Everything posted by lanesteele240
2017 Lego Trains
1. Im not the only one that feels that lego is killing off trains 2. Lego is the only hobby that everyone has to make money off their ideas. EVERY hobby that i have ever participated in other people kill theirselves to help you out and give support. From ho/h/n/z scale trains, to model cars/plains, to warhamer 40k models, to sifi models. They all want to help out to make the hobby better for everybody. But not lego. Look at new build. The instrctions are online for sale.
2017 Lego Trains
Sence lego seems to be killing off trains, some of the better builders should share moc instructons.
LEPIN brings out Monster Fighters HAUNTED HOUSE (16007)
Illuminati confirmed
LEPIN brings out Monster Fighters HAUNTED HOUSE (16007)
Nobody is sugesting that But it would be awesome if i could get 95% of a set on pick a brick. Would it really hurt them to have 1x6 and 1x4 sand green bricks on hand at pick a brick. Instead you have to pay 60-75 cents each on brick link for 20 and find another dealer and pay more shipping
LEPIN brings out Monster Fighters HAUNTED HOUSE (16007)
Well. Most of us would buy all the parts from lego pick a brick if they were to sell all the bricks ever made or direct subs. If i could piece a hounted house for roughly 20-30 bucks more than originally priced i would. Thi would solve that pesky price gouging on ebay for old kits. Untill then some of my lego money goes to lepin. I would love to have a second haunted mansion to desplay and one to keep up for the grand kids
LEPIN brings out Monster Fighters HAUNTED HOUSE (16007)
If you dont use all capps, STAR WNRS is star wnrs. That n is real close to an a. Well close enough not to get sued. If chinese courts cared about outside companies copyright stuff anyway
fake lego sets....i bought 3 of them
I just bought a "ucs" super star destroyer from lepin. I dont know where you guys say the quality is not there. They do have issues with trans clear parts and mini figs look like what lego make 5 years ago. I just cant pay 1000 to 1500 for that lego set. I also bought the mil falc on presale. Spending 1200-1500 bucks with tons of rare parts subs was not going to happen either. Now, i wont buy current issue knock offs. The Cinderella castle is going to be knocked off by lepin. Ill get the real one after the ones that want it most get it. I will also buy a reissued mil falc and SSD if they ever figure out we will buy them. (All they have to do is reprint them. They should still have every mold to make the parts)
fake lego sets....i bought 3 of them
Abs plastic is abs plastic.
My Cavegod UCS build via cjd223's instructions
I send my profile pic to my wife when im mad at her and she says "i love you". Kinda sucks when she returns the favor
- Cavegod UCS AT-AT Instructions | "Walker Assault"
75098 Assault on Hoth
I totally passed on the Ewok village. It was silly and looked like a kid build. It is no more UCS than this hoth set is. I like the hoth base way better (it was my favorite sceen of all the movies). As for the high price, It looks like every new set they come out with has a higher and higher price. Some of the force awaken sets has 14 cents per piece. But it is very simple. Dont like dont buy. It will never be marked down to 150 so give up on that too. My favorite argument aginst this set is it is just a rehash of old kits put together. Buy all the sets on ebay and see what your cost is. Way more than 250 bucks. Every body forgets they were just
75098 Assault on Hoth
If they had tied up the shelf space with rehashes of each of the original sets and not put out the upcoming summer sets, would you be more or less happy? Im happy that they did this set the way they did. If you want it fine. Dont fine. New sets coming soon. If they had chosen a different set name, not called it a usc and charged 25 less it would have went over as a wash for everbody. Can anybody post a review or do you have to buy it to review. If anyone can post a review then i dont put any faith in it. Kinda like trashing out a buisnes that you have never visited on yelp because they did somethings aginst your political views.
75098 Assault on Hoth
I will say the price is as bad as the re animated jazz sceen in jabbas palace after lucas killed it. But i missed out on the first round of all this stuff. Now i get To get them all cheaper than the ebay peice of just one of the sets.
