Everything posted by lanesteele240
MOC: Pumpkin Factory
Very nice adding movement to the moc. Does the elevator go up and down and repeat or do you have to make it go each time
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 14 Rumors and Discussion
Ikr. Im new to lmf. But all the other sets before have 1-2 figs each that are worth getting Spooky girl. Hotdog guy, video gameboy, chicken guy, medusas, Bat boy. The dj, liberty, hazmat guy, mummy, and s2 witch. This set has 6 that I like and the rest are cool enough to keep. gargoyle, Witch s14, Both spectors, Trick or treater, black widow and the plant guy all rock. The others are cool as well with only squre foot and dutchman left that i wont want. I think they did a smash up job.
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
This may be true but. When i bought my track from them it came from the Me web site. It said nothing about a kickstart. It just looked like a regular old web site to order stuff off. If i was donating with the thought of something in return i did not know it. I just thought it was a normal store. I got my track and im very happy with it. I hope they can continue to supply our hobby for many years
No weaponry and violence in City sets?!
This can only end badly.
Mod 10220 + 10242
I want to fo the f40 in a different color like lime green. But that front fender is on in red.
Enjoy the Show Boys
Drop the trap music now please
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 14 Rumors and Discussion
10249 Winter Toy Shop
This is sooo true. Im not buying as many sets because the normal 24.99 set is now 29.99. The 119.99 set is now 139.99. That is a huge incease for nothing much more added
10249 Winter Toy Shop
Next modular. Kittys saloon But having more of the street lamps will be cool.
[MOC] Galaxy Train
I bought a set that had many on the parts needed for this build. It would have been much cheeper and effective to link the parts. I built the set to practice building and tore it down to use the parts.
[MOC] Cogsworth (and Lumiere) from Beauty and the Beast
Awesome work. Thank you for sharing
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 14 Rumors and Discussion
- LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 14 Rumors and Discussion
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 14 Rumors and Discussion
Im new to lego mini fig series. Do they only make 100 cases of them and miss out on all the money from the sales of them. Disappointing many costomers I went to my walmart today and dug around and got a hotdog man. I could tell what a few of the others were but the hot dog man was all i was interseted. Is it a good idea to buy them all.
10228. Brick link or buy used or skip
Im selling one emporium i have to offset some of the cost with some birthday money. I may only have to out of pocket the original 129 i paid for the emporium. The dark red may work. But the troule of brick linking is not worth it on a 2000 peice kit
- MOC: Seaside house + Millennium Falcon
10228. Brick link or buy used or skip
In a different color it would cost 15o usd or so. I dont think it would look good in any color but the rare ones. Light blush grey would not have enough contrast. Brown my look stupid.
10228. Brick link or buy used or skip
Thank u tkatt. I was just trolling brick link and it wont be viable to link this set. Like you say. The sand green is just not common. One guy will have 50 of these but nothing else. The 1x4 and 1x6 blocks are close to 50 bucks shipped. The modified 1x2 in light blueish grey another 20. I have not even priced the 1x1 sgreen block. 94 are needed. Anoter 20 bucks. And that is just the crust. The set will need to cost around 600 bucks and very rare before this is an option So im going to sell a few unopened kits and buy a opened kit off ebay as soon as i win one in the 300 dollar range. I can sell the books and mini figs to recoup some of the cash
- Teensietown (Microscale Modular Town)
10228. Brick link or buy used or skip
I want the monster fighters haunted mansion. Problem is i just cant pay 450 bucks US for it(minimum ebay). My question is could it be bricklinked for a reasonable amount. I know some of the rare bricks can be replaced. Like the printed 1x4 planks and the play functions and minis are not required for me. Or should i just keep waiting for a used kit to show back up for 300-350 bucks. We have a cool christmas set up and this would be cool for All hallows' eve. The real dumb thing is i had this in my hand at the lego store once. I did not want to carry it around the mall and decided to go back last to get it. Me and the wife got in a fuss and left the mall before we got back around to the lego store.
Lego Freight Train idea & instructions
And boom goes the dynomite
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
I got my track and i cant be happier. Very nice stuff. Im getting more. Just keep in mind that they are a small company( i did not know this). The only thing i could add to the guys at me is to just give a expected delivery date and if it cant be reached, give a reason. Im sure everyone here will understand
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
You are correcet. I would rather have the rails than not have them but im starting to feel that i gave them my 225 usd. I hope im wrong. After 30 days, paypal wont let you get your money back. So im stuck hoping. i want them to come through. I want them to win and be able to make a product that we can use. I have sent emails, forum replys and posted questions on their web site. I would just like to know when to expect them.
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
I did. But i got no reply
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
Anybody know how long it takes to get an order shipped. I ordered and paid over a month ago and no dice yet. I cant wait to get moving on my layout
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