC: Bluecoat Académie des Mousquetaires
MOC: Bluecoat Académie des Mousquetaires
Thanks! I do have a few more projects up my sleeve for the Fall. I've been trying to think where I got those pillar blocks - I know they weren't from Museum Robbery, because those were tan, pretty sure, and I didn't get that set. And I didn't get any sets in the 2000s that would have had them. I did take apart several of the "castles" I got in the 1990s (they weren't great sets, and I just got them so I'd have something to build) to use for pieces, so that's the only place I can think that I would have got them. It's possible they came from one of the Adventurer sets from the 1990s, because I also took apart a couple of those (a couple Egyptian-themed ones) recently, as well.
MOC: Bluecoat 24-gun Frigate
The yards are definitely something I need to work on, because I'm not completely happy with them. I had sort of a parts-crunch, though, so I had to make-do with what was on-hand. I'd like to see the Redcoat bobber with enough guns to silence the mighty broadside of my Bluecoat flagship! Any shipbuilders out there may interpret that as a challenge to action, by the way!
Budget Imperial Flagship
I've always thought the Bluecoats needed their own larger warship, and you've done a great job designing one for them. Well done!
[MOC] Bluecoats' small Outpost
Thanks for posting this! This is a good inspiration for me to work on some smaller projects. You do some great work!
[MOC] Pirates raft - custom polybag
This is really adorable. Well done!
MOC: Bluecoat 24-gun Frigate
It has 5 hull sections, plus the stern and bow sections. Thanks, everyone! This was a tough project, but I enjoyed it.
MOC: Bluecoat 24-gun Frigate
Here's the link to the tutorial: There are a lot of great tutorials on this site that are worth exploring, and I've found a lot of experienced folks who are more than happy to answer questions.
MOC: Bluecoat 24-gun Frigate
Greetings! Finally finished my Bluecoat frigate. Don't have a name yet - that's proving to be difficult to settle on, but I have some ideas. I based her on plans and paintings of French frigates from the mid-18th Century, and the build owes a LOT to the "Build A Frigate" tutorial, as well as quite a few gorgeous ships I've seen posted on this site, so thanks to everyone who posted pictures of your ships! Here is the overview. The ship is about 66cm tall and 87cm long, and is the largest ship I've built. Fully Rigged Ship, Three Masts 20B The figurehead is a little dull. I haven't settled on a name for the ship yet, so the figurehead probably will be changing. 2nd Battalion of Bluecoat Marines. The ship's launch. A Bluecoat infantry officer hitching a ride. The capstan does not work, but I'll probably change that soon. I kinda like the way the masts turned out, but even with reinforcing inside of them, they are way too fragile for the ship to be played with. Since my goal is always playability, I'll probably change the masts soon. I do enjoy making custom flags. Come on, now - I'm not the only ship builder here who likes croissants. It was not easy to get the tumblehome to line up with the part of the cabin that juts out, but I like the way it turned out. I really like the way the outside of the captain's cabin came together. I tried quite a few different looks before I finally found one I liked. And of course you know I'm going to have a binnacle. I love binnacles, but I don't like trying to build them. Deck comes off to expose the captain's cabin. Brunch is served. I wanted to do a tiled pattern for the cabin floor, but did not have enough pieces, so hardwood it is! I kind of like the way it looks. I might also change the ship's wheel. This one is okay, but I can do better. I don't think the ship's cook is as French as he claimed on his résumé. The ship's bell again - it was a little challenge to build it with a clapper, but I like the way it turned out. I haven't made the sails yet. I'm going to wait until I know whether or not I'm going to redesign the top masts, and I'm also going to make all the sails for all my ships at once. Thanks for looking! ~ Plaid Beard
- The Red Dragon, 62 gun pirate ship of the line
- MOC: Bluecoat Académie des Mousquetaires
MOC: Bluecoat Académie des Mousquetaires
This picture shows how I built the pedestal. I don't remember if the round pieces came from a Castle set I got in the late-1990s (back when Castle lost its way) or if they came from a very old Space set I had from the early-1980s. The base is pretty straight-forward. I love this color blue, but for this build I would have preferred a darker blue to better match the Bluecoat flag.
- MOC: Bluecoat Académie des Mousquetaires
Napping in the Forest
I think you're right. Perhaps "Grammar Enthusiast" or "Grammar Aficionado" should be the new term. Thanks to everyone for the support and comments! I'm currently finishing off another MOC or two and have plans for a couple more, and I can't wait to share them!
Defense of La Haye Sainte Farm, Battle of Waterloo
I don't have the words. This is absolutely mind-blowing.
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