- [MOC] UCS Medical Frigate - Further Improvements and INSTRUCTIONS
75098 Assault on Hoth
Getting it started
- Is a Star Wars CMF line viable?
US May The 4th Exclusive VIP Event April 30 9-10AM
In the belly of a sarlac. Where they will be slowly digested over thousands of years. No seriously, have faith that the managers will do their jobs and do as instructed. I know i would not compromise my job to make a few quick bucks.
Is a Star Wars CMF line viable?
Well sorta. Why not put special printing on the mini fig series not on the set. Put in a few common snow troopers/sand troopers/ storm troopers and odd alien characters. Then put in special ones that people will really want to go after. That will entice people to buy more to get the one they want so after it is all said and done, you spent 236 dollars to get the one you wanted. These should be put in small boxes instead of the packs so it is a blind pull A gold vader or luke would also make people go bonkers to get their hands on more
US May The 4th Exclusive VIP Event April 30 9-10AM
Somepeople find joy in finding something un touched. I have the set. I wont be opening it and i will be bricklinking the set to have my cake and eat it too
US May The 4th Exclusive VIP Event April 30 9-10AM
Bricklinked set wont be worth the same as the official set in box to a collector
75098 Assault on Hoth
It is .116 of a dollar per peice. In line with ever other star wars set on the shelf.
75098 Assault on Hoth
i did some thinking. If you missed out on the sets that make up 75098 and had to go buy them on the secondary market, the cost would be 400-500 dollars. So it is a good price at 250$. Second. Many complain that it is not an UCS set. Well i dont feel it is a bonafide UCS set but it would still take up the same amount of space on the shelf as a real UCS set. Why should lego not try to pinch out a few more sales to the adult collectors. Third. People say it wont sell. I have found that forums make up around 4-5% of the population of the thing they are foruming. So people will buy this set. Lego is for Wealthy people. Or at least people with a lot of disposable income. So birthdays, Christmas bla bla bla and bla are not the only times that parents will buy this for their kids. I walkes out of the lego store many times with 200-300 dollars worth of sets for my son on just a summer trip. People say parts of it are badly designed. Is it not our job to make them better. People mod the best of the best built UCS sets. Bottom line. We are disappointed that is was not a falcon or ISD. I will get the set for two reasons. I dont have any hoth sets (my son and i quit lego for 3 years and did another hobbie) and i need something to buy to get the space slug set.
LEGO 75098 Assault on Hoth video review
So what do you buy to get up to $150 to get the space slug set. I have all the other sets i want. Ewok village is kinda in the same boat as this and the only set that i dont have. I have an invite to get in early and the money to buy it. I stopped collecting lego and missed the whole original runs of the sub sets. I have three at-at waiting to attack something, a table full of fakeO white 16x32 base plates and need to compete something. I may get the set and sell the two rebel pilots. Maybe i can get $20-25 each out of them offsetting the stuipd high cost and making it feel less of a gyp. If they had just left off the UCS labe nobody would care. Any discount will come 1-2 years down the road
US May The 4th Exclusive VIP Event April 30 9-10AM
The value wont be determined by how many peices, it will be determined by supply and demand. If each store only gets 30 sets then there will be collectors willing to pay big bucks if they missed out. I saw a leaked pick of it and what i saw was not impressive. Just that the limited number of kits in box is what attracted me. I dont have any exclusive sets. I probably need to hold on to it and retire off it
US May The 4th Exclusive VIP Event April 30 9-10AM
The day that i found out about this (2 weeks ago), I took my rump along with my cavegod at-at's head to my local lego store (2hr drive). I showed it off to the guys and explained that i was building the falcon next. I bought all the bricks off the wall they had for the falcon and inquired about the event. He went into the mumbo jumbo about i had to get an invite from a local aflo group. I was like dag. That is a let down. After i paid he sliped me an invite and a clipboard with a hush hush sign. Thanks to that dude. And you can draw out the box on photo shop.
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